I think I've come up with how updates to my game will be released, by area. By that I mean each update would add to it at least two new areas, maybe 3 depending on the size of said areas, a potential example would be my idea for the deserted island and Atlantis. The island would be a much smaller area then normal that leads to you accessing Atlantis, so whatever update containing them would likely have 3 new areas in total. The demo will focus on New York (the central hub of the game) and Gotham, with other areas only being accessible with one room. A potential example being if I put say Power Girl in the demo, when you go to Metropolis to see her the only place in Metropolis you'd have access to is her home with the rest of the city being fully unlocked in a later release.
Sorry for these kinda random out of nowhere posts about the game, got a lot of free time now and if I don't right these things done I'll forget what I have planned.