
Aug 31, 2020
The time to make for this amount of contents with high quality with just two developers really impressive, and they proved that they really did focus and spend their times on this game. I even doubt this is their first game ever made. but still i hope they would hire more people to develop this game. A 5-hours play time update for half of the year is pretty damn long to me.
As someone who has been supporting this game since it's initial release, I understand where you're coming from. I'm a bit concerned myself. I don't doubt Magicnuts ability to deliver an amazing experience in the slightest, most of my concerns are around when this game will actually be finished.

I say this because, the time between updates, while long, provide ample room to generate high quality content. However, viewing the world map within What A Legend, there are still so many different locations to generate content for.

We've got:

  • Festive Isles
  • Bowl Town
  • Cin Town
  • Hump Town
  • Rum Town
  • Floa Town
  • New Capital

and there are still areas within the Old Capital that haven't been developed yet.

Even if the other areas themselves aren't as complex as the Old Capital, I can't imagine they will be able to be developed "just like that". This is on top of the time needed to create backstories for all of the side characters/love interests within the game. If Magicnuts decides to introduce new side characters within the areas we haven't explored yet, you can increase the development time even more.

I'm not saying the only alternative is a 5 year development time or deciding to cut corners, but I am concerned about whether or not Magicnuts can continue to deliver an amazing experience for such a large world and do it within a proper development time.

I think proper scope-management is going to be important for a project like this.

Regardless, we'll have to wait and see where the game goes. I'm sure the Magicnuts duo is pretty beat after working on such a large update, but I'd appreciate it if the developers themselves could weigh in a bit on this and perhaps put my mind at ease regarding this concern over development time.
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Active Member
Apr 20, 2017
SS and WaL! are indeed pretty much comparable in the fact that both have one artist (DC/chestnut) who already does "nothing" but to draw fulltime. As such both games are basically capped by the art that can be produced in X amount of time. Sadly the only realistic way to ramp up that speed by a margin that's noticeable would be to cut back on quality. I think we agree that's not really the way forward.

Last but not least, I don't really think the comparison to SS is fair. DC has been among the first on the market and the game has a really massive cloud by now. WaL! on the other hand is growing steadily at a decent rate.
I'm really no artist, so take this as a quick brainstorming idea: an artist has to draw, but he/she doesn't draw just characters in sex scenes. A way to reduce the load is to let other make backgrounds, interactable objects, secondary characters portraits, etc. Basically you externalize the things that are not a priority, or the things that the others could do with satifactory quality while keeping in-house the things that only you can do or that are critical for your business.

Also, you should think about the effect of a release of a game update: before the update this thread was at roughly page 250-256 for days. With a release we're at 270 and counting. 14 pages in a day. You can find it in the latest releases section, many times in the first positions in the latest replies section. That's visibility, that SS did get a lot with many releases at the beginning, and that this game is not getting at all. And what about advertising? How many people know about his game? Are their releases completely free immediately? Why do you think games use DRM protection for like 6 months then remove it?

There are many things that differentiate the two business models, these are just some questions that popped to mind, but since I don't know where magicnuts and the rest of the crew are coming from (I mean their background) I thought it could be useful to mention them. It's their project and they take the decisions, but seeing how much development time we have ahead, it will require A LOT of luck to be finished at this rate. Life is what happens while you make plans, and the longer the plans, the more chances life has to fuck them.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2017
I'm really no artist, so take this as a quick brainstorming idea: an artist has to draw, but he/she doesn't draw just characters in sex scenes. A way to reduce the load is to let other make backgrounds, interactable objects, secondary characters portraits, etc. Basically you externalize the things that are not a priority, or the things that the others could do with satifactory quality while keeping in-house the things that only you can do or that are critical for your business.
The main problem here is consistency, especially once we are only talking about stuff that isn't actually that complex. If you have to take the time to explain what's wanted, to check/correct the sketch and to check/correct/adapt the final result, it may easily take just as much time as if you had drawn it yourself. As far as I recally they acutally did hire a sketch artist for the market place(?) and it doesn't seem like it was a huge success. It may be possible if there's very great harmony between the two artists and if you are literally sitting the same room/are in constant exchange, but in general it seems hard to make substancial gains without going one step beyond that. The alternative is of course to not care about real consistency and to just commission someone who is willing to do the job (like so many other games do it) but in my view that's a cardinal sin that musn't happen.

