IMHO you have right, (especially when you talk about "repeatable actions") but someone can appreciate Anal, I've got one question, with some of my Ex-Gf we made Anal sex, but we come to it before normal sex, in an Incest story can be "reasonable" that the girl wants to "stay sure" before giving away her pussy?
Said that I think this is a very good game and I hope for an update
My only thing about it not being sex is, in the game itself they made a point in the session with the therapist to say that it is not (to them) considered sex. If you remember too, Mom was saying yes to vaginal sex at that time, until you started to get some.
As for the reserving pussy, and going anal to preserve until they're sure of the relationship. I think they're well past the point of what kind of relationship it is. If she was preserving pussy sex because of virginal issues, well none of the kids would have been born.
My point is that she already views incest as her fetish, so that's a barrier that should not be a stopper at this point in the game. I just wanted to say that, even though I appreciate the fact that some like anal, I don't and would have liked, the fact to actually choose to have vaginal rather than anal at that particular point. Or better have the option of one or the other, so it would cater to both lovers.
My past experiences, most of the women didn't go anal until they were getting bored with the same old, same old and weren't into role play so much. Most I've been with didn't like anal either, but neither did I, so it didn't bother me at all. We would just alter our dating/romance to compensate for the same humdrum routine.
Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not bashing this game. I love playing this one and think Marvel is doing good work. I'm sorry he had to go through the eye surgery, and I hope he doesn't have any more problems with it in the future.
Thank you
@tarzanello22 for letting me chat with you Brother, you are awesome!!..................Peace!!