3.30 star(s) 68 Votes


Dec 1, 2019
Apart from the quest, there are repeatable events with them depending on the path you chose in the quest. Unfortunately in the polls I did which girls to have in the next updates, the twins were never winning o_O, so the quest with them kept being pushed further back and in the end there was just not enough time to add more events with them.
Does this mean that if you have the repeatable event for one of them, you can't get the other?
If so I might go back to my save at their door to see the other scene.


'Water World' developer
Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
Man should NOT have named my MC John. way confusing.
I was thinking about checking if the MC's name is John and setting the name of the other character to something else, but then I thought "What are the chances someone would name his character 'John' when they could've gone with 'Biggus Dickus'?" and decided not to bother :ROFLMAO:. Anyway, I'll fix it for the next version and it will automatically apply for your current save, so you won't have to re-play the game.
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'Water World' developer
Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
Does this mean that if you have the repeatable event for one of them, you can't get the other?
If so I might go back to my save at their door to see the other scene.
You can access the alternative repeatable events for Lia/Mia through the cheats in the computer. The actual quest scenes that you miss due to taking different paths will be unlocked once I finish the game.
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'Water World' developer
Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
Man should NOT have named my MC John. way confusing.
Since you're the one with the imagination of calling the MC 'John', you have the naming rights for the other character for you and all the millions of other people that would call themselves 'John'. Be quick though - I'll release 0.24 probably tomorrow and if I don't hear from you till then, I'll name it to something even wilder... like 'Alex'!

For all the rest of us mortals, who would never think of calling ourselves 'John', this will still be the default name for the poor bastard that you switched bodies with.
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Reactions: Paradox101


'Water World' developer
Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
connected sc pix lex avt 8.jpg

Hi all,

The final scene of the 0.24 quest is done, so all that remains now is to add the dialogue for it and do a quick check if everything is in place. I expect to be ready with this later today or tomorrow and release the new version immediately to my $20+ patreons, meaning it will be made available for all on July 4th or 5th.

Once I'm done with 0.24.0, I'll start working on 0.24.5 which (as usual) won't have new quests but rather some repeatable events. One of those will be the final event from Sophie's sex-ed which I couldn't finish for 0.23.5 so keep your save before you transfer to the station. The rest of the 0.24.5 events will be with the girls on the station. Earlier this week I posted a poll to check how people felt about the female avatar body and the results showed that most of the voters preferred to have scenes with the MC's original (male) body instead of the avatar. I'll take this in account when I'm making the non-quest related scenes and events, so in 0.24.5 the events with the girls on the station will (mostly) be with the the male body. I say 'mostly', because I'm not sure how many events I'll be able to squeeze in the two weeks I have for making a non-quest update. Remember - one of the events is reserved for Sophie, so this leaves 2 or 3 more. If it's two, they will all be with the male body and if I manage to get a third one done, it will be with the avatar's female body. At least that's the plan for now...


'Water World' developer
Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
I've just released 0.24.0 to my $20+ patreons, so if it doesn't make it's way here sooner, I'll post it myself on July 4th.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
I've just released 0.24.0 to my $20+ patreons, so if it doesn't make it's way here sooner, I'll post it myself on July 4th.
Well, at least then we'll get some fireworks!

July 4th is Independence Day in the US, celebrated by massive fireworks displays, which are mostly cancelled this year because of The Corona.


'Water World' developer
Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
Well, at least then we'll get some fireworks!

July 4th is Independence Day in the US, celebrated by massive fireworks displays, which are mostly cancelled this year because of The Corona.
To be honest, I consider the last update (0.23.5) a bit of an oddity that it didn't made its way here for a whole week. For the couple of years I've been making Water World and the year before that making Spaced Out, I can't remember taking a whole week for the update to land here. As I've said before, I'm fine with my patreons sharing it and once the "early access" period I have promised to my $20+ patreons expires, I'm even sharing it here myself.


'Water World' developer
Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
anim holouw rec eve irs bar 3.gif

0.24.5 first render

Hi all,

As I posted yesterday one of the new events in 0.24.5 will be the final one with Sophie and the rest will be focused on the girls on the station. One of those will be a continuation of what you saw when you first tried to connect with the avatar - a recording of Evelyn, Iris and John (the guy who you switched bodies with). In the quest Pixie realized quickly that you were seeing something you are not supposed to see and turned the recording off, but once you can freely connect to the avatar, you can use the connection to replay old recordings. So in 0.24.5 you can choose to watch the rest of the scene and the above animation will be one of the first new ones you see.

