As written ..anything or nothing is fine on here...that is the point. Build a bridge...or blow one is all good
WARNING: Wall of text incoming!!! I've read the debate you've been having and respect your POV
but pls consider the following...
As a fellow creative who use to be regularly upset by my life's work being shared and sometimes profited from online...pls remember that we are no better than anyone else and we are all pirates and yes... most of us hypocrites.
"IF"... like me you have ever made a likeness of a famous person and profited from that in any way.
So if you have made e.g.
an amazing Scarlett J model which possibly brought you accolade and patreons then congrats!
But are you her? do you own the right or have any permission to profit from her identity? As there are laws to protect such abuse and with a celeb their likeness is often something you need permission to use or risk a lawsuit, as their "look" is their business / livelihood.
When we rip off their likeness or their songs or their ideas...they lose out in some way. This is an indisputable fact. But they're rich so who cares? They do their legal teams. Patreon cares if you read the very well worded policies and procedures on this issue.
And the latter is all long as we don't then chase down and attack those who in turn rip us off and steal our "stolen" work haha
Consider that while we the creators are "stealing"...most pirates are only sharing the product they legitimately paid for...
We can all make fan art and that's all within the fair use laws but when we start to profit from others TM and Copyrighted material and identity...we become the true pirates and thieves. We don't even have the decency to reach out and inform the (mostly) young woman we profit from...from their beauty, style, talent and success... that we have made 3d models of them. Models or Looks which will be fucked in vr by strangers and horribly violated in almost every way imaginable...all because of us...not the pirates. Why would we...they would likely sue us or maybe we don't even think about them (as that makes it so much easier). And the more talented we are... the worse the 'violation' is for them
We see this in deepfake and photoshop porn and all the rest. Mostly famous women but sometimes 'exes' too...all 'violated' for personal gain.
Hell some of us even advertise on our patreons that we will make an accurate exe for enough money.
And I am ok with all of this ... as I believe the nature of porn is changing as has society and if you market yourself as a 'commodity' expect to be used as such. Or atleast i have come to terms with this mess...but I no longer get upset because to do so makes me even more of an asshole than I already am haha
Just food for thought from one creative type to another.
Not a personal attack...just another pov on why we should not be quick to throw stones when we stand in houses of glass...

(i hate wall of texts lol)
Now back to the titties!
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