4.10 star(s) 54 Votes


Active Member
Aug 8, 2016
truth you can't like shota and not axe loli that a true contradiction if i ever say one
Difference between Loli and Shota is undeniable.

Loli lovers specifically like underage girls.

Straight shota lovers specifically like role playing as the under age boy (self inserting) because every kid has grown up with Milfs throughout their life.

Normal shota (liking underage boys) is the same as loli but straight shota is entirely different. I don't mind straight shota but I don't care for underage boys and have never been turned on by them. That's pretty gross imo (not judging you if you're into it though, as long as it's strictly a fetish) but I do like imagining myself as the younger guy getting it on with some THICC Milfs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2017
Demo is short for demonstration. The purpose of a demo is to show off something to make sure it's working as intended/expected before releasing the final product. Understand?
I know what demo mean OK but where
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Aug 22, 2017
0 chance.
Hey Nergal, since this is taking its own direction in that regard. How about doing this since it will add more possible milfs and interactions into the story, thus more you can do, more patreons you can get and more milfy-milfy stuff.

By the way, are you going to allow any gilfs like what Chilly has made as a mod to your game with Grandma Suzzie.

Since we are going more into immersion, how about you consider this possible proposal. This going to be a bit lengthy and as today is my birthday, I'm bit a generous in offering considerable detail for what can help improve certain areas of the game.

1) Perhaps you can tell me what type of area this city concerns? Is this an American city? In that case, I don't understand why Mrs. Amos house isn't connected to a street. To me it feels like your house is the only one connected to a street that you can drive on and thus everyone else that lives behind your house, say Mrs. Amos is more like a tenant to these extra houses your family owns, making your mother a landlord. Which is pretty cool when you think about it and it would explain where she gets her income.

If you could expand on that you could have interactions between the mother and Mrs. Amos. Otherwise, I would like to know if it is typical to have a neighborhood situation like that. I am not aware of every type of neighborhood or barrio that exists, so... if that was perhaps explained a bit or I altered I guess then it might make it easier to understand. I suspect Jonathan, Mrs. Amos's boyfriend (I guess) has a job and therefore should have a car. It just seems a bit odd that their house isn't connected to a street. I know I don't have access to the street in your version 9 demo, so I don't know if you are working on that.

However, the whole tenant and landlord bit is quite awesome angle to work with if you think about it. A lot of potential for possible interactions and sexual situations like since you are the son of the landlord, you can force Mrs. Amos to do whatever you want. Very easy blackmailing. And not necessarily you doing the blackmailing, it could be the mother who is blackmailing for something, maybe even something sexual with Mrs. Amos.

Ms. Amos: "I will get the rent next week, I promise."

Ms. Solomon: "No... Not good enough. If I wait another week that hurts my reputation and I like being a fair and reasonable woman."

Ms. Amos: "Well, I'll do anything."

Ms. Solomon: "Hmm... suck my vag."

Ms. Amos: "Do what?"

Mrs. Solomon: "You heard me. Dealing with you had put me under quite an amount of stress and I need to relieve such stress if I am to be fair as well as reasonable with this situation. If you help remedy that stress I have, I'll gladly overlook this incident for the time being."

Then the MC watches Ms. Amos licking his mom's vagina.

Peter: "OMG! What is Ms. Amos doing with Mom." *Sudden hard-on*

2) How does Peter know what sex is? I think it would be more stimulating to have Peter more unaware of the world around him, more naive and thereby easy to fool by women around him for their own convenience. You got of get this already with Sarah from the Park. However, it needs to be done in such a way that no matter which lady/girl (your sister counts as a girl) you start with, they have to initiate their perversion onto you before you can go around wanting to fuck anyone you came across.

3) Also with the purity, corruption and blackmailing bit, which I like you went with three possible avenues with story progression. There needs to be a theme with each of them. I suspect purity should be the woman wanting you more than you wanting her. Corruption being you wanting her. And blackmail being an economic incentive on progressing the story. So basically, you get raped by the woman if you act all pure. There is an indian sex story on exhentai. Sorry, there was a series of Indian sex stories on exhentai. They were removed. But it appears to have its own website, velamma dot com. It is about a very innocent or pure individual, but she gets everyone around her including male and female relatives wanting to rape her because she is too irresistible. I suspect that is how you plan to go with Peter, make him an irresistible shouta, correct? You might want to take a look at some of those stores to see how a pure route of story progression should flow. I suspect that milftoons is the best approach for corruption. Blackmail would be interesting, it would basically be the same as corruption, but not necessarily. I mean if you just haggle your way into a woman's panties it wouldn't really be much different other than you are not using pleasure and your uncontrollable lust. Perhaps it could function both ways and be an effective way of getting money during key parts of the story, so not only could be put into a situation of forcing a woman to giver herself to you, but the same could be done to you as well. Well to Peter to be correct. I can certainly see Neala/Nessa trying to do that to Peter.

