Hey dev, this is amazing work. I loved the bell toller so much. Boi, that was a perfect beauty. Shame, though I couldn't have her at my palace. It was slightly different from what I thought. I was thinking of an infiltration quest with you somehow gaining an edge on a Bell Toller with the domiance/seduction path. Though this was very good too. I must admit, I was surprised when that cunt king broke the rules of parley and imprisoned Karder. I prefer seducing wenches and my dungeon remains empty but that was the moment I decided : "Bitch, just wait. Let me get out just once and I will have your wife dancing on my dick, infront of you forever, while you whimper and jerk off in a jail cell". Reneka-Maal was one hell of a sexy beauty. I know the ultimate decision is yours, but I would like to suggest a future act 2 quest of queen Xeneny where you travel back to the "land of tainted" and have a family "reunion" with reneka, Erela, queen Xeneny and our kids. How about a foursome?