There will be one more recording with Pixie and Iris and with Sophie's sex-ed event it will make the three events that will be for sure in 0.24.5. If there is still time, I'll do one more event with Lexi and Pixie but this one will not be just a recording. It will be with the avatar and the plan is to have two different paths in the event. Once I'm finished with the first three events and see how much time I have left, I'll share a bit more about this.
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Reactions: Nulldev


Aug 16, 2017
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
KeyError: u'als_name'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "plan.rpyc", line 1157, in script call
  File "connected.rpyc", line 488, in script
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 678, in execute
    renpy.exports.say(who, what, interact=self.interact, *args, **kwargs)
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 1203, in say
    who(what, *args, **kwargs)
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\character.py", line 1014, in __call__
    what = what_pattern.replace("[what]", sub(what, translate=True))
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\character.py", line 1003, in sub
    return renpy.substitutions.substitute(s, scope=scope, force=force, translate=translate)[0]
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\substitutions.py", line 244, in substitute
    s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs)
  File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 563, in vformat
  File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 585, in _vformat
  File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 646, in get_field
  File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 605, in get_value
KeyError: u'als_name'

Water World 0.24.0
Sun Jun 28 23:43:19 2020

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/connected.rpy", line 123, in <module>
NameError: name 'als_name' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "plan.rpyc", line 1157, in script call
  File "connected.rpyc", line 490, in script call
  File "connected.rpyc", line 121, in script
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 882, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1913, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec bytecode in globals, locals
  File "game/connected.rpy", line 123, in <module>
NameError: name 'als_name' is not defined

Water World 0.24.0
Sun Jun 28 23:44:01 2020

Happens with 0.24


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
Tried this out for about 15-20 minutes but it seemed REALLY grindy. Not encouraging start to say the least. Is it worth persevering with? Does it start to flow after a while?


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2020
So, wondering if there is a problem... Was able to start Connected. Was able to connect avatar and shoot the gun (poorly!). Have progressed through several days (not sure how many but probably more than a week...) with nothing else triggering. I did have an error at some point that I was able to ignore. Did the quest not update properly perhaps? :unsure:


'Water World' developer
Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
KeyError: u'als_name'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "plan.rpyc", line 1157, in script call
  File "connected.rpyc", line 488, in script
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 678, in execute
    renpy.exports.say(who, what, interact=self.interact, *args, **kwargs)
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 1203, in say
    who(what, *args, **kwargs)
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\character.py", line 1014, in __call__
    what = what_pattern.replace("[what]", sub(what, translate=True))
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\character.py", line 1003, in sub
    return renpy.substitutions.substitute(s, scope=scope, force=force, translate=translate)[0]
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\substitutions.py", line 244, in substitute
    s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs)
  File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 563, in vformat
  File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 585, in _vformat
  File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 646, in get_field
  File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 605, in get_value
KeyError: u'als_name'

Water World 0.24.0
Sun Jun 28 23:43:19 2020

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/connected.rpy", line 123, in <module>
NameError: name 'als_name' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "plan.rpyc", line 1157, in script call
  File "connected.rpyc", line 490, in script call
  File "connected.rpyc", line 121, in script
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 882, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
  File "E:\Chrome downloads\WaterWorld-0.24.0-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1913, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec bytecode in globals, locals
  File "game/connected.rpy", line 123, in <module>
NameError: name 'als_name' is not defined

Water World 0.24.0
Sun Jun 28 23:44:01 2020

Happens with 0.24
So, wondering if there is a problem... Was able to start Connected. Was able to connect avatar and shoot the gun (poorly!). Have progressed through several days (not sure how many but probably more than a week...) with nothing else triggering. I did have an error at some point that I was able to ignore. Did the quest not update properly perhaps? :unsure:

Probably an old bug that should've been fixed in 0.23.5 - try loading an older save and when asked about the name of the avatar, set it to something else. I'll look into in and fix it for the public release.
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Reactions: Glooskabe
3.30 star(s) 68 Votes