What is thy limit to porn logic?

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
What exactly would you say about that where you wouldn't be laughed out of the building?

You - "Hello, someone is mind controlling my sister to make her commit sex acts"

Anyone you tell - bwahahahahahahaha check out this idiot, think he's a crack head.
While murder is always an option.
Beyond that you have video evidence.
Showing that to your mother or the cops will help(how old do you think the girl is(legal 18+ not withstanding) 14?
I am quiet sure that would atleast encourge a police invesitation.

But the real problem is that the mc doesnt react to it like a brother would.
No outrage swearing revenge, No idea of calling the police to be laught at, nothing but wtf is this.
And the mc isnt corrupt enough yet to not care.

A choice of games called neighbourhood necromancer gives you the option to call the police.
It leads to a game over but it does give you the choice.

If the game had for example let me call the police and get laughted at that would have been fine.
Nobody believes the cops are usefull anyway.
Likewise if he could be pissed off and started to plot revenge that would have been fine too.
But just accept it?
As an elder brother i simply can not believe that.
I would feel hate and anger if it was my sister.
I probley would pick a knife and attempt to murder the witch right there before she attempt to mind controled me.
I would not just stare dumbfounded.
That is what makes it so irirtating.
Nothing in the game conviced me that my charater would accept it.
The mc isnt even shown and evil and self serving(that would have made it more acceptable but i would probley still rage because there touching my property)


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2018
I did not realize there was any logic applied to porn games, IMO they are just virtual and most of the time nothing applies to real life. There are no consequences for the mc or characters for example: STD's and normally if the mc is male they are the only male so no natural competition. In the case of incest games the females, allow themselves to shagged by their family member, because it is considered normal.
I do not think I have played a porn game that has logic or consequences for actions, normally the females are just holes for the mc to shove his horse dick in.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
But the real problem is that the mc doesnt react to it like a brother would.
You mean that he don't want to bang his sister like the good brother he is ?

It remind me of a big argument in the specialized press in the 90's about a RPG (paper) game. Part of the community were mad because one of the scenario sold with the rules was unbelievable ; they traveled in four days while the map clearly shown that they would have needed a whole week more. They had dragons, magic, strange creatures, can come back from death, and what bother them was the time needed for a travel...
And it's the same here. What bother you is that some MC don't called the cops when he perhaps should have. But then, what about all the games where you turn your mother into your own sex puppet ? It doesn't bother you that she pass her time to say, "no we shouldn't", and still spread her legs wide every time ?
And what about all the games where a succubus suddenly decide that the looser you are is her last hope and grant you mind control ? Honestly this one bother me a little. The MC is almost always a twentish virgin, and still the succubus think that it's The One ? There's surely some studs out there, sometimes you event met one during the game, but no, you are the only one that can achieve to seduce and corrupt all the girls, and for this she's ready to share the few part of magic that maintain her alive. Hey girl, go for a stud and you'll not even have to share your power, he already do all the works without need of magic !
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Active Member
May 2, 2018
I did not realize there was any logic applied to porn games, IMO they are just virtual and most of the time nothing applies to real life. There are no consequences for the mc or characters for example: STD's and normally if the mc is male they are the only male so no natural competition. In the case of incest games the females, allow themselves to shagged by their family member, because it is considered normal.
I do not think I have played a porn game that has logic or consequences for actions, normally the females are just holes for the mc to shove his horse dick in.
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I don't know what to make of this. It's hyperbole, but you aren't indicating that you know that. If you can't walk up to and immediately fuck every woman you meet in the game, then there has to be some logic. Like I can't bang her until she likes me better or I can't bang her until I can blackmail her. The idea of porn game logic is that it often doesn't have a basis in reality, because it is both porn and a game, neither of which are known for strong ties to realism. That is not to say it can't happen that a porn game is somewhat realistic, but it uncommon at the very least. If a porn game had no logic, it would just be "here's a girl, you can fuck her now." While it might seem edgey to say that's all porn games do, it's over simplifying things.

