To address some of the claims from the haters, since they never cease their bullshit and people shouldn't have to constantly go back a mile to see the truth:
I lie.
- I have never given out a release date with the intention and expectation of not hitting that release date. I do suck at predicting when I will finish, yes. But any time I give a date I fully intend to meet that date. But I will not release something that is not ready.
I released an update in order to keep the Patreon payment for that following month.
- Sort of. It's called a deadline. I self-imposed a hard deadline to disincentivize me from constantly editing, deleting, and re-doing scenes.
I release an update in order to avoid the abandoned tag on F95.
- That's such a stupid claim. An abandoned tag wouldn't affect my income. Not all my income comes from F95. In fact, according to my Patreon analytics, F95 is a minority of my income/traffic. I've said it a hundred times before: when I (or any dev) releases an update, we make money, when we don't we lose money. So an abandoned tag wouldn't matter because I'm losing money for not releasing an update anyways, and the abandoned tag would just be removed when I released an update and wouldn't affect my income at that point either.
They are preventing me from income, or what they consider saving people from a scam.
- Again, F95 is a minority of my income. They're not having an impact.
I've scammed people out of money.
- If a patron feels that I've scammed them I would honestly refund their money. If they're not dicks.
In conclusion: I'm just a dude trying to make the best VN I can make and give people an entertaining experience. I've got a lot of failings and these past few years have been the toughest of my life. I am hoping to do better and I'm not going to make any promises and I plan to simply show everyone with high quality content that will hopefully give people something else to talk about. I'm often available on discord if people want to actually talk to me about things. Thanks for reading!