What are your thoughts on games with female protagonist?


Sep 22, 2016
I honestly like female MC games much better than male MCs. Ofc this doesn't mean I'm not gonna enjoy some male MC games, but I want to be controlling something pretty for me to care.

If it's a guy, I literally can't give any fucks or like the guy, and I permanently am in a state of "I wish all these women that appear in the story could get banged by a different character instead of this dweeb I'm playing as.

I mean, the hot deal is in game letting you choose the gender of the character, but that pretty much limits or crops your scenes/Paths and makes you either work double, or work half-half, "in a way".

I still highly prefer woman lead characters over male lead. It's easy to like a woman, as long as she's decently done, but it's REALLY hard to like a guy if you just don't find him appealing....And it's really hard to make a MC of your own sex appealing to you, speciallt with all those "Your fathers died and you moved in with your -Insert parental figure you must unlock with an incest patch here or she'll be your landlady- and also your -insert a family figure of the same age you will also unlock with an incest patch or otherwise she's just paying a rent with you-"

Give me a male MC I like, and I'll play the game straight to the end with no problems. Then now, what I just asked for has proven to be almost impossible at this point.(Eventho not completely impossible)

PS: Games aren't suposed to make you feel like you're the main character, because you're not, and you have a fucking problem if you do. You can empathise, but you're not the main character; Just because you're male you don't need to "roleplay" a male. You literally don't need to roleplay anything, you're playing a Telltale game with porn and sometimes, combat or other game mechanics.
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Dec 31, 2019
I honestly like female MC games much better than male MCs. Ofc this doesn't mean I'm not gonna enjoy some male MC games, but I want to be controlling something pretty for me to care.

If it's a guy, I literally can't give any fucks or like the guy, and I permanently am in a state of "I wish all these women that appear in the story could get banged by a different character instead of this dweeb I'm playing as.

I mean, the hot deal is in game letting you choose the gender of the character, but that pretty much limits or crops your scenes/Paths and makes you either work double, or work half-half, "in a way".

I still highly prefer woman lead characters over male lead. It's easy to like a woman, as long as she's decently done, but it's REALLY hard to like a guy if you just don't find him appealing....And it's really hard to make a MC of your own sex appealing to you, speciallt with all those "Your fathers died and you moved in with your -Insert parental figure you must unlock with an incest patch here or she'll be your landlady- and also your -insert a family figure of the same age you will also unlock with an incest patch or otherwise she's just paying a rent with you-"

Give me a male MC I like, and I'll play the game straight to the end with no problems. Then now, what I just asked for has proven to be almost impossible at this point.(Eventho not completely impossible)

PS: Games aren't suposed to make you feel like you're the main character, because you're not, and you have a fucking problem if you do. You can empathise, but you're not the main character; Just because you're male you don't need to "roleplay" a male. You literally don't need to roleplay anything, you're playing a Telltale game with porn and sometimes, combat or other game mechanics.
The only thing I disagree with is saying that there's something wrong with you if you roleplay.

Games appeal to different people for different reasons. It's perfectly fine to not roleplay, but don't hate on those that do roleplay as their character.

I just wanna imagine I can shoot fireballs, fly, and make tons of interesting friends sometimes. Nothing wrong with letting the interactivity of the game guide your imagination to me .
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Sep 22, 2016
The only thing I disagree with is saying that there's something wrong with you if you roleplay.

Games appeal to different people for different reasons. It's perfectly fine to not roleplay, but don't hate on those that do roleplay as their character.

I just wanna imagine I can shoot fireballs, fly, and make tons of interesting friends sometimes. Nothing wrong with letting the interactivity of the game guide your imagination to me .

No, no.

I ACTUALLY roleplay; Both tabletop roleplay, and forum roleplay. Sometimes even roleplay in online games. Thing is, I roleplay MY OWN character, with my own story and what that character does is my responsibility. Ofc I murder some people in character, but it's all part of the fantasy.

Thing here is; Stories in these kinda games are not made for you to -roleplay- them, they are made for you to -ENJOY- like you enjoy watching a movie.

Harem academy(I think that was the name of the game) is about a guy literally raping other students by manipulating them. Do you want to roleplay as that guy? Or maybe you'd rather roleplay as the 300 pounds guy that enters women's minds to make them think he looks like a super model? Or maybe that one that fucks Samara Morgan from The Ring? ...I guess you get what I mean by now. Roleplaying is ok, but these games are not meant for roleplay, not really.
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Dec 31, 2019
No, no.

I ACTUALLY roleplay; Both tabletop roleplay, and forum roleplay. Sometimes even roleplay in online games. Thing is, I roleplay MY OWN character, with my own story and what that character does is my responsibility. Ofc I murder some people in character, but it's all part of the fantasy.