Essentially you'd have to go one step beyond that and hire a third "artist" so one person can focus on the artistic coordination/lead the team while the other two do the "work". But at that point you've changed the whole process, went from one artist to three and you've opened a small studio. It's simply the key problem with 2D development.

Also, you should think about the effect of a release of a game update: before the update this thread was at roughly page 250-256 for days. With a release we're at 270 and counting. 14 pages in a day. You can find it in the latest releases section, many times in the first positions in the latest replies section. That's visibility, that SS did get a lot with many releases at the beginning, and that this game is not getting at all. And what about advertising? How many people know about his game? Are their releases completely free immediately? Why do you think games use DRM protection for like 6 months then remove it?
I'd totally agree that they should release smaller update more frequently, especially when the updates could be split quite easily like this one. But that I think that discussion happened quite a few times and they should really be aware of it...
Else they certainly seem to be "inspired" DC in many aspects, be it the way they release the game, the videos, the community, etc. - to me that's as good as it's going to get and already way, way above average.

And yes, SS indeed started by releasing very small and pretty bad updates. The game itself was acutally not that good back then by today's standard and certainly way worse than WaL!. But back then that was ok, because there wasn't much else around.

I agree aswell that the scope of the game is almost frighteningly large if one considers that there very likely won't be more art per months/year for quite some time. But I'll reserve my judgement about that for a few years to see what's going to happen.
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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
Even if the other areas themselves aren't as complex as the Old Capital, I can't imagine they will be able to be developed "just like that".
I actually specifically asked about this once and got an answer, that the other towns on the map (besides New Capital) are about the same size as the Village in terms of planned content. But I agree with your overall thesis: The amount of planned content is simply far too large and ambitious, it'll take at least until 2030 to finish it without hiring more people (which will cause its own problems). And ten years is a long, long time to keep developing a game like this; Consider how often development of these things stops or stalls out because of circumstances outside the creators' control after just one or two years. Patreon-like crowdfunding platforms might not even *exist* anymore ten years from now.

I don't wanna sound too pessimistic, though. I wish them the best of luck in the attempt. I'm just trying to manage my own expectations.


Sep 3, 2017
I too am worried about burn out from the creators due to the scope of project, as well as all the ungrateful whining from the entitled peanut gallery. I just wish the creators all the luck with their project.

I also want to echo the idea that I did not mind the seriousness of this update at all. In fact, with the way the lore was set-up, my interest is WAY more invested in the main story than any of the sidequests/characters to be honest. Great job so far to the MagicNuts team.
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New Member
Nov 3, 2019
I just finished the uptade. I was so impatient to play but also so scared to finish it at the same time. Eventually, I finished it and all I can say is that was HELLLCRRRAYZY update. I really Really enjoyed every scene of it and it was totally worth for waiting 7 months.

Damn I'm really in this game and I'm so excited but also patient for Rose's uptade. Looking forward to it. NICE JOBBBB<333
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Sthr ▚ nix

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2018
So the next one probably will focused on Rose, huh? Well, plot-wise, I think it's the perfect time, since we now know why Rose's so cautious about getting laid with MC. And, he's already discovered the gift (or curse) after having sex with Lana, so, there's no holding back for Rose anymore.

Tho, if the next one isn't about Rose, there's no complain for me, since everyone, every arc, every story is equally intriguing.

Damn, I really hope this game will be finished to the end. I really intrigued with the story, and all of the characters. Great update, probably the best update so far magicnuts . Keep it up, take your time to rest. Will be wait for next amazing update from you guys.

Niv-Mizzet the Firemind

Active Member
Mar 15, 2020
I caught a really minor bug:
After talking to Abe and going to Celestina and then talking to Celestina about the massage when she's at the porch, this message appears mirrored behind the dialogue: celestinahot unknown attributes: hfneu.
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It's in lines 6164 and 6162 in convo_oc.rpy, it appears on the dialogue : "No, I was thinking of giving you a massage."
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Game Developer
Jan 24, 2019
Updated the Mega links with 0.5.01. It should resolve the issues with not being able to exit Serena's mirror or collect Lambert's photo after the end of the current content. The bug only impacts some of the new players (those who unlock Serena's tit-fuck scene before spying on her), so if you didn't experience any issues, you don't need to play the 0.5.01.

