You talking about answering unfair comments is ironic! WTF?!!All I'm saying is that what you consider a 'red flag' it's only a red flag for you because others took that bad path, but doesn't mean shit until you can prove these devs are taking that same path -that is, after seeing the results of devs' alleged work- and we are very close to seeing who's right. So please come back after the release and we can talk about if it's been a significant drop in playing time, quantity and quality of cutscenes, bugs encountered and so on. Until then, everything else are personal and baseless assumptions disguised as 'I know better than you, simp' with the only goal of either throwing shit gratuitously at devs and supporters or just being able to claim bragging rights if the game actually gets abandoned, which is fairly shitty if you think about it (what kind of person are you if you feel somewhat happy because you can say 'I knew it' when something nice goes to waste and you are left without it). And yeah, I'll keep answering those unfair comments until I'm proved wrong or lose my interest in this forum.
Dude your post is full of unfair statements - read your post again and check where i stated the things you seem to have made up in scenarios only in your own mind. WTF?!
Dude, you mad and its only temporary? Or is precise reading and grasping what was written without interpreting into it what wasn´t written or meant a permanent problem for you?
Sorry mate, don´t mean to piss you off, but read what you´ve written and what my posts were and then rethink about talking about others writing unfair post.
Dude, i normally try to communicate with whomever but there is no constructive discussion with a person who likes to distort things like this. Results only in BS.