
Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2019
When it comes to whether or not the tags should have a minimum requirement of the amount of their related content, then obviously.
No, obviously not. Obviously there's a difference between me expressing my personal opinion and me claiming that I'd read out loud the official rules of this site, which I didn't.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2019
It's far easier for the admins to say if you can have the tag by simply check if you have that content in general instead of set a minimum which would cause them bigger pains because everyone has different definitions of qualifies as enough.
Changing the "animation" tag requirements doesn't mean we need to change all tags on this site. As I explained, there's a different purpose between a kink tag and a game design tag.

Tags like "anal" obviously serve a completely different purpose. People who don't like that fetish can exclude it in the exclude tab. People who have several fetishes can filter for games who contain them all, anal included. So if you like games with virgins, milfs, anal, foot fetish and BDSM and you filter for those tags, you gon' find games who have it all.

If you however search for animated games and then you'll get displayed games with 10 hours of content, 100 sex scenes but only 5 animations which take up 3 minutes of these 10 hours, you obviously did not found what you were looking for.

A game like Summertime Saga can add that tag with good faith because everyone who likes animations will have them in every scene. A game that has more animations than no animations can also add it, since it will most likely make most fans of animated games happy too. Some still pictures inbetween are common. But a game that barely has animations isn't really what people are looking for if they filter for that tag.

Common sense isn't an answer anyways, that only works when something isn't based on subjectivity.
That's not how common sense works.

Simply ask yourself if a game has enough animated scenes to keep fans of that entertained, it's really easy. It's the same with non-adult games who are categorized as RPG. None of the studios is anxious about whether their own estimation is going to fit for everyone. They tell you in good faith that they believe they have enough rpg elements to call it an RPG and make RPG fans happy. That's common sense. If you're unsure, then better don't promote it as such.
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
No, obviously not. Obviously there's a difference between me expressing my personal opinion and me claiming that I'd read out loud the official rules of this site, which I didn't.
Opnions can be wrong, and yours was and still is. Not to mention you made a statement, and supplied an analogy. You did not offer an opinion, and the two are not the same.
How you say/write something matters.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2019
Opnions can be wrong, and yours was and still is.
Nope. You may learn the difference between subjective opionions and objectively wrong views.

Not to mention you made a statement, and supplied an analogy. You did not offer an opinion, and the two are not the same.
I did, and providing analogies is a common and effective method for enhancing understanding.

How you say/write something matters.
So does how you interpret things, and that you learn not to tell people that you'd know better how they meant things they said.
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Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2019
No they can't. You may disagree with them, but technically they can't be wrong
This must go on "the biggest mount of bullcrap I ever came across", and on this website that is saying something :ROFLMAO:

So according to you, if a person says "in my opinion snow is purple and water is dry and made of sugar" he cannot be wrong ? Hate to break this to you, but he is, even when his statement begins with "in my opinion...". He just proved that he is completely ignorant or delusional.

Mind you, you didn't even start your senseless argument with "in my opinion...". You just said "Some" doesn't deserve the animation tag, as if you were the arbiter of when something deserves a tag or not. You are not, and that's what Snugglepuff is pointing out to you, but you refuse to acknowledge.

Have a nice day.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2019
This must go on "the biggest mount of bullcrap I ever came across", and on this website that is saying something :ROFLMAO:
I knew right after reading this sentence that something inherently dumb would follow up, and you didn't disappoint.

So according to you, if a person says "in my opinion snow is purple and water is dry and made of sugar" he cannot be wrong ?
Do you really struggle with understanding that this is not an opinion? The color of snow and what water is made off aren't opinions, they can't be, even if your sentence starts with "in my opinion".

I already saw it coming that some of you would even struggle with basic comprehension, that's why I edited my statement which seemed to overlap with your reply:

Nope. You may learn the difference between subjective opionions and objectively wrong views.
Hate to break this to you
You don't need to break anything to anyone as long as you struggle to fathom the things you try to "educate" others about.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2022
Changing the "animation" tag requirements doesn't mean we need to change all tags on this site. As I explained, there's a different purpose between a kink tag and a game design tag.

This statement makes no sense. People use these tags for the same reason. I avoid games that have the gay that unless the show that gay content isn't the primary focus or is optional. Saying a kink tag is used differently from a "mechanics" is blatantly false. You can't tell me you didn't look at the kink tags to judge whether or not it either kinks you enjoy or kinks you don't. Like I'm always down for a good trainer game but if it's mostly gay content then I'm turn the other way before hitting download


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2019
This statement makes no sense. People use these tags for the same reason. I avoid games that have the gay that unless the show that gay content isn't the primary focus or is optional. Saying a kink tag is used differently from a "mechanics" is blatantly false. You can't tell me you didn't look at the kink tags to judge whether or not it either kinks you enjoy or kinks you don't. Like I'm always down for a good trainer game but if it's mostly gay content then I'm turn the other way before hitting download
You just proved my point: Tags should be there to help you figure out whether a game is for you or not.

