I've been spending all my waking time on Vinland for two weeks! Release is coming soon(ish).
That makes me super happy, because I only found this beautiful thing today through the banner in someone's sig, and boy am I glad I did!
EDIT Oh, one thing. Freyfrey's World of White speech sounded oddly familiar and
extremely anime, is that a reference to something? It just really reminds me of
something, but I can't seem to figure out what.
EDIT And another thing! Will the Scholar/Warrior paths remain completely locked behind their respective longboats? I have to ask, because I would be lying if the idea of seeing Freyfrey getting woo'd by a super-nerd doesn't appeal to me.
You know, I'm feeling kinda filthy editing this after someone already Reacted to it, do you folks think one should edit or just post again in this situation?