4) I don't recall any schools where you had a teacher doing all subject contents. That is bit too much. I know you don't want to animate an entire school with the ridiculous extent of unnecessary extra content that would make, but you do not have to. I might be speaking out of experience as a former high school teacher, but hey education is my thing and when I see it, I get quite vocal just as a someone who loves cars or guns gets vocal about that. But I do think Peter should have more than one teacher. I love Mrs. Michelle Jennings, but... to be realistic she shouldn't be your homeroom teacher, your math teacher, your history teacher, your science teacher, English teacher and gym teacher and you shouldn't have just two classes each day either. Also I think that is being very hard on her to do all of those classes. Strange someone can actually care about a sex cartoon character, but come on give the poor hottie a break. That is also bit ridiculous in a structural sense of how a school should operate. I know that this isn't real and school's structure is not important. However, it would help add more milfs into the game. This would involve some alterations in game progressions.

You can also still keep her with her gym outfit as sometimes teachers will cover another's class, especially if the school doesn't allow nor have the money for substitutes, which I noticed a lot when I was teaching.

Now most games have three or four established day periods. In reality, it should be by the hour with only the night being segmented by two or three possible segments, Midnight and Twilight (the hours between Midnight and dawn).

This would be much more well organized in terms of realism if you are not including any lolicon action and also make it possible to interact with more people on a daily basis, which can help restructure the story aspect to demonstrate interactivity you would expect in a incest in the city sort of style you are going here.

Just some thoughts.

Difference between Loli and Shota is undeniable.

Loli lovers specifically like underage girls.

Straight shota lovers specifically like role playing as the under age boy (self inserting) because every kid has grown up with Milfs throughout their life.

Normal shota (liking underage boys) is the same as loli but straight shota is entirely different. I don't mind straight shota but I don't care for underage boys and have never been turned on by them. That's pretty gross imo (not judging you if you're into it though, as long as it's strictly a fetish) but I do like imagining myself as the younger guy getting it on with some THICC Milfs.
It is not straight shouta if you have to see the boy's penis. It is also not straight shouta if you have to see the kid's face with his penis. In the four elements trainer, sex game off the Last Avatar, in the Water Nation bit you play as this robed person with a mask of Aang hinting you are this anonymous person.

We can literally see who Peter is and he even has more of an entry or agency on what to say and do than we have. So it is not self-insertion here. This is just Normal Shouta at best.

If it was true Straight Shouta, you probably would still see a penis, but your face would be quite anonymous, sort of like certain hentais where you don't see the person who the woman is fucking. The Poke-Conquest game (Pokemon Cosplay Sex Game) is one of those. Also you would have more agency based on your own decisions rather than inputting on the characterization of the boy you are playing as. Otherwise, it is not really you being a little boy. It is you controlling a little boy. Get what I am saying?

The only reason we don't have Loli is due to Nergal's personal preferences, not anything else really. He did the same thing with AZL in which you had nothing but milfs, I don't think your hot pink haired sister (blonde in Urban Demons) counts as a milf.

Depend on how you look at age, sex with any girl under the age of 18 is loli or not, she doesn't count as a milf and neither does Neala/Nessa.

However, you do see the boy's penis and his face and that is enough sexual attraction to the boy for this to be of interest for those who like that kind of stuff. So similar to Incestral Awakening, this can be for Shouta lovers as well.

Just saying.

I wonder if it is possible for Milf cartoon game like this but with VR. The ultimate straight Shouta experience.
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Jun 3, 2017
Hey Nergal, since this is taking its own direction in that regard. How about doing this since it will add more possible milfs and interactions into the story, thus more you can do, more patreons you can get and more milfy-milfy stuff.

By the way, are you going to allow any gilfs like what Chilly has made as a mod to your game with Grandma Suzzie.

Since we are going more into immersion, how about you consider this possible proposal. This going to be a bit lengthy and as today is my birthday, I'm bit a generous in offering considerable detail for what can help improve certain areas of the game.

