Hey all! It's been a while, and I'm sorry for the delay in communication as a well as a build.
When last I updated I mentioned about doing smaller builds to try and get work out quicker, and that is still the plan.
I know a few people have been worried that this project has died or something, but I assure you, it's not (or even remotely close!) Glassfish has done a fantastic job keeping the art on track, but unfortunately the slip has come on my end. Mainly due to real life circumstances things have been fairly rough for the past month and has kept me away somewhat from the project.
Work has been done where I've been able to do some, but it's not been anywhere close to what I would have liked. The map rework coding has been done (and was actually quite enjoyable to work on!). I've mainly been working on the eventing for the new public pool location and the highschool.
The aim is to get this smaller build out for next week (likely next Friday or Saturday), but I'll let you know if that changes. I'm sorry for the lack of communication on my part, I know a month is a long time, but honestly this past month has kind of flew by for me. I'll do my best to make sure that communication improves going forward!
Also there will be another AMA on 12th for all $10+ patrons. Hop over to the discord around 9pm GMT, for a chance to talk with myself and Glass!
- Nergal