I had the idea of checking the requirements of the game before trying it, and after some time I found that it goes so far beyond than Honey Select 2, so I didn`t bother (I`m talking just the base pc version, not VR ). Maybe that`s why it has so few reviews, in spite of the videos out there being inviting, for a character creator game, to give it a go.
P.S. It would be a good idea for this advanced games to have the classic minimum and recommended requirements
I wouldn't call it a "game" maybe sandbox application if you wanna get specific.
Performance varies DRASTICALLY depending on what you have loaded or loading, it's useless to having a "requirements".
I suggest you actually learn how to use and what takes a toll on performance or not (hint: hair, soft physics, lights) then min max the configurations and scenes to match your performance capacity.
Some performance tips I got from using it:
Use the GiveMeFPS like brasileirinho said, you can configure most of the things there (hair, soft physics etc).
Set hair multiplier (both) to ~16, if the hair set has multiple pieces go below that.
If preferable use character looks that have CUA hair instead of the simulated one.
Unless you're gonna literally lick the character in VR there's no need for the "8K resolution" textures.
If you place more than 2 lights it's gonna start to hog down on performance.
Highly detailed CUA scenery eats a lot of VRAM, take that in to consideration too.
Disable soft body physics, but beware some plugins might break with that, like CUE if you have the "auto link hands" it'll bug out and always lock on to the left butt for some reason, however if you don't use that it works fine.
Same for advanced colliders, will break things that rely on them.
Keep it at max 2 characters, the more characters the more it'll weight on performance (obviously).
Edit: Also clothing weights a lot if you have sim enabled on them, keep that in mind.