i'm gonna be honest the only thing i don't really like about this game is the fact you have to have low respect for the wife to cheat or cuck you The options for low respect just make the mmc an arsehole imo.
Remember, you don't have to get Respect super low if you don't want to - it doesn't have to be rock bottom. Obviously, the opportunity is there to go way into the darkness, but it's not necessary. Just until the thermometers go into the colder colours. It means that your scores will have some impact / jeopardy. It's not as if she hates her hubby - the love can still be there. Perhaps it reflects my own interests - but that's why I designed it as I did.
I wanted to reflect an impression wifey has of her husband - but in microcosm and super fast - rather than over a few years which would be more realistic. I think without it the game would have no need for scores/stats at all - the only way I could differentiate between the high / low Love and Respect scores would be to write different dialogues for
every conversation based on loads of permutations of scores. I'm sure there are other ways though.
I think it's worth considering too (to be perhaps controversial - so don't take it too seriously) - that what a wife says about love, and especially respect, to one's face may not always be the 100% truth. And so, having poked my head out from my cave of pain, humiliation and heart break, I slowly recede back into the shadows