Also, STDs what a fun game mechanic. That chick I fucked had genital warts, now I have them. Women won't fuck me if they see my genital warts. I have to go see the doctor and get a prescription for a cream. Now I need to apply the cream daily. My genital warts are in remission now, so I can have more sex and spread them around. Now everyone has genital warts. Are you fapping yet?

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
You mean that he don't want to bang his sister like the good brother he is ?
While he doesnt.
He is being slowly turned into a rapist.
But at that point in time he isnt there yet.
The only excuees i found was that he was suchs a wimp that would to be afraid to do anything about it but not even that is mentionted.

It remind me of a big argument in the specialized press in the 90's about a RPG (paper) game. Part of the community were mad because one of the scenario sold with the rules was unbelievable ; they traveled in four days while the map clearly shown that they would have needed a whole week more. They had dragons, magic, strange creatures, can come back from death, and what bother them was the time needed for a travel...
One of the things i learn when being a dm for D&D:
Make worlds not stories.
The game is a million times more fun is there is a consistant world too play in.
Subtle hints like you find a guy taking a leak behind a tree or you smell bread from the baker as you enter the town works miracle's for making the world seem more alive.
So yes having a walk take 4 days when the map shows a week is a bit of an anoyance for players like myself.
I would dismiss it as the map being drawn wrong but it is still anoying.

And it's the same here. What bother you is that some MC don't called the cops when he perhaps should have. But then, what about all the games where you turn your mother into your own sex puppet ? It doesn't bother you that she pass her time to say, "no we shouldn't", and still spread her legs wide every time ?
Not sure if i understand it correctly.
If she said no we shoudnt and still spreads her leg it would be a huge turn on.
I get turned on by power over others.
So her not wanting to and still doing it is a big plus for me.
Ofcourse nothing kills a bonner faster then having her want it right for the start.
I enjoy corruption games because of the mind games.
Making them want to be my sex puppet.
I prefer mind control because hypnosis is far more believeable to changing someones view on incest then mere blackmail.(and most blackmails are crap that woudnt work on anyone but extreem doormate's)

And what about all the games where a succubus suddenly decide that the looser you are is her last hope and grant you mind control ? Honestly this one bother me a little. The MC is almost always a twentish virgin, and still the succubus think that it's The One ? There's surely some studs out there, sometimes you event met one during the game, but no, you are the only one that can achieve to seduce and corrupt all the girls, and for this she's ready to share the few part of magic that maintain her alive. Hey girl, go for a stud and you'll not even have to share your power, he already do all the works without need of magic !
You misunderstand the logic her.
She doesnt pick the twenty virgin because he can get woman onto his dick.
She picks him because he is desperate enough to do things studs woudnt even consider because they can get laid.
I like the loser MC because it makes the corruption more believeable.
After all someone who is desparate to get laid is far more willing to do ammoral things then someone who gets laid.

So yes for ME it is important that the charater behave in a believeable faction.
I find games where the mc gets increasely corrupt and perverted as he gains more and more power over people fun.
Games where the mc just gets laid by sweet talking are boring.

Dont get me wrong from time to time i play games where you have sex the moment you press play.
Sometimes i just want a quicky and not go through entire story lines.
And games are simple better then movies because the offer my biggest turn on:


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Lesbians all want cock is one that really pisses me off. I know bringing my personal feelings into a game shouldn't happen but sadly a lot of men think like that and they annoy me. When I see the tags "Male Protag" and "Lesbian" I usually find some character labeled as lesbian and wanting the MC's dick, that isn't a lesbian it's a bisexual. It's like people think we are there to be converted. Going to say something I said once before, one day i'm going to make a game where straight men are converted gay by surprise butt fucks, see how they like it.
Now, I want to be clear, I agree with you. But, sadly we don't have a bisexual tag, I checked.
Screenshot_2018-11-01 Search Tags F95zone.png

From there, to me it's all about how it is done. What Milfy City has done with the Aunt, I think that's kinda fucked. She's been adamant about her feelings, she's not gonna change her mind by watching her nephew fuck her wife, no matter how into rough sex she is. However, sexuality is a spectrum, and as you yourself know, there are plenty of girls who rebound from a bad relationship with a man, declaring themselves lesbians for life and then go back a few months or years, if they're really mad, later. I know that in my case my taste in sexual partners is mostly identifiable as straight, however I also like attractive trans women, dick or not, and futanari is fun, and I know that I find certain men attractive enough to have relations with, so if you ask me, I'll tell you I'm pansexual. If someone had found me 5 years ago, before I really explored this side of me, they would have been able to turn me from being straight.

