
Dec 15, 2019
The game is a grind fest, we all know this. It isn't going to get fixed, like ever because this is a free game forum and the Dev won't listen to any criticism most of the time.
So, for the love of god. Please stop arguing....you are just wasting time.
Here is Cheat engine and Save editor. Download and edit stats and enjoy the game.
I hope we get more productive future discussions like walkthroughs and new events instead of the same insanity back and forth about "how shit the game is" and the other side defending it like they owe the game their lives or something.
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Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
Shitty game devs do this often. They spot for a decent artist, but they don't understand a damn thing about gameplay flow, balancing, or playability. They have no idea how to make a game FUN. And whenever someone points it out to them, they throw a great big shit-fit over it like they're some kind of victim. Seriously, I could have sworn we left that shit behind in the gamergate days :p
The artist and the game dev are the same
This thread has many previous complaints matching yours and they have been repeatedly dealt with
I'm guessing that is why some people get frustrated - seeing the same regurgitated opinions repeatedly from individuals who (it has to be assumed) cannot be bothered to read the thread or use the search functionality to see if the point they are trying to make has already been addressed

Boobsgames has repeatedly made it clear it is his game, he will develop it the way he wants - so seriously if you don't like it leave a review and find a game you do like.
The issue of grinding has been repeatedly raised. Almost all grinds are progressive, grind five to ten times to get to new events with bigger rewards, then change gameplay style accordingly.

Also the post I am responding to cannot in any way be considered a critique - it is simply abuse from someone who doesn't like a game - you have made exactly two points
You don't like the gameplay - my opinion is the gameplay is excellent openworld adventure style
You don't think the game is fun - difficult to be much less objective but I keep playing the game because I think it is fun


Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
Here's a question for Boobsgames or anyone else reading...

If Derrick is okay with sharing his wife with other men, can Krowly have a girlfriend or wife, then share her with with other men? Or is Krowly not interested in an intimate relationship; girlfriend or wife, and instead only wants no-strings-attached-sex with everyone, devoid of intimacy and feelings; focused purely on carnal lust and nothing else?

Here's another thought: Krowly dances with the girl with glasses. That is a form of connection building that could potentially lead into the direction of a relationship. I'd say that 99% of people who play porn games enjoy seeing their character involved in some kind of relationship, because humans can identify with that basic human concept. However, in this game, Krowly's relationships are not clearly defined, mostly ignored, not even brought up. I've never seen this before, it's rather bizarre. It deviates from what humans are normally used to experiencing.

If you dance with a girl, and spend time with her, eventually she's going to ask you this simple question: "Hey, where do we stand relationship wise?" In which you'll give some kind of answer. This game seems to always avoid that, it's not natural. If the dev wants Krowly to not get involved in any relationship, then at least write that into the game. Have Krowly say it, "I'm not interested in a relationship." You can't just stick it in the tutorial either, it should be a part of the story, and preferably early in the game.

Once again, the games's superior art style demands this kind of critique. You can't have triple A quality art, but then neglect basic writing concepts around basic human elements like relationships.
Since your first post in this thread (October 2018) you have posted 46 times. And every post includes some form of complaint.

On at least 30 occasions you complain the game is too difficult.
On at least 25 occasions you complain the quest log is inadequate and/or a detailed step by step quest tutorial is necessary.
On at least 15 occasions you complain the walkthough(s) are inadequate.

You state at different times (often repeatedly): you don't know how to start; the game is unplayable; the game is too grindy; you dislike the game play; you dislike the game design; you can't work out what to do; you dislike the gardening mechanic; you dislike the cooking mechanic; you dislike the alchemy mechanic; you dislike having to explore; you dislike the huge map; you dislike the relationship mechanic; you dislike having to remember stuff; you dislike the encounter mechanic; you dislike the time progression mechanic; you dislike puzzles; the game is not harem friendly enough; the game is not NTR friendly enough; the game should have more CYOA features; the game should be ported to/rewritten using Renpy;

In one place you complain the game is too long although fairly recently you've complained you can't progress four of the early quests - man you are in for a long slow awakening.

You state on at least 10 occasions that Boobsgames could make more money if he changed his game to what you want.

You have promised to quit the game on at least seven occasions. After one of your promises to quit the next post was ... you again complaining about something else.

In the pursuit of balance I should note you have on at least 10 occasions praised the art.

On many occasions regular thread contributors have tried to help you address your dislikes and difficulties (myself included).

Hakarlman you have to face facts - you don't like the game - you don't need to see any identification - this is not the game you are looking for.


