Thank you for share your point!
There are two game modes, one is free map and the other is beat em up. Like every beat em up, repetition is part of it, just like rpg. Who doesn't like beat em up, won't like this way, since the free map modes are like GTA and yes the way you said.
1. Hero mode - (Pure combat) Linear 80% + Freemap 20%
2. Slave mode - (Reverse Ryona) Linear 20% + Freemap 80%
This demo is Hero Mode. The Heroins will rescue the slaves.
There is a free demo of Slave mode 100% free map -
Google Drive
Colegial girls are not available in the medieval universe, for that you can try the previous game. WG urban backstreet.
But is possible to edit the game, and add girls of prev game in this game.
I would also like to share a parallel mod being developed by a disciple, in free map mode, but it's a lot harder than normal.
Mod by Dirk Baeten
You must be registered to see the links
Like you, he dont like beat em up, thats why he edited his mod using the freemap mode .
Thanks for your reply.
I will take time to read it all (english is not my language)
Just to correct myself
I previously posted :
" I think no people can test it. "
Instead of :
" I think NOW people can test it. "
Hope it didn't sound harsh or something
EDIT : thanks for the alternate demo.
Also, I think I somewhat watched his edit of your game before. Can you link me to his content / channel ?
also, you said " Like you, he dont like beat em up, thats why he edited his mod using the freemap mode . "
Actually, I do like beat em ups.
this is my favourite type of game, along with fighting games.
I played nearly every single beat em up on, PC, Dos, consoles, Amiga, indie ones, doujin games, Obor, even some unreleased games.
This is really my stuff. (Im just not into modern 3D beat em ups, and musou etc)
Just that whe nthe enemies are very long to beat and you feel helpless because enemies always catch you the same way whatever you do, it can be very repetitive. ^^;
Also, I would aim to your games, more for the femdom content, more than looking for a hardcore gameplay challenge.
If you check what Boko do on his games as an exemple.
There is some challenge, of course, but he always give the player a chance to beat the game more easily.
Or the enjoy the multiple femdom contents more easily during fight,
Even choosing the move, the girl will use to finish you.
So, when you're not in a mood to challenge a harder game, you still can enjoy the femdom content.
Glad to see you try different types of universes.
My favourite is still in streets, buildings etc.
With cute sexy dressed girls beating punks around...