mindbreak end for the girls is not really vanilla ma dudes.
not like people who play this expect that kind of route anyway
that is the... `kinda`... part
I would argue there is no mind break involved since all heroines maintain perfect faculty of their brain at all times. They just got very tired over all the orgasms... with his God Fingerrr...
Damn. 5 minutes from dry to orgasm... that is very difficult to achieve in real life...
And only 1 heroine that is being blackmailed in the end because she had a boyfriend
1 girl actually wants the hero
the other 2 go to him for the pleasure...
The protagonist is also not a complete ass, he only broke his brain because he lacks lust management in his life... his final motive is to give as much pleasure as possible to all 4 girls without breaking them.
This game reminds me of an old molest 3d game... Itazura Gokuaku and its sequel, Ichazura Gokuaku...
Started with a molest, ended up with a harem.