I am helping of the new torrent project VARs for Virt-A-Mate.
It's progressing very well, I expect it's completion slightly before XMAS.. it's a Christmas gift to you guys
I would at this stage before I commit to the final sorting of the current 3000+ VARs I'd like to invite users to provide me with their list of VARs to see if any should be added to this Project that is not in my package.
By contributing and showing me your VAR List I will give you early access some unique content.
I would like to thank the users who have thus far participated,
you know who you are! huge pat on the backs!
If you want to help the project, help others.. and help yourself.., Please P.M. or EMAIL me with the following. (I want a notepad document with a list of the .VAR files in your VAM\AddonPackages Folder)
You can do this by simply.
1. Using windows "file explorer"/"windows explorer"
2. Navigate to your AddonPackages Folder
3. At the Top Right where is allows you to search type the following *.var
4. Select all your VARs
5. HOLD SHIFT button and right click a file
6. Choose Copy as Path
Paste to a notepad (Control-V) save the file and then send to me in P.M.
Like I said, if you contribute now, I can reward you with some vars.. now!
D.M. me
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