But as I always say, no matter what the game, you had better set it up well. It would probably work best in a female protagonist game, so that the thoughts and feelings of the lesbian in question can be used to show the change in them. However you can get away with it in some form of game with a 3rd person narrative, who can get the thoughts and feelings of non-player characters. Still, this is not an easy thing to pull off. As I mentioned above, it's what Milfy City has tried, but in my opinion the method is nothing short of insulting.

As to your game about a guy turning other guys gay with buttsex, I'd play it.

Rape enjoyment. The only time I have seen this work is in Bunny Black and that's because that game is so over the top ridiculous pretty much anything would work. Maybe Rance too but, again, he's also over the top ridiculous.

Sex breaking someone mentally. That's not how sex works. It's usually a Japanese thing (funny how they are behind all things wrong in porn)
I have trouble with a lot of "corruption" games/VNs. A lot of them have the 'rape her until she likes it' mentality. They don't actually develop the corruption aspect of the character. It's mostly "I didn't know how much I liked sex until I was forced to have it 50 times." Depending on how poorly it's handled, it can make me stop a game. In the same vein, it's always laughable when the blackmail is "have sex with me or I'll tell people you already had sex with me." Given that the first encounter was generally rape, it seems stupid that this line of thinking works. It's a never ending cycle of blackmail at that point. While I realize the character is supposed to be wanting more sex, it is usually super clunky and sloppy.
Quoting you two together, because you're right, this is one of my biggest pet peeves in games. Corruption is a choice made by the person who is being corrupted. If you use blackmail, coercion, or rape to alter the mental state of a victim with the intention of "breaking their mind" and "corrupting" them, then you're not going to corrupt them. You will get them to act in the way you want. But it won't be corruption. It will be survival instinct. The victim, over time, may become institutionalized by your actions, and behave the way you want them to without you having to force them. But if they ever escape this situation they will not remain a cock hungry slut who craves a master, or a whore who craves pain so much that she'll intentionally go down dark alleys to get raped.

No, she'll go to therapy for her massive psychological problems and likely try the rest of her life to rebuild. However, being institutionalized the way she was, it will be hard. She'll be looking around every corner for the rest of her days. Her institutionalization will make her more likely to become a victim again in the future, as she'll be less likely to fight, her natural responses being honed in a particular fashion. But she will never be corrupt. She will never want it.

Sister, sister, sister.
Where the fact you didnt inform anyone a stranger was mind controling your younger sister or even attempted to murder to witch irirtated me to no end.
I like incest game.
I like corrupting woman.
But i am still quiet protective of my family.
Likewise i expect that either out of possestiveness or love the main charater does accauly want to protect his family from other preditors.
There are a lot of problems with Sister Sister Sister. The code, first off. I played 3 or 4 versions after the truth or dare sequence was added where I had to go in and fix the truth or dare sequence because it was throwing an infinite loop error. The fact that he turned off auto saves, and somehow, broke backup saves, because I often had to restart that game from the beginning, in spite of having chapter 1,2,3,5,6,8,11,12,&14 all in my backup save data. The art is very basic, no skill whatsoever seems to have gone into it. And the reason I stopped playing finally after 14 was that, in spite of having sex with the redhead and, I'm pretty sure the mom too, chapter 14 wall all about Alessia being disappointed in my progress, not losing my virginity yet, and having a first time with mom. I also seem to recall 12 ending with them being worried I was progressing too fast. An inconsistent story is what killed it for me.

