Okay, I got some bad news and then there's even more bad news but it all as to do with me and working on this...
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to really put down some notes. I got so many things I'm doing IRL I won't be able to work on this at all. Priorities are to get my IRL stuff in order and because of that, I can't really get into the story and trying to make it somewhat functional.
I wish I could do more, but I'm more or less a ghost on this one.
So if anyone wants to take my advice on how to make the story decent or not, this is just my take. Use it or ignore it...
First off, I always considered the magic in this game to be very similar to an addiction. Corruption and Purification can be considered that Pete wants to control and force corruption while Purification is about the lady's inhibitions turning down while their meters go up.
This allows for Peter to basically be the main person that Neela can use to corrupt women being that he's basically a horny kid that can get what he wants. Neela, having similar powers, could be explained as having some resistance to this but also succumbing to it. I'd like to think that there's a sort of attraction of powers that would explain that. Maybe it softens her up when Peter is pure? You guys decide...
The politics of the demon world should be that Meridian isn't the only one there. She has someone she's against. I know that some people were throwing out the idea of a hermaphrodite. *shrug*
Maybe as the demon world expands, Peter could play a role in that but a small one. As I had thought elsewhere, I considered that beyond the scope of Peter who just wants big tittied girls to bang every which way. Domination of a demon world and the creation of a new demon queen? Who does that sound like?
Which gets us into the stepmother... I'd like to think that after the principal, there should be an administrator then the stepmother. For Peter, it could be a means to an end in helping Neela who gives him just enough of a teaser to get to the other women in the way of the one that got to Neela. Just for story ideas, the administrator having access to Neela's stepmother's address in the city could be the key to unlocking her.
In this way, the progression of women are those around Peter, and that focuses the content enough to be a more complete game. I know some people want to expand the park girls, but overall, that content is filler. Nergal was focused on some girls as a high priority and others as very low and that's for good reason. The content needed for 10+ girls while not expanding the story was pretty high and we can see that as the game has grown.
Overall, these are some of my last ideas on the game. I wish I could have helped more but IRL crap interferes.
I'll still be around and lurking. I'll probably come in every now and again to comment and such. I just wish I had the time to do more like I'd wanted to a while back.