So in the same way you don't want to come across a game with only 3 out of 200 scenes being animated under the "animation" tag, when you're searching for games that are animated because motionless pictures bore the fuck out of you, the same you don't want to download a game that you found under the "heterosexual" and "milf" tags you've specified, only to figure out later that it's a game with 90% gay sex scenes and only two or three scenes inbetween where the gay male main protagonist has sex with a milf.

That's like labeling a game under "post-apocalyptic" and "dystopian" just because there's a dream sequence of the MC somewhere between the other 200 hours of present-time happy sunshine teenage college content, where he dreams of a postapocalyptic world for 5 minutes of the game.

Do you really believe that's what people actually been looking for when they put those tags into the filter in the first place? Or were they looking for actual post-apocalyptic themed games?
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Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2019
I knew right after reading this sentence that something inherently dumb would follow up, and you didn't disappoint.

Do you really struggle with understanding that this is not an opinion? The color of snow and what water is made off aren't opinions, they can't be, even if your sentence starts with "in my opinion".

I already saw it coming that some of you would even struggle with basic comprehension, that's why I edited my statement which seemed to overlap with your reply:

You don't need to break anything to anyone as long as you struggle to fathom the things you try to "educate" others about.
Ah yes, editing your post, hoping no one took a screenshot of the original one. Nice one mate. You wriggle around like an eel in a pot of snot. You should go in politics. But I know what you wrote originally. You just choose to flight forward and change your original inane statement when it dawned to you how moronic it was.

The Dunning-Kruger is high in you, so I will let you bask in your self-perceived sense of superiority. But I don't want to argue anymore with someone who is so fundamentally dishonest and backtracks his words.

From now on, I will not see your witty replies anymore, so don't bother.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2019
Ah yes, editing your post, hoping no one took a screenshot of the original one. Nice one mate.
I am not sure whether you're bad at english, a troll or just dumb. My original post is in your quotes and I never claimed it wouldn't be true. I just said I changed it (yes, the one in your quotes) for a better understanding. So I don't need to hope for anyone not taking a screenshot or whatever is going on in your weird head.

From now on, I will not see your witty replies anymore
Thank you, you were giving me headaches. I've never seen any other user here being so overwhelmed by anything that requires only a bare minimum of logical thinking.
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
So does how you interpret things
Interpretation is entirely dependant on how something's written/said.

Like how you've gone from saying how something is (making a statement) to it being an opinion (that's still wrong) when you've been informed of it being wrong, and why.
At best you're just being disingenuous in your comments. At worst, "flailing in desperation" as you try and redirect a narrative you started and failed to maintain control of.

You just proved my point: Tags should be there to help you figure out whether a game is for you or not.
You said that to try and refinforce your assertion that this game should not have the "animated" tag assigned to it, due to it not being entirely/majority animated scenes, which is a different issue.

Yes, I'm "telling you what you meant", because you've conveniently meandered away from that once it became clear that your opinion about the validity of a tag being assigned does not align with why the tag gets assigned in the first place.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2019
Interpretation is entirely dependant on how something's written/said.
No, it's not. Otherwise there would be only one interpretation that every individual would come up with from a given statement, since - according to you - the statement determines the interpretation, which is probably one of the most stupid things anyone has ever claimed in this forum; if this was true this world wouldn't have any debates over statements and expressions of thoughts and philsophy and human sciences wouldn't exist.

If there's a girl with low confidence asking you whether you liked here more in the blue or black dress, and you say black because you prefer that color, and she says: "AH, are you saying I am FAT since everyone knows black does mask curves better?!??!" then an interpretation is definitely not entirely depending on how something was said.

Like how you've gone from saying how something is (making a statement)
Are you really such a sensitive snowflake that people around you can't say "Band x is the best in the world" without you starting to rant about how they can't define that for the whole world? Or can you use common sense to distinguish when someone is expressing their personal opinion? Maybe stop assuming that everyone who doesn't add a "personal opinion" sign to their statements is trying to speak for the whole world, would make your life way easier. Or at least stop being an arrogant prick that refuses to accept explanations and still tell people how they meant things they said.