What didn't kill it for me, is the mind control. The mind control technique in this game, which is a form of hypnosis really, is the best explained piece of mind control in any game I've played. A practitioner of this technique is not able to make anyone do anything they don't want to do. It simply acts to remove their inhibitions that keep them from doing that thing which they desire. As you know there was a secret of some sort on the twin sister's computer that your older sisters were interested in finding out. What was that? She was writing about her incest fantasies, particularly those involving you. So no, Alessia didn't control her. She simply helped remove the barriers that were stopping her from doing these things.

Te reason DmD and Melody are popular, imho, is that the writing take its time to establish the characters and not every one of them seem to have the same personality and fettishes.
I don't know about Melody, I won't play it until it's finished after my experience with DmD, but no, DmD did not take the time to establish its characters. Now, let me be clear. DmD actually has something great going for it, a dramatic plot revolving around the taboo and keeping it a secret, while also hoping to expand things. However, when it comes to the characters, everyone that has more than a few scenes is inconsistent as all hell.

D, in particular, goes from having the mentality of a child under 10 to having the mentality of maybe a 13 year old from one scene to the next. She's stupid and not in a "she's uneducated" way, but in a "she's incapable of processing information and coming to logical conclusions" kind of way. If D were dropped into a female protagonist game, it would be a retard in lechertown. She'd be raped by the photographer and his brother. She'd be raped by the guys on the beach, she'd be raped by Elena. And if her daddy was in the game, guess what? She'd be raped by him too.

Bringing up Elena, I assume you played the most recent update? Why the fuck is the character who has been a straightforward slut from day one, so confident in herself that she'd attempt to seduce a 40 something year old man in a cafe while his daughter was there, all of the sudden a blushing maiden when it comes to this country boy stammering his way around?

The MC is almost as bad as D. He's the quintessential character. And we are gonna focus on the "be a gentleman" part. You see, Mr. Dots couldn't decide if he was writing a corruption game or a romance game. And so your MC goes between acting like a complete deranged pervert taking advantage of his retarded daughter to having existential crises about how it's wrong for him to be doing this. In spite of behaving like he intends to corrupt, he's always worried about her comfort level in a tender and loving fashion.

And this brings us to the biggest problem with all this, and likely the reason behind all of the character inconsistency. PACING. To say this straight, before you left the island sex should have happened. However, I'll caveat this a bit. I also would remove all the corruption elements and the early peeking and massages. The first time you lay your hands on D in a semi-sexual fashion, would be the time you apply lotion to her on that first day on the beach. From there you build a willing progression that comes from both characters, D, with naive curiosity, I wouldn't change the fact that she is skewed as young, just pick an age, teen, specifically, and stick with it. Her romanticism and the like would allow her to explore this curiosity. I also would keep the jokes Elena made about thinking of her dad in that way. With the Dad, he'd be reluctant from the start, his existential crisis coming early and it would be D's willingness that comforts him and allows him to explore his own feelings without guilt. I'd take my time, but they'd have sex before they left the island. And then, they'd also have sex in the hotel on fight night, only, this time it won't be the act of pure passion that it was the first time on the island, it will be more of a planned event that the two of them enter into.

The reason for this is, Dots is using sex incorrectly in the game. He's treating it as if it's the reward, as it it's the driving force for us playing the game. But as I said at the start, Dots has a great incest plot. First game is and should be about getting over the hurdle together slowly evolving into keeping it a secret. 2nd game throws all that progress into limbo, Dad is worried that he's gonna lose his little girl again, and after what they've become, he can't bear it. D wants him back as well, the first man she's ever loved or been intimate with. And the fact that they have to keep it a secret, which Dots has already made a huge focus in the 2nd title, is a perfect motivation for the game. Yes, there should be sexual stuff. But no, it shouldn't be this very exaggerated stairway to heaven that just makes people feel like they're grinding.

