I played the final version now and I must say that it is truely a femdom game highlight.
I totally liked the femdom kinks, especially all the toilet stuff and endings. (But I avoided the gay-content and the dom-content completly)
Furthermore, I really appreciate the slow start of the relationships and their slow escalation as well as their extreme endings. That the realtionships start quite normal, is something i sadly rarely see. Somehow similar, I liked the normal world setting. (Sci-Fi and Fantasy would be a turn-off for me.)
If I can complain about something, than there are the unskippable video-sequences. (RPGmaker Games are already a pain in the ass, if you have to redo all the game for the new content.)
Of course, I'm very hyped about the new femdom game announcement.
I hope, there will also be some kind of forced femdom path, where the MC ended up against his will in slavery, tricked and played by some mean bitch.
That way, if the MC is asked again in the end: "How did you end up here?", he doesn't have to answer "I was just a bit stupid to agree to all that".