Thing here is; Stories in these kinda games are not made for you to -roleplay- them, they are made for you to -ENJOY- like you enjoy watching a movie.

Harem academy(I think that was the name of the game) is about a guy literally raping other students by manipulating them. Do you want to roleplay as that guy? Or maybe you'd rather roleplay as the 300 pounds guy that enters women's minds to make them think he looks like a super model? Or maybe that one that fucks Samara Morgan from The Ring? ...I guess you get what I mean by now. Roleplaying is ok, but these games are not meant for roleplay, not really.
In regards to VN I believe you are correct.... But a VN is skirting the line between "Game" and "Book" anyway(my opinion) and, while they can have good stories, are much less focused on the gameplay aspects in general, which is where the real roleplay is shown.

Take a game like Violated Heroine though, since it was mentioned here. Nanako has her story, yes, but much of the time you're free to wander the world, build relationships, do what you want to do. It's fairly easy, then, to roleplay as her, since you're directing her throughout the world and determining how she reacts to various situations.

Her storyline is there, but you can easily roleplay as her if you so wish, same as if you were playing many other great games.

Another example would be skyrim with mods. In my setup, sex options exist everywhere, but it's not the overriding element. Sure, you'll occasionally see a dildo around skyrim, but for the most part, unless you direct your character to, you will die rather than get some action from bandits.


Oct 7, 2017
The only thing I disagree with is saying that there's something wrong with you if you roleplay.

Games appeal to different people for different reasons. It's perfectly fine to not roleplay, but don't hate on those that do roleplay as their character.

I just wanna imagine I can shoot fireballs, fly, and make tons of interesting friends sometimes. Nothing wrong with letting the interactivity of the game guide your imagination to me .
I think he meant roleplay in h games, not general games ^^ otherwise that would be similar to insulting all the rpg lovers out there, which use millions as the unit ^^'

No, no.

I ACTUALLY roleplay; Both tabletop roleplay, and forum roleplay. Sometimes even roleplay in online games. Thing is, I roleplay MY OWN character, with my own story and what that character does is my responsibility. Ofc I murder some people in character, but it's all part of the fantasy.

Thing here is; Stories in these kinda games are not made for you to -roleplay- them, they are made for you to -ENJOY- like you enjoy watching a movie.

Harem academy(I think that was the name of the game) is about a guy literally raping other students by manipulating them. Do you want to roleplay as that guy? Or maybe you'd rather roleplay as the 300 pounds guy that enters women's minds to make them think he looks like a super model? Or maybe that one that fucks Samara Morgan from The Ring? ...I guess you get what I mean by now. Roleplaying is ok, but these games are not meant for roleplay, not really.
That depends, sure for the games you mentioned it's not really meant to be roleplayed, but watched.
But it's still possible to roleplay in eroge if the dev manage to create his game that way.
I've played some games like this, where you are allowed to create your character and where the game give you enough freedoms in your actions to actually roleplay


Sep 22, 2016
Well, I've also played my share of games with certain roleplaying elements.

Either by creating your own character(Wich is the most personal approach, like corruption of champions, for example) or by playing in a half-custom narrative, BUT the limited options are still there.

Do I like playing these kinda games? For sure I do, but I will never really be invested enough to be roleplaying as them; And by roleplaying as them I mean actualy caring about them more than on surface level.

For example, Tails of Azeroth(World of Whorecraft) had 3 characters that I absolutely didn't want to see the death of(Funny thing, this.), and I cared about them in a way I care about Geralt of Rivia not dying or not getting fucked over by someone in The Witcher Games.

But when I roleplay a character, I will NEVER get them in precarious situations on purpose, like -getting raped- situations.
Could get in these situation? Could, but will not willingly go to it.

If you ACTUALLY roleplay the character, you won't get the porn out of the porn game.

Edit: It is true that some games don't requite rape or things like that, but many have some of this element at some point(Or a lot of...), so maybe in these games you could get some of the sexy times, but not all you could go for, wich is honestly a bit of a waste considering you came to fap aswell as to play.

PS: I like you two, there's some people in forums that can't peacefully discuss stuff like you're doing right now xD


Oct 7, 2017
Well, I've also played my share of games with certain roleplaying elements.

Either by creating your own character(Wich is the most personal approach, like corruption of champions, for example) or by playing in a half-custom narrative, BUT the limited options are still there.

Do I like playing these kinda games? For sure I do, but I will never really be invested enough to be roleplaying as them; And by roleplaying as them I mean actualy caring about them more than on surface level.

For example, Tails of Azeroth(World of Whorecraft) had 3 characters that I absolutely didn't want to see the death of(Funny thing, this.), and I cared about them in a way I care about Geralt of Rivia not dying or not getting fucked over by someone in The Witcher Games.