1) Perhaps you can tell me what type of area this city concerns? Is this an American city? In that case, I don't understand why Mrs. Amos house isn't connected to a street. To me it feels like your house is the only one connected to a street that you can drive on and thus everyone else that lives behind your house, say Mrs. Amos is more like a tenant to these extra houses your family owns, making your mother a landlord. Which is pretty cool when you think about it and it would explain where she gets her income.

If you could expand on that you could have interactions between the mother and Mrs. Amos. Otherwise, I would like to know if it is typical to have a neighborhood situation like that. I am not aware of every type of neighborhood or barrio that exists, so... if that was perhaps explained a bit or I altered I guess then it might make it easier to understand. I suspect Jonathan, Mrs. Amos's boyfriend (I guess) has a job and therefore should have a car. It just seems a bit odd that their house isn't connected to a street. I know I don't have access to the street in your version 9 demo, so I don't know if you are working on that.

However, the whole tenant and landlord bit is quite awesome angle to work with if you think about it. A lot of potential for possible interactions and sexual situations like since you are the son of the landlord, you can force Mrs. Amos to do whatever you want. Very easy blackmailing. And not necessarily you doing the blackmailing, it could be the mother who is blackmailing for something, maybe even something sexual with Mrs. Amos.

Ms. Amos: "I will get the rent next week, I promise."

Ms. Solomon: "No... Not good enough. If I wait another week that hurts my reputation and I like being a fair and reasonable woman."

Ms. Amos: "Well, I'll do anything."

Ms. Solomon: "Hmm... suck my vag."

Ms. Amos: "Do what?"

Mrs. Solomon: "You heard me. Dealing with you had put me under quite an amount of stress and I need to relieve such stress if I am to be fair as well as reasonable with this situation. If you help remedy that stress I have, I'll gladly overlook this incident for the time being."

Then the MC watches Ms. Amos licking his mom's vagina.

Peter: "OMG! What is Ms. Amos doing with Mom." *Sudden hard-on*

2) How does Peter know what sex is? I think it would be more stimulating to have Peter more unaware of the world around him, more naive and thereby easy to fool by women around him for their own convenience. You got of get this already with Sarah from the Park. However, it needs to be done in such a way that no matter which lady/girl (your sister counts as a girl) you start with, they have to initiate their perversion onto you before you can go around wanting to fuck anyone you came across.

3) Also with the purity, corruption and blackmailing bit, which I like you went with three possible avenues with story progression. There needs to be a theme with each of them. I suspect purity should be the woman wanting you more than you wanting her. Corruption being you wanting her. And blackmail being an economic incentive on progressing the story. So basically, you get raped by the woman if you act all pure. There is an indian sex story on exhentai. Sorry, there was a series of Indian sex stories on exhentai. They were removed. But it appears to have its own website, velamma dot com. It is about a very innocent or pure individual, but she gets everyone around her including male and female relatives wanting to rape her because she is too irresistible. I suspect that is how you plan to go with Peter, make him an irresistible shouta, correct? You might want to take a look at some of those stores to see how a pure route of story progression should flow. I suspect that milftoons is the best approach for corruption. Blackmail would be interesting, it would basically be the same as corruption, but not necessarily. I mean if you just haggle your way into a woman's panties it wouldn't really be much different other than you are not using pleasure and your uncontrollable lust. Perhaps it could function both ways and be an effective way of getting money during key parts of the story, so not only could be put into a situation of forcing a woman to giver herself to you, but the same could be done to you as well. Well to Peter to be correct. I can certainly see Neala/Nessa trying to do that to Peter.

4) I don't recall any schools where you had a teacher doing all subject contents. That is bit too much. I know you don't want to animate an entire school with the ridiculous extent of unnecessary extra content that would make, but you do not have to. I might be speaking out of experience as a former high school teacher, but hey education is my thing and when I see it, I get quite vocal just as a someone who loves cars or guns gets vocal about that. But I do think Peter should have more than one teacher. I love Mrs. Michelle Jennings, but... to be realistic she shouldn't be your homeroom teacher, your math teacher, your history teacher, your science teacher, English teacher and gym teacher and you shouldn't have just two classes each day either. Also I think that is being very hard on her to do all of those classes. Strange someone can actually care about a sex cartoon character, but come on give the poor hottie a break. That is also bit ridiculous in a structural sense of how a school should operate. I know that this isn't real and school's structure is not important. However, it would help add more milfs into the game. This would involve some alterations in game progressions.

