This game has a grind so awful that it makes the game not worth playing. 3 xp per fight and I need like 50 to level up from 1-2. The quests are unfun and directionless. Most of the scenes are blocked off by a totally unfun and pointless lust mechanic. This games art does not make it a good game it is a bad game with pretty pictures in it if you do a monotonous task over and over as your fingers cramp up from the minutes upon minutes grinding
50 exp is, like, one quest, my guy. And not the tag-along stuff with Eric, stuff like finding a recipe for a potion that gives you big titties. You're not going to get a lot of experience from fighting because fighting isn't the main focus. Expanding your repertoire of interactions is.
The grindiest aspect
is the relationship points, but even that gets easier as you unlock more and more stuff you can do with each character, worth more and more relationship points.
I'm not going to tell you to go make your own game if you don't like it. I hate that line, it's trite bullshit. But my brother in Christ, you came to the porn
game forum, why are you surprised to find you have to
And if your fingers are cramping, maybe try a lighter grip.