I did not realize there was any logic applied to porn games, IMO they are just virtual and most of the time nothing applies to real life. There are no consequences for the mc or characters for example: STD's and normally if the mc is male they are the only male so no natural competition. In the case of incest games the females, allow themselves to shagged by their family member, because it is considered normal.
I do not think I have played a porn game that has logic or consequences for actions, normally the females are just holes for the mc to shove his horse dick in.
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Don't take this the wrong way, but you're not playing the right games then. There are plenty of games with great attention to detail. Sure, STDs are not a big issue, and pregnancy is seemingly rare, but those are easy to explain, most of the characters involved are virgins or have only ever fucked other virgins. There are exceptions to this, of course, but the point stands that disease could be prevented, and pregnancy, maybe everyone is on Birth Control.

In my own incest game I committed to a violent rape that people would be initially turned off by to justify the later development of an incestuous relationship between the victim of the rape and the sibling who saved them. In my other title I'm slowly dropping hints about a villain who won't be revealed until much later so that when it happens people will be like.. oh shit, I should have seen it coming, rather than, well that was dumb. And I'm not sacrificing the porn to get there.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
While murder is always an option.
Beyond that you have video evidence.
Showing that to your mother or the cops will help(how old do you think the girl is(legal 18+ not withstanding) 14?
I am quiet sure that would atleast encourge a police invesitation.
Video doesn't prove any control at all, just someone telling someone else to perform oral sex on her sister. That would end with the sister being taken into care if she was that young and the MC would never see her again.

Murder, jail time for the MC.

Your solutions are not viable.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
Video doesn't prove any control at all, just someone telling someone else to perform oral sex on her sister. That would end with the sister being taken into care if she was that young and the MC would never see her again.

Murder, jail time for the MC.

Your solutions are not viable.
Emotions arent logical.
Being taken away from the crazy twin sisters would be a good thing.

Showing the video to the mother would have a 90% chance of the witch dead or trown out of the house and a 10% with the mother being mind controled.
Showing it to the police would result in the witch being jailed because pedofilia tends to cause a major hatestorm(for obvious reasons)
And if she was of legal age then the mc could tell them she was blackmailed.
The chance of them doing anything is 10% but atleast then mc did something.

As for murder.
I dont know the statistic but from my knowledge alot of criminals dont get caught for years or at all.
Granted the mc isnt that smart so he would be caught(or he might turn himself in)
The end result is the same tho.
One dead witch and a safer family/world.

We do crazy stuff to protect the onces we love.
I woudnt put it pass someone to act first and think later.

It isnt a question of it working.
It is a question of doing something to protect your family.
Even if it fails.


Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2017
While the scenarios may be ridiculous it's convenient to be lenient on accepting how characters behave because of the implicit understanding things happen that way to provide you with a porn scene.

The setting shouldn't be ridiculous. Like don't do a snow daze where people are implausibly trapped in a house filled with porn costumes for no reason, and the mc has mind control abilities. You could easily make a similar game with less retarded contrivances, otherwise it constantly reminds you to not take anything seriously.

Disproportionate body parts are both a turn off and unimmersive, I don't understand giant tits and penises at all. Why ignore the normal stretching qualities of a human body? Or devs ignoring that anuses aren't designed to take penises, it being bothersome affair is part of why it's sexy and they just don't care. "oh but effortless anal without lube is convention".

Jap games tend to have no logic requirements whatsoever. There's some archive of different (impossible) sex poses and they just tick boxes for those. Zero immersion, zero belief any of the characters are real and so on. Do the exact opposite of an average jap game and you should be fine.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Emotions arent logical.
Being taken away from the crazy twin sisters would be a good thing.

Showing the video to the mother would have a 90% chance of the witch dead or trown out of the house and a 10% with the mother being mind controled.
Showing it to the police would result in the witch being jailed because pedofilia tends to cause a major hatestorm(for obvious reasons)
And if she was of legal age then the mc could tell them she was blackmailed.
The chance of them doing anything is 10% but atleast then mc did something.