You can also still keep her with her gym outfit as sometimes teachers will cover another's class, especially if the school doesn't allow nor have the money for substitutes, which I noticed a lot when I was teaching.

Now most games have three or four established day periods. In reality, it should be by the hour with only the night being segmented by two or three possible segments, Midnight and Twilight (the hours between Midnight and dawn).

This would be much more well organized in terms of realism if you are not including any lolicon action and also make it possible to interact with more people on a daily basis, which can help restructure the story aspect to demonstrate interactivity you would expect in a incest in the city sort of style you are going here.

Just some thoughts.
I must say, these are some terrible ideas, in my honest opinion..


Active Member
Apr 28, 2017
Hey Nergal, since this is taking its own direction in that regard. How about doing this since it will add more possible milfs and interactions into the story, thus more you can do, more patreons you can get and more milfy-milfy stuff.

By the way, are you going to allow any gilfs like what Chilly has made as a mod to your game with Grandma Suzzie.

Since we are going more into immersion, how about you consider this possible proposal. This going to be a bit lengthy and as today is my birthday, I'm bit a generous in offering considerable detail for what can help improve certain areas of the game.

1) Perhaps you can tell me what type of area this city concerns? Is this an American city? In that case, I don't understand why Mrs. Amos house isn't connected to a street. To me it feels like your house is the only one connected to a street that you can drive on and thus everyone else that lives behind your house, say Mrs. Amos is more like a tenant to these extra houses your family owns, making your mother a landlord. Which is pretty cool when you think about it and it would explain where she gets her income.

If you could expand on that you could have interactions between the mother and Mrs. Amos. Otherwise, I would like to know if it is typical to have a neighborhood situation like that. I am not aware of every type of neighborhood or barrio that exists, so... if that was perhaps explained a bit or I altered I guess then it might make it easier to understand. I suspect Jonathan, Mrs. Amos's boyfriend (I guess) has a job and therefore should have a car. It just seems a bit odd that their house isn't connected to a street. I know I don't have access to the street in your version 9 demo, so I don't know if you are working on that.

However, the whole tenant and landlord bit is quite awesome angle to work with if you think about it. A lot of potential for possible interactions and sexual situations like since you are the son of the landlord, you can force Mrs. Amos to do whatever you want. Very easy blackmailing. And not necessarily you doing the blackmailing, it could be the mother who is blackmailing for something, maybe even something sexual with Mrs. Amos.

Ms. Amos: "I will get the rent next week, I promise."

Ms. Solomon: "No... Not good enough. If I wait another week that hurts my reputation and I like being a fair and reasonable woman."

Ms. Amos: "Well, I'll do anything."

Ms. Solomon: "Hmm... suck my vag."

Ms. Amos: "Do what?"

Mrs. Solomon: "You heard me. Dealing with you had put me under quite an amount of stress and I need to relieve such stress if I am to be fair as well as reasonable with this situation. If you help remedy that stress I have, I'll gladly overlook this incident for the time being."

Then the MC watches Ms. Amos licking his mom's vagina.

Peter: "OMG! What is Ms. Amos doing with Mom." *Sudden hard-on*

2) How does Peter know what sex is? I think it would be more stimulating to have Peter more unaware of the world around him, more naive and thereby easy to fool by women around him for their own convenience. You got of get this already with Sarah from the Park. However, it needs to be done in such a way that no matter which lady/girl (your sister counts as a girl) you start with, they have to initiate their perversion onto you before you can go around wanting to fuck anyone you came across.

3) Also with the purity, corruption and blackmailing bit, which I like you went with three possible avenues with story progression. There needs to be a theme with each of them. I suspect purity should be the woman wanting you more than you wanting her. Corruption being you wanting her. And blackmail being an economic incentive on progressing the story. So basically, you get raped by the woman if you act all pure. There is an indian sex story on exhentai. Sorry, there was a series of Indian sex stories on exhentai. They were removed. But it appears to have its own website, velamma dot com. It is about a very innocent or pure individual, but she gets everyone around her including male and female relatives wanting to rape her because she is too irresistible. I suspect that is how you plan to go with Peter, make him an irresistible shouta, correct? You might want to take a look at some of those stores to see how a pure route of story progression should flow. I suspect that milftoons is the best approach for corruption. Blackmail would be interesting, it would basically be the same as corruption, but not necessarily. I mean if you just haggle your way into a woman's panties it wouldn't really be much different other than you are not using pleasure and your uncontrollable lust. Perhaps it could function both ways and be an effective way of getting money during key parts of the story, so not only could be put into a situation of forcing a woman to giver herself to you, but the same could be done to you as well. Well to Peter to be correct. I can certainly see Neala/Nessa trying to do that to Peter.

