I'm having issues with performance in VR, which is nothing new, since this game actually tends to be pretty demanding on top of not being properly optimized. With the game being as old as it is, and people talking about their VR PCs using 1080ti or 2080ti GPUs, I thought my PC could just brute force its way through potential performance issues, since I'm running on a 3090. On average, though, the game is running at 35fps, according to the counter inside of VAM, which makes the game really choppy and almost "shimmery." The weird thing is, changing the quality presets within VAM has little to not effect at all on performance (going from lowest to highest settings only change ~2fps), changing the render resolution in SteamVR from my usual 200% SS to 150%SS and ultimately 100%/0%SS also had no changes; even weirder, lowering the render resolution within VAM actually made performance WORSE by about 4fps, while cranking the render resolution in VAM to 2.0 actually GAINED performance from 35fps to 46fps.
wtf is going on? I can only imagine it's user error, but what could actually be the problem? Turning off various options, lowering AA, turning off reflections, soft body physics, etc, doesn't seem to improve performance at all.