Other than that, there are a lot of new messages, and even though I haven't read them carefully, I've seen that many of you liked the 0.5 update. Thank you for all the kind words and we're very happy that you enjoyed this update.


Nov 26, 2020
After playing the new update over the past two days, I gotta say this game has established itself as one of the best story driven games on here. Although the overall tone/pacing felt a bit different from the last update-probably because this update focuses more on lore-magicnuts did a great job balancing the main story progression and individual relationships. There were some moments where I could genuinely appreciate the fairy tale-esque art and the time and effort that went into this update, like the view of the city from the castle walls. This update definitely left me wanting more, especially Simmone content.
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Aug 31, 2020
I actually specifically asked about this once and got an answer, that the other towns on the map (besides New Capital) are about the same size as the Village in terms of planned content. But I agree with your overall thesis: The amount of planned content is simply far too large and ambitious, it'll take at least until 2030 to finish it without hiring more people (which will cause its own problems). And ten years is a long, long time to keep developing a game like this; Consider how often development of these things stops or stalls out because of circumstances outside the creators' control after just one or two years. Patreon-like crowdfunding platforms might not even *exist* anymore ten years from now.

I don't wanna sound too pessimistic, though. I wish them the best of luck in the attempt. I'm just trying to manage my own expectations.
I completely understand where you're coming from and I agree whole heartedly. The problem isn't waiting for updates, its whether or not the game will be finished and be finished within a reasonable time. Many people are suggesting that Magicnuts release smaller updates more frequently, but that doesn't fix the overall concern I have with the game. Whether you receive 2 small updates within 6 months, or 1 major update every 6 months doesnt alter the overall development time. Perhaps if this was a live service game there would be an argument to be made, or if content could be iterated on more quickly, but that isn't the case here.

Again, I don't have complete insight into what the developers have envisioned for the overall scope of their game, but from a player's perspective WAL's scope is quite large, too large almost. Given the pacing of development, the amount of time it would take to tackle a game of this size-- with only two developers-- seems terrifying in terms of length to an almost unrealistic degree.

There are so many issues that can arise from long development times. Theres more time for issues to occur for one, which could place an estimated release date 2 years from now and push it to potentially a 3-4 year away release date. Tech debt is also an issue, and you're having to tackle the issues of dealing with constant software changes that could require you to make potentially massive overhauls to your game. This game may be built running Ren'Py, but Ren'Py is still subject to its own changes as well as the changes of Python, the language it's built on.

Obviously if this were a major issue, people would never develop games. However, it's definitely something to keep in mind during long periods of development.

In my initial review of the game, which only stands in effect for what I saw at that time, I was completely enamored with WAL and I still am. I saw what they were trying to do as very ambitious, and I was there for it completely. However, given some time I believe there is such a thing as overambition, and thats what I'm afraid is going to happen with the game.

Again, I would appreciate it if Chestnut and Pistachio could perhaps give us a bit more insight into this and perhaps what their plans are to alleviate this perceived issue.

I don't know their full situation, and game development is hard, so it's stupid to just say "Just do this lol". I don't really have any solutions, and I'm not sure there are many that won't introduce other major problems.

Sincerely, a concerned patron.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
This honestly might be the only game on here where I'm just as interested in the plot as I am in the sexy stuff. The new update proves yet again how competent Chestnut and Pistachio are at writing characters and especially writing likeable characters. I wouldn't be surprised at all if there's gonna be tons of new Lana fans now similar to how people fell in love with Myrtle in the previous update. All the women in the game are just so well designed and intruiging to interact with that it's always a complete joy to play a new update. I absolutely can't wait for Rose to get the limelight next!

PS: Not sure if I'm the only one but I also really love the theme (and the awesome wallpapers of the girls) that plays in the menu and I always get excited to hear that triumphant melody after months of waiting for a new version.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2018
Lol, some of us said from the beginning that the map caused issues. It was only a minor annoyance back then because the game had so few places to actually go but now it has morphed into having too many places to go with people facing their own mortalities fearing that if each area has 5 girls it will be 1000 years before they can cum.


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2020
picture #3 is in a stupid location having a bitch of a time trying to get it
gave up see ya next update
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