As for murder.
I dont know the statistic but from my knowledge alot of criminals dont get caught for years or at all.
Granted the mc isnt that smart so he would be caught(or he might turn himself in)
The end result is the same tho.
One dead witch and a safer family/world.

We do crazy stuff to protect the onces we love.
I woudnt put it pass someone to act first and think later.

It isnt a question of it working.
It is a question of doing something to protect your family.
Even if it fails.
Everything you say would lead to the worst sex game ever made.

"Why didn't the MC stop them" because if he did it would have been a very short and shit game.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
Everything you say would lead to the worst sex game ever made.

"Why didn't the MC stop them" because if he did it would have been a very short and shit game.
It already is a very shit game.
I played it once because i was bored out of my mind and just coudnt continue after the sheer amount of conveniences.

That is my entire point.
Porn and games dont have to be realistic.
They have to be believeable.

I overlook alot of logical problems to enjoy a game.
Like how susan hooter in hentai high school can be blackmailed into a striptease and in giving her panties because you found a panty shot of her in her sons locker.
A panty shot.... That will get you a 100 bucks at best and that is if they believe it would destroy there social life.
Because people will forget about that kinda news in 5 days tops.

The rest of the blackmail works because you basicly have(or made) fotograthic evidence of a teacher molest a student.
That is the kind of stuff that people really dont want public even if it is fake.

Or how in superpowered the teacher's, principle and parents dont notice you mind controling and turning the girls into sluts.
Atleast in hentai high school+ you couldnt go to fast because people would start asking questions.


New Member
May 11, 2018
I think I tend to be pretty forgiving when it comes to imagination and suspension of disbelief, usually if the game is going balls to the wall with what they're trying to do. Like, you could be doing some wildly unbelievable things but as long as you're committed to going that wild, I'm generally fine, whereas if the story is mediocre, I start to lose interest quickly regardless of what you're doing.
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Aug 17, 2016
Step-twins. That was my breaking point with Snow Daze. I can accept a lot of unrealistic porn (and when it comes to breast sizes, I'll often even encourage some deviation from the more common tit to waist ratios), but when I finally noticed that the game explained that this pair of fraternal twins, who call each other either twins or siblings all the time and look a lot like each other, are related only through marriage, that's when I threw the fucking game in the trash and cancelled my support for the Patreon. And this, mind you, was before Patreon started cracked down on incest.

Unsurprisingly, any similar fake-incest garbage fire also immediately kills my boner. Adoption, roommates/landlady, family friend that the protagonist goes to live with after their entire family mysteriouosly explodes but who has an entire family set up who look a shitload like the protagonist? Every one of those things is retarded and awful. I hate those games, and I hate Patreon for encouraging this stupid bullshit.

Note: all is forgiven as far as the author and game are concerned if the game in question has a patch available to fix that dumbness, but that in no way means that I hate Patreon any less for it.


Game Developer
Sep 26, 2018
Awkward MC's. I don't generally play male MC games unless the story or the women really stand out or it's romance based because I love me some good love stories. A few male MC's i've seen, usually in Japanese games, have been far too awkward around women and it makes it hard to read and I end up stopping. Stuttering annoyingly, nose bleeds, saying the wrong thing, dragging out how they feel for hours. It's not something I find endearing or remotely attractive. If I was straight and had some bloke stuttering at me while his nose bled due to him staring at my cleavage I wouldn't be speaking to him for very long or ever again. Don't worry, i'm not sexist, I feel the exact same way about awkward women.
Awkward MCs can't be that bad, can it? I mean I usually favor MCs that are awkward but genuine. Wouldn't a charmer suggests that he is simply too good to be true? And that every word that comes out the handsome fella's mouth is nothing but a way to woo the girl? Unless by awkward, you truly mean a horny mf that cannot articulate how much he just wants sex, so he stutters every word thinking people can read his dirty mind?


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Stop calling me out, I'm feeling a bit guilty. :FeelsBadMan:
It depends on how exaggerated. For instance, I hate almost every mom's model in games. Seeing the one from Apartment 69 was a breath of fresh air. She looks like a housewife, but doesn't look like Anna from Anna's Exciting Affection suddenly gained a lot of weight in the ass and breasts, and a serious case of lordosis.

