1. It's actually worth asking - while Percy doesn't *want* to be a doctor, why doesn't the PC gain a official midwife or type that specializes in child delivery? Seems like that may be something they want a bit closer to home the larger the tribe grows.
2. Huh. Foxxy is tied to Nafsu? Weird.
3. Okay, so speaking of weird, something isn't quite working with the stat array for origin specific futas regarding bewwwwwbs.
4. Oh. Looks like unless there's a update feature or something, any player in futa form from an older save also isn't reading correctly.
Edit: False alarm. At first it has an issue, but it updates with a second look. All it took was save edit to the bust value to 'fix' the Gob or Last of Line, not that it's super neccessary as both stories are just beginning with those types.
5. While it's (mostly) theatre of the mind, how does one ramp up their bust to ten (I feel there's missing an obvious joke by taking the stat up to eleven)? Uh, other than infestation because ick.
6. Conversly, for the flat is justice crew, is there a way to lower the size while keeping your bits?
7. If you are futa mode the body doesn't alter with the potions for the most part. Or does it require the Bess transformation potion thing? I think I saw that once.
So it looks like to bring Foxxy/Nog into the world it requires relations with either
9. Avee is definately my pick then, mostly because that means she gets some boosted potential character development as a mom, perhaps.
10. Are both Avee and Mariko intentionally white haired, or is that just how it ended up?
11. Strange. Bill seems to have no options for the horizontal bop with a futa Steelwind. I thought this was fixed?
12. Gob caves are being funky (as a prisoner). The option to choose kitsune to bang or gobs to service is missing (checked as elf and human).
13. Funky. Is there a trigger for the elf being able to get knocked up? 96 relation from being violated by gobs, but no bun in the oven. When I tried it with the human it was almost immediate.