Patreon Update
Happy You Near
Lovely is the pussy, may the prick fill it up!
I have been busy this past week, but I can't really show you the result of this as this is mainly writing time for me (and not so much time, what with the festivities and such).
As of this moment, I'm working on what I call the B plot, which consists of Warrior Gudrid and Scholar Freydis parts. As some of you may know, I intend to have the game last 7 chapters, with each chapter being quite longer than a simpler update and filled with determining choices. Replayability is a big part of what I try to achieve, and this is how I found it best to divide the story. Rest assured that I have the main pivot points of the story, and that it will be quite different depending on your choices.
For the sake of finally releasing what I worked on, I divided the first chapter into several releases, but the plan has always been thus:
Introduction - from the flashback part tp the choice of a ship to board.
Part 1 - divided into 4 paths: WF, SG, SF and WG, which you understand now stand for Warrior and Scholar first, then Gudrid and Freydis. Each path should have a different feel, and I wanted scholar types to be able to pursue Freyfrey, and vice versa with Gudrid.
Interlude - One for each ship, with some difference regarding the path chosen, of course, but this should be done fairly quickly as it should lead to the other main scenes.
Part 2 - Right now, this is divided int 2 paths, one for Gudrid's ship and one for Freydis'. Can't give you the name of each path or the surprise will be gone, I have not yet decided to divide it also into Warrior and Scholar, but this could be done anyway if I find the right angle.
Conclusion - a short chapter ending.
The thing is I have several more ideas to implement in this chapter that couldn't be used for chapter 2, but I don't know yet how well it would fit with the rhythm of my original narrative plans.
For the next release, I intend to at least finish the SF and WG parts as well as the interludes, so it wouldn't take too much time.
Oh, and here, have a pair of cold bitches, because it's winter