But when I roleplay a character, I will NEVER get them in precarious situations on purpose, like -getting raped- situations.
Could get in these situation? Could, but will not willingly go to it.

If you ACTUALLY roleplay the character, you won't get the porn out of the porn game.

Edit: It is true that some games don't requite rape or things like that, but many have some of this element at some point(Or a lot of...), so maybe in these games you could get some of the sexy times, but not all you could go for, wich is honestly a bit of a waste considering you came to fap aswell as to play.

PS: I like you two, there's some people in forums that can't peacefully discuss stuff like you're doing right now xD
One again, it's different for each person ^^
that's the case for you but may not be the case for others.
That's roleplay, play a the role you want.
For example I met a girl here on this forum who loved to roleplay as a "submitted" female, who wanted all these "rape" scene (is it rape when there is consent ?) to happen to her character.
And I can assure you there was no psychological problem with her, neither did it influence her irl.


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Dec 31, 2019
Yep, it comes down mostly to opinion in some cases, so it's nothing to get worked up over.
The only thing I objected to was when you said that there was something wrong with you if you roleplay H games....

I'm also just a degenerate that likes it when the character I'm roleplaying gets violated and corrupted, male or female (see- MGQ, VH, etc). Better still if the character manages to make it through the event and I can use it for character motivation/storyline. (I must grow stronger! I can't let that happen to anyone else! Etc. Etc)
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Sep 22, 2016
Oh, I didn't specify male or female.

I guess each person has their opinion anyways, I am very protective and fond of my characters, because they're my characters, and, like I said, I can get to care for others, but if I happened to care too much for a character that happened to go through hardship I'd stop enjoying the game eventually.

So that's why I tend to keep it on surface level.

I might like the characters, and care for them to an extent, but not to a roleplaying extent.

I also meant to say you're not suposed to put yourself in the place of the psycho characters that rape and manipulate people like in the examples I used, these games are meant to turn the brain off a bit and enjoy, more than roleplaying as the guy. I simply am bad at explaining stuff, happens to me a lot xD


Feb 10, 2020
I tried but i don't enjoy them. it's tricky to explain but its hard to roleplay as a girl mc, it just doesn't feel the same. I guess it's a just a fetish for some people ^.


Jul 12, 2017
I thoroughly dislike playing as a female, though it is still better than the "male to female"-transformation games.


PS: Games aren't suposed to make you feel like you're the main character, because you're not, and you have a fucking problem if you do.
As I see it, we can roughly divide male MC games in two groups:

1) The MC is a bland, faceless guy which we never see or get to know. You shape his actions by choosing them. Because the guy is bland, it's easy to imagine him how you like him to be (e.g. yourself). It is generally easier to add attributes to a character than remove them. Example: the MC in DMD.

2) The MC is an actual character, with lot's of backstory. This is the type what you'd find in a decent novel. There are, however, some problems when this is transferred to a VN. First of all, it limits the player because the choices he makes (or, rather, let the MC make) have to fit the backstory. E.g. I like WVM, but you can make the MC behave in a way that goes diametrically against his backstory. That kinda breaks it for me, although just making the correct choices is not that difficult. The other problem is, that if the player doesn't like the MC (for some reason), it will be more difficult to like the game / story. This is basically what broke BB for me, as well as some other games.

In both cases, I disagree with you however. It's not wrong to immerse yourself in the MC, or in another character. Personally I even do it in novels, although you know you can't change the outcome of the novel, you could still fantasize what would happen if you / the MC could have done Y, instead of X, as written in the novel.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2019
As a result of my many years of role playing (Pen & Paper, like Dungeons and Dragons). When I play seriously, I almost always play the characters as their background story tells me (even if I had to made it up myself).
I don't make a difference between women and men, it's a character that I play, it's their story that I follow and expand.
That's why I have problems if the MC acts in contradiction to its background story or its previous actions.

I don't mind if the female MC sleeps with (multiple) men if her story demands it. I can appreciate a pretty penis almost as much as a nice pussy.


Aug 16, 2018
I definitely prefer female protagonists for a bunch of reasons. Though there are still many male protagonist games I enjoy.

Firstly they tend to be less rapey or if there is rapey stuff then you as the player are not the one committing it. Not to say all male protagonist games are rapey of course but I often find myself uncomfortable with what I have to do to get the lewds I want to see in male protagonist games.
Also the non-rapey sex in male protagonist games often requires long boring grinding while it's often much easier to get to the sex in female protagonist games.

Plus I'm way more likely to actually care about an attractive female character than some dude character. I want to follow what happens to her, how lewd she gets, what she does, how much sex she has, if she gets knocked up, etc rather than keeping a tally of how many chicks some dude who isn't me is banging. I want to follow the story of someone I'm attracted to rather than the story of a dude.
Like maybe it would feel less like watching some other guy have all of the sex if I self-inserted into the male protagonist but that's pretty rare for me, it often feels like the personality just doesn't match up.