Active Member
May 10, 2017
easy solution for difficulty , just save edit with RPGM save editor. ITs fairly easy to use even if you are not versed in manually doing it since it basically gives you access to all the variables and triggers , lists the items ,etc


Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
Only one aspect of the game inconvenient for me - in areas swarmed by enemies you can be chain attacked because events after fight freeze you in place regardless win you or lose. I prefer all movement stop during interaction with characters.
I think the only place I remember this actually being a problem was in the Slime Cave (still pretty weak when going in there)
In most other places you can develop a strategy to isolate individuals before the encounters (I think)
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Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
Look at this, you guys act like literal children when ou hear something you don't like. You guys sound like Ubisoft triyng to say their game is better than elden ring when the consumers say otherwise. The grind is just a fact at this point, and if the developer doesn't care fine. but don't bother new people talking abou it.
Here are a number of places where I have addressed the issue of grinding before - there are many more from other regular contributors.
Warlock and Boobs [v0.400.0] [boobsgames]
Warlock and Boobs [v0.400.0] [boobsgames]
Warlock and Boobs [v0.400.0] [boobsgames]
Warlock and Boobs [v0.400.0] [boobsgames]
Warlock and Boobs [v0.400.0] [boobsgames]

It is not that the developer doesn't care - it is that the grind is an integral and deliberate part of the game (as it has been in many RPG openworld style games) - the fact you don't like a certain type of game design which necessitates a specific gameplay style does not make the game bad or wrong - Just a game you don't like

It happens to be a game I do like - openworld - requires investigation to establish how to progress - quests to assign and complete some of which have various interdependencies - encounters with randoms foes who may or may not be well out of scope - foes with specific weaknesses which by and large require trial and error to resolve - mechanics for making use of items to assist in further exploration/encounters - large exploration area - numerous NPCs to interact with - external factors which can effect the outcome and/or availability of tasks/quests/event/encounters ...
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
It is not that the developer doesn't care - it is that the grind is an integral and deliberate part of the game
The only grinding part(s) that I'd like to see looked at, is for the cooking/gardening/alchemy skills. Nothing overboard, just a minor increase to skill gains for those three*.
Aside from that, the other grinds are fine enough.

*Cooking with Samantha does increase the cooking skill faster, so maybe something similar with other characters for the other two skills could be more beneficial than simple skill-gain increases.


Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2019
not listening to/knowing your audience tends to result in bad games
Nah. But listening to them in this case sure can kill creativity.
And if it does create a bad game, that's on the dev then right ? I'm pretty sure we're not stakeholders or anything, so he sure is not responsible to the users of this pirate forum who get this game for free and still have the audacity to complain that the game is not to their liking.
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
not listening to/knowing your audience tends to result in bad games
There's a fine line between listening to your audience, and trying to please everyone and failing.
If Boobsgames caters to the people wanting massive changes, to the point that it's not even the same game any more, then it alienates the others who don't want those things.
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Active Member
Sep 3, 2020
Is expecting him to use terminology that makes sense really too much to ask?
Considering the nature and attitude of the several theses you have graced this thread with, and also considering the nature of just the two I was here for being you seeming to try to slip into a co-pilot seat that isn't there, the phrase 'too much to ask' may be one you want to avoid.
You also may be the first person I've seen to need the main point of a porn game spelled out and narrated to them. Which is odd because Krowly's whole raison d'être is effectively posted on the first post of the first page of the thread, as the overview.

"Krowly always wanted to learn magic, hunt for monster girls, and most of all, get laid. Help guide Krowley in fulfilling his dreams!"

Do you mean to tell me that your first thought upon booting up a porn game isn't to walk out and just see what or who you can get yourself into?

You and your motivations confuse the fuck out of me, to put it lightly. I do not get why a game that even I got my head around needs to be collated to death, or have a tour guide. I swear, another month and you'll be asking BG to present a slideshow with each sex scene showing how to masturbate because it's 'too complicated'.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
Is expecting him to use terminology that makes sense really too much to ask? :unsure: I'm not faulting him harshly for this,I don't think english is his first language, it's not his fault and he's probably overwhelmed with lots of work, so his fans can help him, that's no big deal right?
You've been tilting at this windmill since 2018.

It is no big deal that people want to help him, it's no big deal that he chooses not to take your suggestions.

The rest of us just get tired of you trotting out this crap.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
No where in the story is this ever discussed, lol. I'm not asking for massive changes, I just want things to make sense. Is that really a massive change? I don't think Boobsgames knows what an erotomaniac actually is. Maybe i'm wrong, does Krowly think all the women in town are in love or infatuated with him?
You've been playing this game since 2018, you cannot make me believe you're not aware that boobsgames cooped this term for his fantasy / magical realm, and that in this realm an erotomaniac is a magic user who's powers are based out of their lust.

It's a game in a fantasy / magical realm, an erotomaniac is whatever the author/developer says it is.
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