- Nov 8, 2019
- 555
- 1,051
This one gets it!I am an artist I started with poser more than 10 years ago and Daz Studio a little more than 8 years ago, I created many characters and most of it has been for private use. I learned about VirtaMate that it existed less than a week ago and I really enjoy it so far. I need to learn how to convert my characters from Daz Studio into .var so that they work in VirtaMate. Once I learned how to do that then I would share with the community and make more content for VirtaMate and not place it behind a pay wall.
I would have a Patreon page where people could support me based on things I shared for free if they want to do that on their own and not because discriminating to only people who can afford it are allowed to use it. I believe the world would do better based on freewill to donate or not donate. If someone feels they are not earning enough money for their work then just share less or not at all.
Change your mindset to that you are not making it for others you are making it for yourself most of all and if others like or love your work than that is a bonus as would donations be. If your doing it from a place of greed and start to discriminate to who gets access to your files and who does not then you will find greed responds that is how the universe works. The universe reflects back to you what you reflects outwards. Create things that you want to create for yourself and that makes you feel good then it does not matter what the rest of the world thinks about it.
You would be surprised to find out that when you share things unconditionally that there is people who will surprise you and donate to you without you even needing to ask it. There is still good in people even tough it might be harder to find these days but that very well could be because your behavior towards the world has changed. You have no control over if people will donate or not. You do however have control over your own actions, your own responses and how you treat the world. We are in the age where stuff gets leaked but if you share it with the world first it cannot be leaked by someone else first than you. If your work is good and you bring out a good amount on a constant basis you have a high chance of people donating to you because they want to donate and support you and help you to dedicate more time to creating things that give them a good feeling as well.
In the current times it is very important that we still feel the good within ourselves and within others and that we are human beings with the power to create very amazing things and to support.
Focus on that positive creative feeling within you allow it to flow and create while your mind is at peace and feels timeless in that moment when you feel free like this then each piece of content you will make the journey itself will be a blessing and like a meditation and this will radiate to others and you will find that money will find your way without you needing to demand it or control the flow.
Expectations of others lead often to disappointment and to limiting of the self.
Might be good if the mods were able to shut down all this talk on this thread, as this should be for sharing and if people wish to discuss the ethics of piracy etc then that should be a valid discussion in another thread.
But while people are letting lose haha...
Piracy is our last stand against what is increasingly becoming a dystopian cyberpunk futurescape and almost everyone of the people who complain will more often than not then sneak off and download a song / film / book or steal a piece of art for their desktop / phone splash screen or even anothers idea fro personal gain... and that's ok, as that is how it has always been. Art and piracy go hand in hand since day dot. 10 k years ago the guy in the cave drew a stickman with a spear and the guy next to him copied it or claimed he did it haha
Entire countries run on copyright and IP theft and the world doesn't cease to function. It forces us to keep inventing and evolving. Right now massive companies are doing everything they can to stop all progress through out right monopoly control on all forms of art and expression to ensure nothing new can come from what exists and its killing progress.
And every great patreon creative I support is very clear that they started by stealing other peoples stuff from software to ideas to plugins so they could get good and share what they learned. And because they're good they make money despite so called theft.. and they share what they make after a months or so anyway.
In an ideal world none of this would be a thing but we dont live in an ideal world. WE live a corrupt , hard, often unjust cruel world where the super rich take it all and destroy anything in their path including the planet and our very future. So we all just do what we can to get by and be our best selves but calling out people who need to pirate or wish to ...doesnt help anyone but the 'evilcorps'. AKA Those who cheat all day long but sue us and use take downs and bully tactics to keep absolute control of systems designed to be free and for the people. Anarchy and chaos and the freedom to chose to do the wrong thing is our only defense left against an oppressive authoritarian regime which has already swallowed much of the world from China to Russia.
Without piracy and digital theft the majority of the of the western world would have virtually nothing... while the tiny minority of super rich has degrees of everything. So I say take what you can get while you can get it but give back when you can!
I am a professional artist who has had his work stolen more times than I care to think and I would have loved all those to pay but those people would have gone elsewhere anyway so let them steal (im flattered!) , as i too steal and stole.. and those of us who can... keep making / giving back and the cycle keeps turning.
If I cant make new original content i have no right to call myself a creative.
And While we bicker massive corporations carve up the internet and society and ensure soon nothing will be free from the words we use to the ideas we have to the air and water we breathe and drink. They already control so much else and so few people see the prison of their own making, as we sign away our data willingly but find time to act as unpaid lawyers and pr managers for megacorps who are literally killing us haha
If i ever hear a creative saying 'they are not going to create anymore because they didnt make all the money they could...just some of it'...then theyre doing it for the wrong reasons and weren't likely to survive anyway.
Good work always finds good patreons and good people always attract like minded minds.
Though Im fully supportive of positively reviewing anything I didn't pay for to help the creator make new sales and get recognition from the majoirty who chose that route.
Thank your god for piracy and so called digital theft or as I call it the last bastion of defense against total stagnation and the decline of progress!
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