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Here is a link for modified Rukk version of Elizabeth (Bioshock Burial At Sea):
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Here is a link of dependancies that are used in the scene above (sorry if it's too big):
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Link to original FREE model/scene by the Great Rukk (thank you so so much, man):
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1) I want to apologise again if the dependancies archive contains alot more then needed. It's my first time packing VAR and i couldn't figure out a way to include specific items from clothing sets etc. Maybe some good soul can enlighten me somehow.
2) Somehow the original model use specific blue eyes texture that i couldn't find in vam folder nomater how hard i tried. So if you guys run in to an error of missing textures for eyes (and mouth?) know that i really can't fix that. Somehow it loads with blue eyes for me and supposedly loads them from an unexisting folder

. Maybe the problem will not occur if you download Rukk's VAR (from Patreon link above)
How did i managed to change original body separate from head:
The Rukk model had a single morph that changed the whole model ot once (there is no separate sliders for body parts).
I loaded in a scene with Elizabeth another model with the desired body.
First i used Morph Merger plugin by Project Canyon and merged all morphs into single one and then separated the Body morph and the Head morph.
Then with the same plugin on Elizabet's model i separated her "whole" model morph into Head morph and Body morph.
On Elizabeth model i turned down her whole morph value to 0 which made her look like a standart Atom.
Then on the same model i turned up to 100% an Elizabeth head morph (which changed ONLY her head to the one thats in Elizabeth's original model) and also turned up to 100% the body morph that i ripped of the desired model.
The result is on the screenshot.