At worst, "flailing in desperation" as you try and redirect a narrative you started and failed to maintain control of.
The only one trying to change the narrative is you to your own favour, in order to hide the fact that you failed to understand a simple statement. You feel ashamed and try to jump from excuse to excuse to save your digital ass, because for whatever reason your ego seems to be strongly connected to proving everyone here that you're right.

You said that to try and refinforce your assertion that this game should not have the "animated" tag assigned to it, due to it not being entirely/majority animated scenes, which is a different issue.
Nope it isn't. The explanation is right below the part that you cut off in my quote.
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
No, it's not.

If there's a girl with low confidence asking you whether you liked here more in the blue or black dress, and you say black because you prefer that color, and she says: "AH, are you saying I am FAT since everyone knows black does mask curves better?!??!" then it's definitely not entirely dependant on how something is said.
What you've written, literally backs up what I wrote. You moron.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
Lmao, not at all airhead. Quite the opposite. But I'm not surprised you're mentally overwhelmed by this little logical exercise.
No, it really does reinforce what I wrote.

What she asked, what the answer was, and her response, are all entirely related to the words she used when asking the question.

She was looking for a specific type of response, but asked a question worded in a way that could not have lead the guy to give that response.
He answered honetly, but her deliberate misinterpretation of his words lead her to that response.
It's an age-old question when making comparisons between men and women - How they think/act differently to the same things.

No matter what her level of insecurity about her body image, she phrased the question in a specific way and chose to take his answer as being negative. All because she worded it poorly in the first place.

Now please, stop embarassing yourself.
I won't be responding to your desperate examples and futile attempts any more. I don't doubt you'll try and come back with some more bullshit for us all to read, and then a moderator will come along and clean up the last 1-to-2 pages of the thread. Even then, it won't change your opinion still being wrong.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2019
What she asked, what the answer was, and her response, are all entirely related to the words she used when asking the question.
Nope, not at all. It was merely one of many possible reactions to her question which she couldn't predict. She could've just taken his advice and go for the black dress as well. Or she could've seen it as a compliment because he liked one of both dresses on her at all, instead of finding that she didn't look great in any of them and should search for something else, and be happy about that.

It's completely up to how she wants to interpet his answer.

Negative, neutral, positive - it's all possible. Which completely defeats your idea. It rather shows that statements leave a lot of room for interpretation, which is up to a high degree based on stuff that the interpreter makes up in their head.

I won't be responding to your desperate examples and futile attempts any more.
Of course you won't, you can hardly get more cornered than now, and your last failed attempt above to make it look like the example was in favour of your nonsense was just painful to watch. Just suck it up, move on and think next time before you post.
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Active Member
Nov 29, 2022
You just proved my point: Tags should be there to help you figure out whether a game is for you or not.

So in the same way you don't want to come across a game with only 3 out of 200 scenes being animated under the "animation" tag, when you're searching for games that are animated because motionless pictures bore the fuck out of you, the same you don't want to download a game that you found under the "heterosexual" and "milf" tags you've specified, only to figure out later that it's a game with 90% gay sex scenes and only two or three scenes inbetween where the gay male main protagonist has sex with a milf.

That's like labeling a game under "post-apocalyptic" and "dystopian" just because there's a dream sequence of the MC somewhere between the other 200 hours of present-time happy sunshine teenage college content, where he dreams of a postapocalyptic world for 5 minutes of the game.

Do you really believe that's what people actually been looking for when they put those tags into the filter in the first place? Or were they looking for actual post-apocalyptic themed games?

You seem to forget that animation doesn't have to be the sex scenes. There's actually quite a spirit sex animations. And also, this game has relatively few gay sex scenes and it's optional. So, I could say that it doesn't deserve the gay tag by your logic.

And besides the tags are more of a guide then anything. They don't tell exactly what expect. If read my whole post you'd realize I didn't say I don't play games with the gay tag because I know that tag doesn't tell me how much content there is. If I start playing a game and I run into four or five gay scenes out of a 100 then I would complain that there was no gay tag. Also, that post doesn't prove your point. Just because I use the gay tags as a guide doesn't mean that decides whether I play the game or not. The descriptions as images do & aif you play enough erotic games then you'll realize that animation is rare to begin with. To the point that f95zone would probably remove it
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May 16, 2020
Then it would be sad to see your game not being showed to people who want exactly what your game is - few next to none animations - just because you got the animated tag on your game. They will also get a false impression and dismiss your game before even looking at it.
there are some people that I would prefer my game not being showed to. Unfortunately, there is no specific tag to make it happen :(
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