4) I don't recall any schools where you had a teacher doing all subject contents. That is bit too much. I know you don't want to animate an entire school with the ridiculous extent of unnecessary extra content that would make, but you do not have to. I might be speaking out of experience as a former high school teacher, but hey education is my thing and when I see it, I get quite vocal just as a someone who loves cars or guns gets vocal about that. But I do think Peter should have more than one teacher. I love Mrs. Michelle Jennings, but... to be realistic she shouldn't be your homeroom teacher, your math teacher, your history teacher, your science teacher, English teacher and gym teacher and you shouldn't have just two classes each day either. Also I think that is being very hard on her to do all of those classes. Strange someone can actually care about a sex cartoon character, but come on give the poor hottie a break. That is also bit ridiculous in a structural sense of how a school should operate. I know that this isn't real and school's structure is not important. However, it would help add more milfs into the game. This would involve some alterations in game progressions.

You can also still keep her with her gym outfit as sometimes teachers will cover another's class, especially if the school doesn't allow nor have the money for substitutes, which I noticed a lot when I was teaching.

Now most games have three or four established day periods. In reality, it should be by the hour with only the night being segmented by two or three possible segments, Midnight and Twilight (the hours between Midnight and dawn).

This would be much more well organized in terms of realism if you are not including any lolicon action and also make it possible to interact with more people on a daily basis, which can help restructure the story aspect to demonstrate interactivity you would expect in a incest in the city sort of style you are going here.

Just some thoughts.

It is not straight shouta if you have to see the boy's penis. It is also not straight shouta if you have to see the kid's face with his penis. In the four elements trainer, sex game off the Last Avatar, in the Water Nation bit you play as this robed person with a mask of Aang hinting you are this anonymous person.

We can literally see who Peter is and he even has more of an entry or agency on what to say and do than we have. So it is not self-insertion here. This is just Normal Shouta at best.

If it was true Straight Shouta, you probably would still see a penis, but your face would be quite anonymous, sort of like certain hentais where you don't see the person who the woman is fucking. The Poke-Conquest game (Pokemon Cosplay Sex Game) is one of those. Also you would have more agency based on your own decisions rather than inputting on the characterization of the boy you are playing as. Otherwise, it is not really you being a little boy. It is you controlling a little boy. Get what I am saying?

The only reason we don't have Loli is due to Nergal's personal preferences, not anything else really. He did the same thing with AZL in which you had nothing but milfs, I don't think your hot pink haired sister (blonde in Urban Demons) counts as a milf.

Depend on how you look at age, sex with any girl under the age of 18 is loli or not, she doesn't count as a milf and neither does Neala/Nessa.

However, you do see the boy's penis and his face and that is enough sexual attraction to the boy for this to be of interest for those who like that kind of stuff. So similar to Incestral Awakening, this can be for Shouta lovers as well.

Just saying.

I wonder if it is possible for Milf cartoon game like this but with VR. The ultimate straight Shouta experience.
if you post this in the discord suggestion box he will see it sooner. check his for more detail on how to access the discord

I must say, these are some terrible ideas, in my honest opinion..
i concur

is there any chance of us fucking some of the lolis, like Alison and Amanda
if it any thing that doesn't evolved milfs/milf like teens. there's 0 chance for it to be in UD
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Active Member
Apr 28, 2017
And sexy demons/mythical creatures, remember the Fae Queen is a thing
the demons, and fae queen have the same body type as the milfs. also we don't talk about snek and there will never be another none milf form creature added into the game i think


Jul 12, 2017
Just for fun (and to take a step away from this weird loli/shota debate), my favorite UD girls:

1. Mrs. Jennings
2. Kimberly
3. Neala
4. Sydney
5. Dizzy
6. Sarah/Lisa (I think of them as a unit, tbh)
7. Ms Amos
8. Kaylee
9. Mom (or should we start referring to her as Brigette now?)
10. Donna

Naughty Underworld

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 4, 2018
Hey Nergal, since this is taking its own direction in that regard. How about doing this since it will add more possible milfs and interactions into the story, thus more you can do, more patreons you can get and more milfy-milfy stuff.
Hey, thanks for your considerable input! I'll reply to your points as best as I can! But what do you mean by "doing this"? I'm not sure what this is, in this context. :)

By the way, are you going to allow any gilfs like what Chilly has made as a mod to your game with Grandma Suzzie.
No gilfs planned at this time.