D, from DmD is another example of one that's a bit much, I tend to look past it because it was one of the first games I played, but I also cringe whenever I see someone has recreated her proportions in their game. There are plenty of great, thicc character models out there, but people keep going full triple G cup breasts and asses that are big enough that the MC probably will only barely penetrate that asshole from all that cushion, even considering his larger than average size.

On that note, one thing that really does take me out of it is when the penis grafted on a character, usually an otherwise female one, is so fucking big that they can lick the tip without leaning forward. I'm fine with all the dicks that reach all the way to the dudes belly button and are the length of the spinner sized love interest's forearm, but the moment it starts creeping above that already enormous size I just can't anymore.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Awkward MCs can't be that bad, can it? I mean I usually favor MCs that are awkward but genuine. Wouldn't a charmer suggests that he is simply too good to be true? And that every word that comes out the handsome fella's mouth is nothing but a way to woo the girl? Unless by awkward, you truly mean a horny mf that cannot articulate how much he just wants sex, so he stutters every word thinking people can read his dirty mind?
Doesn't need to be a charmer but someone that just talks like a rational person without stammering out his words or spouting absolute nonsense.

I may not go for blokes but they do still flirt, or at least try to, and nothing is less attractive than someone looking like a deer caught in the headlights while getting confused about what to say. I try and be polite but usually end up telling them either spit it out or piss off.

I find awkwardness annoying. Overconfidence isn't attractive either but at least they get to the point. It's not just men, some women are just as bad only they make it worse by trying to act cute while doing it. While we all love cute things it's off putting when they are trying to flirt, failing miserably and all I ca think of doing is saying Awww while patting them on the head.

I'm aware how bitchy this all makes me sound but i'm not that bad, i'm just impatient. It's worse when it's in a story because you can't pretend to ignore them and talk to your friend so you end up stuck reading a car crash conversation and it always leaves me thinking why?

Why do some writers have to make MC's that are painfully uncomfortable to read. I remember someone saying it's something Japanese women like so it may be a culture thing but it's just something I personally dislike.


Game Developer
Sep 26, 2018
This coherence don't only apply to the universe, it also apply to the character building. Take by example. The character building is a real mess. The said wife and mother is totally sexually repressed and in the same time a real slut.
Just one example. She let her son and his friend see her in a bra while playing video game, because it doesn't matter... and few days after this, she freak out because her son see her in a bikini and not in a full covering one piece. Then she think that letting him saw her like this more often can be a good motivation, so she have a deal with him : he clean his room, behave and be a good son, and she'll wear her bikini more often.
What the fuck man :/ This girl have a really strong multi personality disorder.
Add onto the fact that sex is actually the cure for cancer in all(most) games! The mother knows that giving sex will definitely make the son leave the house and get a girlfriend. :'(


Game Developer
Sep 26, 2018
It depends on how exaggerated. For instance, I hate almost every mom's model in games. Seeing the one from Apartment 69 was a breath of fresh air. She looks like a housewife, but doesn't look like Anna from Anna's Exciting Affection suddenly gained a lot of weight in the ass and breasts, and a serious case of lordosis.

D, from DmD is another example of one that's a bit much, I tend to look past it because it was one of the first games I played, but I also cringe whenever I see someone has recreated her proportions in their game. There are plenty of great, thicc character models out there, but people keep going full triple G cup breasts and asses that are big enough that the MC probably will only barely penetrate that asshole from all that cushion, even considering his larger than average size.

On that note, one thing that really does take me out of it is when the penis grafted on a character, usually an otherwise female one, is so fucking big that they can lick the tip without leaning forward. I'm fine with all the dicks that reach all the way to the dudes belly button and are the length of the spinner sized love interest's forearm, but the moment it starts creeping above that already enormous size I just can't anymore.
Me right now: Penis length [0--[]--------------------100] cranking down that length immediately. :coldsweat: