What do you want to see in games ?


Deleted member 3257669

Girls that are pretty but don't have the over-the-top Pornstar / Supermodel looks.
Because many (VN) games I've tried have girls and even older characters look like they're straight-up pornstars or supermodels. I am not saying make a lot of them super ugly, but 7/10 being closer to girl-next-door type would definitely be better. It's really a shame because there's several games I would've played based on ratings/reviews but when I look at the screenshots it's just not appealing. I prefer a cute girl over a supermodel/pornstar.

Normal sized breasts
Several games have good looking models, good story/premise only to diminish the experience by making these models have ridiculous out-of-proportion breasts. Often this is not just "1" character but multiple or all of them. This completely ruins the experience for me. I can understand if you are a fan of big breasts, but I can hardly imagine that even these people like to see every female character to have ridiculous breasts like some of these games have.

Story- and character development before any sex happens
Games feel more rewarding when you have to work a little before relationships come to fruition, it's simply boring when you can have sex with a character you met within 5 minutes of the game, unless of course this is a character like your wife and the story revolves around you having other love interests aside of her.

Women dialogue mentioning the size of MC's PP without overblown reactions.
In several games the MC has an average (or even below average) size PP and the girl's dialogues are like:
"This is the biggest penis I've ever seen"
"Wow you're so big"
"OMG you're so deep; You're stretching me out!"
... or other statements like these listed.

Not to say men with PP-sizes like that are unable to invoke experiences like that, but if some female-characters have done like half the campus at the university and they react to MC's penis like that it just doesn't make any sense. I get that it wouldn't make sense for the girl to make fun of your PP as this wouldn't be enjoyable to read, but even average(or below) sized men know what a big or small PP looks like. If all these girls are virgins then it's more likely for them to say these things but most of them aren't.

More suspense/teasing
Because teasing scenes and suspense are incredibly hot, A Wife and Mother is a great example of this being done right. It's a shame there's not a lot of other games that capture this suspense in the way this game does. Shame it's not completed yet though.

More attention to animated scenes - Make the animations look more life-like.
I've played a few (VN) games that had absolutely beautiful character models, but when sex happened the movements were robotic/jittery, the characters had bland facial expressions or the penis/vagina/mouth don't have life-like reactions to each other.
I understand this is a hard ask for many developers, but I rather have fewer sex scenes that have great animations than a ton of them that are "bad looking".
Jul 7, 2019
I would like to see the ability for games to learn what your turn-ons/fetishes are. I'm big into handjobs, blowjobs, and titjobs so would be awesome if the game learned that's what I preferred and stayed on that path instead of moving on to vaginal and anal
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Feb 20, 2021
So after playing honestly way more ero games than I intended to this would be my list:

1. Bisexuals, like actually let more than just the women you get to have sex with be Bi. Its so insane how many games have weird views about sexuality as if it were a binary system. I swear you can have sex with both men and women... and continue to do so.

2. Can we get some romance up in here. Like I get it, these are porn games and don't get me wrong sometimes seeing worlds where sex isn't linked to romance at all is really interesting, especially in scifi/fantasy, But romance can be fun too. You know what games have me coming back to them for the next update? the ones where I want to see what happens to that girl or guy I liked because they were funny or had a great relationship with the MC.

3. Some gameplay. (no I don't mean click to work for 1 hour and get 15$)
I know most of these games are VN so its hard to add gameplay to those, (I like those too) but the Ero games that I end up keeping on my portable hard drive are things like Segoku Rance, a great game that happens to be porn.

4. Enough with the absurd looking girls.
Its not hot. I don't know who the hell thinks 3d models with tits that take up more mass than the rest of the character combined, but its not hot. (if your making a joke game, go for it.) Honestly if it was just a few games that did this I would just chalk it up to a fetish thing, but its way to common and I think these devs actually think people find it sexy...


Sep 23, 2017
Large-scale brainwashing (like making an entire city think wearing clothes looks ridiculous), extreme/unreal plastic surgery (O-ring lip implants, fuckable nipples, lengthened tongues, added anal/oral clitoris...)

Oh wait, you said realistic?

A game taking place a few generations after some harem protagonist had been going around impregnating every cute female character around, or his own family members. Everyone is suffering from horrible inbreeding issues, malformed children being born left and right, and you're stuck having to deal with the aftermath.
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Jan 25, 2018
A lot of games on here have no real or very little gameplay. And if they have gameplay its mostly just an obstacle, that you need to overcome to see the next scene.
I want better and more fun gameplay. I really enjoyed stuff like brothel city or free cities, where the underlying foundation would be an ok game without the porn. Those two are even "post nut" fun to play.
Or the devs should at least make that "obstacle minigame" sexy.


Mar 5, 2020
Game where the woman change in appearance as the game goes on so she becomes more and more attractive. Plain girl gets hot. Then hotter. And I think it is better if it happens in a realistic way through makeup, exercise and realistic plastic surgery with recovery, better then magic or super technology.

