Personally I don’t think the creators of this game are scamming or laughing, I think they are pretty genuine. That’s just a sense I get (it could just be flatulence, you can never know with these feelings).
Their life situation has now changed, they went from not having kids to having kids, and they’re adjusting into a new schedule.
People who are accusing them of doing nothing for a year and a half and now scrambling to finish the job have no proof of this, it’s just little Timmy’s angry response when he doesn’t get the toy he wants right away.
But I think the devs need to adjust their own expectations for the next episode. Better to deliver less in a timelier manner than going for a big update only to have it drag on this long. I mean, expecting people to support you for two years with nothing yet to show other than ever moving progress bars isn’t gonna pay the bills forever.
But anyway, hopefully the episode will come out soon and it’ll be good. If it’s all just about this orc, that’d be pretty shit, so let’s hope the story progresses a lot too. Imagine subscribing for two years to a developer just so you can have some happy pixel time with an orc…