And it opens up more possibilities. In a female protagonist game you can have sex with male and female characters and it all involves at least one character I'm attracted to. But in a male protagonist game if there's ever a lesbian scene then by definition it's not involving the protagonist.

As far as roleplaying as a female character goes I've never really had a problem with it. I play a mix of male and female characters in games regardless of whether I can see their ass. Female in Skyrim - male in Oblivion. Female in New Vegas - Male in Fallout 4. Male in Mass Effect - Female in Dragon Age Inquisition.

As far as the "protect" instinct goes - that only kicks in for me with games where I'm explicitly playing as some kind of mind control agent trying to get the girl to do these things against her will. If I'm playing as her then I want to become as lewd as possible as quickly as possible so all the scenes become fun happy sex.


Jul 22, 2017
I definitely prefer female protagonists for a bunch of reasons. Though there are still many male protagonist games I enjoy.

Firstly they tend to be less rapey or if there is rapey stuff then you as the player are not the one committing it. Not to say all male protagonist games are rapey of course but I often find myself uncomfortable with what I have to do to get the lewds I want to see in male protagonist games.
Also the non-rapey sex in male protagonist games often requires long boring grinding while it's often much easier to get to the sex in female protagonist games.

Plus I'm way more likely to actually care about an attractive female character than some dude character. I want to follow what happens to her, how lewd she gets, what she does, how much sex she has, if she gets knocked up, etc rather than keeping a tally of how many chicks some dude who isn't me is banging. I want to follow the story of someone I'm attracted to rather than the story of a dude.
Like maybe it would feel less like watching some other guy have all of the sex if I self-inserted into the male protagonist but that's pretty rare for me, it often feels like the personality just doesn't match up.

And it opens up more possibilities. In a female protagonist game you can have sex with male and female characters and it all involves at least one character I'm attracted to. But in a male protagonist game if there's ever a lesbian scene then by definition it's not involving the protagonist.

As far as roleplaying as a female character goes I've never really had a problem with it. I play a mix of male and female characters in games regardless of whether I can see their ass. Female in Skyrim - male in Oblivion. Female in New Vegas - Male in Fallout 4. Male in Mass Effect - Female in Dragon Age Inquisition.

As far as the "protect" instinct goes - that only kicks in for me with games where I'm explicitly playing as some kind of mind control agent trying to get the girl to do these things against her will. If I'm playing as her then I want to become as lewd as possible as quickly as possible so all the scenes become fun happy sex.
Isnt fucking multiple different chicks as a guy more fun and attractive than fucking different dudes as one chick? Especially for a straight guy.


Oct 7, 2017
Isnt fucking multiple different chicks as a guy more fun and attractive than fucking different dudes as one chick? Especially for a straight guy.
It's not about being straight or anything.
When you search for porn videos or movie, beside the fetishes / content involved it's the name/look of the actress that will make people select said video (unless you base your search on actors... ?)
Threesome, orgy, gang bang, etc. Focus is on the girl, the "protagonist" of the video. No one told me I'm not straight because I watch 1 girl getting fucked in every holes by several dudes, also because I don't go telling that to other people but that's not the point ^^


No one told me I'm not straight because I watch 1 girl getting fucked in every holes by several dudes
Bro, you are not gay, just a cuck! :ROFLMAO: ;)

I think everybody does the same thing as you... :unsure:


Jul 22, 2017
It's not about being straight or anything.
When you search for porn videos or movie, beside the fetishes / content involved it's the name/look of the actress that will make people select said video (unless you base your search on actors... ?)
Threesome, orgy, gang bang, etc. Focus is on the girl, the "protagonist" of the video. No one told me I'm not straight because I watch 1 girl getting fucked in every holes by several dudes, also because I don't go telling that to other people but that's not the point ^^
Now that I think about it, maybe Im just weird. I have no problem with searching for same porn actress fucking different dudes in different videos... but when I saw FakeTaxi with the chick as the driver I was completely disinterested in seeing her fucking different dudes and I considered that as a porn for women. Maybe its the set up of the scene? I dunno.


Oct 7, 2017
Now that I think about it, maybe Im just weird. I have no problem with searching for same porn actress fucking different dudes in different videos... but when I saw FakeTaxi with the chick as the driver I was completely disinterested in seeing her fucking different dudes and I considered that as a porn for women. Maybe its the set up of the scene? I dunno.
Yeah that's mostly a scene, or a perspective thing.
In a movie you know you're just watching. While in a game you have that "involved" feeling plus the fact you "control" the protagonist.
Enjoying female protagonist games for a male need that tiny bit of brain gymnastic to change perspective from actor to watcher.
Come more naturally to some.