I like when the main characters really love each other especially when the woman really loves the main character. I like when the woman is jealous of the main character and other women so she chooses to be more beautiful or be his dream girl.
  • Thinking Face
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Apr 19, 2019
I want to see a good, well designed game that's worth playing that happens to have sex and nudity in it. Too often it's sex and nudity first with something resembling a game attached instead. I feel like devs should start by making a good game, then add the sex. If you start with the sex, then the gameplay is an afterthought, and the whole reason people play games in the first place is to have that experience of playing a fun game. If it's just the porn you're after, well that's easy enough to find without having to go through a poorly designed "game". A game has to be playable on it's own merits as a game. The tits and ass can't carry it alone.

For specific kink stuff... something I learned while playing Conan Exiles. Of course the game features nudity, so I made a darker skinned exotic woman, and a mod provided a pantiless loincloth. I was having an absolute blast running around the jungle as this topless, loincloth wearing, mysterious looking woman, spear in hand, feeling both powerful and vulnerable. I was actually kind of loathe to put on some actual armor and move along.

A game centered around that whole feel could be interesting. I've seen the wild, Amazon jungle woman trope before, but too often they end up being these enormous "Death by Snu Snu" kind of she-hulks that I'm not particularly interested in. Maybe a sort of reverse-Tarzan story. Beautiful woman raised in the wilds of the jungle. Dangerous and cautious, but curious. Unconcerned with concepts like "modesty". Could be interesting both from the perspective of said jungle-woman or from the perspective of an outsider who happens upon her.
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Apr 18, 2021
There is a difference between a game that has a main plot and happens to have sex scenes written into it and a game where the main plot itself is the sex.

I'm not saying the latter can't be fun but you can't have a darker, more grounded story with a MC whose main motivation is getting pussy.
Agreed and to me this is just a healthy mindset in general. Like, going out on a date with a girl to have a good time and if you happen to have sex, great. But if you don't that's okay. It's the difference of being a grounded individual vs (literally) trying to fuck people over. It's much more rewarding in a game when the characters feel like they like each other and finally get that reward of hooking up vs you find a random hot asset and bang it.

That said, would like to see more intimacy in games such as hand holder, eye contact, love notes, flirting, favors, having to figure out what individual lovers like/don't like. Ultimately this is all just a mind game we are sitting in front of a screen tricking our mind into feelings of love and sexual gratification. It is more complicated than hot CG model with big boobs sucking on 2 foot dick.

Also agreed with the comment about more clothes. Everyone being naked gets boring. Costumes, latex, leather, fishnet, dresses, skirts, panties, it's all more fun during sex!
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Janice Davis

Sep 27, 2020
Honestly I just wanna see all my fetishes and fantasies represented to their full extent. Gloryhole sex, dark alley/public sex, office lady, domination, cheating, paid sex, bathroom sex, I want to see them all.
I agree! Pretty much all of these. A good variety is always welcome, but I especially like to see blowjobs and sex in public.
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Kris Kross

Nov 22, 2020
More devs could buy the assets they use since they're profiting off of them. And to those that do, I applaud them. Also, maybe don't use the same cookie-cutter assets with the default settings and the barest hint of anything remotely resembling actual effort into adjusting them that took four months to do before spewing them out unto the ravenous masses. Have a little pride and display some degree of a work ethic, and show us what can really be done with the assets you're using to develop 3D games with unique and interesting combinations or possibilities. Leave a lasting mark that says that these characters and these backgrounds were made by this developer who knows his or her shit. Ever have that feeling of déjà vu of seeing the exact same character, albeit with a different name, in the exact same environment in a dozen games? I hate that. It can potentially get confusing.
All adult game development is limited to enthusiasts.
Of course, it's hard for them to make a quality game without a big investment of money.
Many developers make games that look good and are somehow playable. After all, a good 3D game requires some 3D art, coding, good design, music, script.
All this makes a game beautiful and interesting, but where to get money for it?
It is very difficult to advertise adult games (practically nowhere and nowhere) and most of the players want to get the game for free.
Perhaps, if game developers had more sites to advertise their work, it would be easier for them?
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Feb 23, 2020
I'll just keep it short and to the point. This is applicable to only female MC games.

I don't want the MC to be a village bicycle where every ugly fat man fucks her even though she hates that person and then having a "corruption" point stupidity where she cannot progress to man B if she doesn't fuck man A, like really bro.

「S」- Man

Aug 27, 2021
Ok i will break this down into 3 categories: Gameplay, Aesthetic and Content.

Gameplay - I don't mind playing hardcore/difficult games even if this impedes on H-scenes and/or game progression as long as the objectives and commands are well presented. And super easy games are fine too it would depend on the setting i guess.

Aesthetic - If we are talking about RPGM, for me personally, scenery;music;background doesn't need to much attention put into it, i don't care. But characters should and i say this because i am tired or generic male characters being drawn as a transparent blurs interacting with a highly detailed female character. Outside on RPGM i am more demanding with sound effects, music, background etc.

Content -Cohesion is the key, if the game starts goofy, fantastic or unrealistic it should end that way, and if it was the opposite maybe is ok to keep that way or slowly changing the tone but not drastically or it just fells like plot convenience and this extends to H-scenes so basically: if one character is presented as sex-demon it shouldn't be hard to fuck it right? So is truth for the opposite or that event would be explicitly traumatic.