I currently feel like the biggest noob in the entire planet , but i really need some help.
Game was running just fine for a couple days on both pc and vr , but now i can no longer play it on vr.
I have a pico 4 and i use usb connection. Software is stream assissant ( pico's virtual desktop ) and steam vr.
I don't have the game on steam , i got it from here , but i use steam vr cause i have to i think - i also run VAM on vr mode.
All i see when i wear my headset now is steam vr's UI and i can't access the game , only the sound goes through.
It started the game automatically before i think... but no more.
All i can do is watch the game run on my pc through steam vr desktop but not actually play in it vr.
Does that make sense ? Help
EDIT: NVM. I added VAM on steam library and steam vr runs it fine now.