This going to be a bit lengthy and as today is my birthday, I'm bit a generous in offering considerable detail for what can help improve certain areas of the game.
Happy birthday!

Ms Amos Location stuff...
It's not really any "real" location. So neither European or States based. Just a mesh of different influences, but really it's just a backdrop. I wouldn't concern with going into so much depth. A lot of the aspects of the game are left open for the player to fill in, such as character's ethnicity.

As for your Brigette x Ms Amos suggestion, it's not really in Brigette's character to do that (though totally in Ms Amos' to be willing to do it!)

2) How does Peter know what sex is? I think it would be more stimulating to have Peter more unaware of the world around him, more naive and thereby easy to fool by women around him for their own convenience. You got of get this already with Sarah from the Park. However, it needs to be done in such a way that no matter which lady/girl (your sister counts as a girl) you start with, they have to initiate their perversion onto you before you can go around wanting to fuck anyone you came across.
Well, demons are involved... ;) However, I covered the naive MC approach in A Zombie's Life and didn't fancy repeating it all over again.

3) Also with the purity, corruption and blackmailing bit, which I like you went with three possible avenues with story progression. There needs to be a theme with each of them. I suspect purity should be the woman wanting you more than you wanting her. Corruption being you wanting her. And blackmail being an economic incentive on progressing the story. So basically, you get raped by the woman if you act all pure. There is an indian sex story on exhentai. Sorry, there was a series of Indian sex stories on exhentai. They were removed. But it appears to have its own website, velamma dot com. It is about a very innocent or pure individual, but she gets everyone around her including male and female relatives wanting to rape her because she is too irresistible. I suspect that is how you plan to go with Peter, make him an irresistible shouta, correct? You might want to take a look at some of those stores to see how a pure route of story progression should flow. I suspect that milftoons is the best approach for corruption. Blackmail would be interesting, it would basically be the same as corruption, but not necessarily. I mean if you just haggle your way into a woman's panties it wouldn't really be much different other than you are not using pleasure and your uncontrollable lust. Perhaps it could function both ways and be an effective way of getting money during key parts of the story, so not only could be put into a situation of forcing a woman to giver herself to you, but the same could be done to you as well. Well to Peter to be correct. I can certainly see Neala/Nessa trying to do that to Peter.
There is already a theme to each of these. Affection/Purity is your traditional white knight approach. Complementing the women, undercutting their partner by being something they aren't. Corruption is more about unleashing an NPC's sexual desires and lust and using that against them in a way, to weaken their resolve and convince them into banging you. Blackmail is similar to Corruption (the two paths usually end up in the same place), but initially the NPC is not enjoying it, but once she realises how good she's getting it, she changes her tune!

Teacher stuff
Actually it's not uncommon in some countries for a teacher to teach all subjects.

Now most games have three or four established day periods. In reality, it should be by the hour with only the night being segmented by two or three possible segments, Midnight and Twilight (the hours between Midnight and dawn).

This would be much more well organized in terms of realism if you are not including any lolicon action and also make it possible to interact with more people on a daily basis, which can help restructure the story aspect to demonstrate interactivity you would expect in a incest in the city sort of style you are going here.
I'd prefer not to do that, since it would create a lot of "dead time" where nothing is happening and player's and skipping to the correct hour. I'd rather separate it into 5 distinct time periods. Time no longer advances after watching a scene, so it should be much easier to unlock everything without having to skip days.

Naughty Underworld

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 4, 2018
Just for fun (and to take a step away from this weird loli/shota debate), my favorite UD girls:

1. Mrs. Jennings
2. Kimberly
3. Neala
4. Sydney
5. Dizzy
6. Sarah/Lisa (I think of them as a unit, tbh)
7. Ms Amos
8. Kaylee
9. Mom (or should we start referring to her as Brigette now?)
10. Donna
I really enjoy seeing people's personal preferences! :D One thing I will say, with 0.9 you will less likely consider Sarah & Lisa a unit. ^^
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2017
cool Nergal is actually on this forum as well, may remember me as Notretsam when commenting on your patreon page.
4.10 star(s) 54 Votes