What makes you angry about the adult gaming community in general?


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2019
What makes me angry about the adult gaming community in general?

Nothing. Gaming is supposed to be fun. If I don't like a game, I don't play it or I'll stop playing it.

If I don't like the behavior of a community member, I can ignore him.
There are a lot of serious things in life that I have to worry about, so I can't afford to get angry about things related to adult games.

That's my second biggest hate.

My first is devs that pander too much to their audience.

When I download a game or a novel I do so under the assumption i'm going to be looking at the devs work and ideas. I don't want to follow a game that has ideas from half that devs Patron because those end up a messy cluster fuck of nonsense.

When it comes to story I expect the dev to have it laid out already with a plan on how they are going to do it and the means to finish it. Sure it's expecting a lot but after several years of playing adult games i'm sick to the back teeth of abandoned bullshit and half arsed copy pasta incest games being shat out.
In addition to playing adlut games and VNs, I am developing one adult visual novel. It's mainly a hobby project, so development is slow.
I don't think listening to community feedback is always bad. I know what I want in my visual novel, but some suggestions from community members are worth considering. For example, several people wrote that they did not like the eyebrows of one of the two main girls.
I tried a few other options and eventually found that I liked the character better when I made her eyebrows different.
So I decided to change the character a bit before the next update.

I originally assumed that only one of the two girls would be the main romantic interest in my VN.
But some people prefer the other girl. So I decided that it would be possible to choose which of the two girls girls would evolve into the main romantic interest.

It will take a few updates, because each of the girls has a different history with MC.

The main point is that I also liked the idea from the beginning, I even considered it before the people suggested it, but I was just afraid that the development would be more demanding.

On the other hand, I would never include something just to please players if it's something I don't like, or I feel like it doesn't fit my VN. So, for example, incest is a big "NO" to my visual novel.
Not because of Patreon, there are always some workarounds, but simply because I don't want it in my VN.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I don't think listening to community feedback is always bad.
Oh, i'm not saying listening to them is bad i'm saying listening to them too much is.

IF players are dictating character progression and story then i'm not interested. If the dev has no clue what he's doing and just making what their patrons want then it's going to be a cluster fuck of nonsense.

I don't mind the small things like outfit or hairstyle but that's as far as it should ever go. If the dev can't be bothered to plan out a story and characters before starting then I can't be bothered wasting money on them.

I wouldn't buy a shit AAA game that had been pasted together from scraps of garbage like Ride to Hell Retribution so i'm not going to spend money on an amateur dev that hasn't done any pre planning.

People like that are in it to make a quick quid and they can fuck right off. They don't bring anything decent to the table and they usually abandon their crap when they realise that taking a shit in Ren'py and trying to pass it off as art isn't going to bring them thousands a month.
Apr 19, 2020
If a game runs, I'm happy.

I only get angry when games don't start, or big bugs like pictures not loading.

Between the tags, generally working links, active userbase and large selection of games, I'm not particularly mad about things.


Dec 28, 2019
Both of my criticisms are directed at this site specifically:
So i´ve recently posted 2 games on this site (both niche fetishes Shemale/trap and bestiality and were MTL important for later) and i have honestly never seen a comment section so filled with such rude people. It feels like many comments are just "this game is shit because it doesn´t cater exactly to my preferences (e.g the game not featuring NTR)" or "This Game sucks even though i´ve not even played for 5 minutes" but the most annoying comment i had "This game is shit because it advertises something it doesn´t feature, but it actually doesn´t advertise it anywhere and i didn´t even read the description which literally advertises the exact opposite" I have no problem if someone has actual complains about the game having an actual problem but comment like these are so annoying and i ONLY did a MTL. I can´t imagine how shitty it must feel to have these comment on a game you made yourself and put passion and work into just to have to read something like this. If you dont like the game or genre you should just ignore it and search for another game because the likelyhood that there is a game on this site which actually features the content you want to see is quite high. There are some people who meme about the specific fetishes but honestly i don´t mind them really, if you have a personal problem with the game content or genre just keep it to yourself.

One other thing is of course the ever annoying "MTL is shit". From the 2 games i did, one was a game i bought and shared myself since there was no other way of getting it and the other was a game that was requested by some, who i then asked if they would like a MTL of the game since i made one some time ago. Yes of course MTL is nowhere near as good as an actual manual translation, but i don t speak or read Japanese and English allready is my second language and i wouldn´t actually call myself a "Translator". But even then i actually did manually translate a couple of important parts of one game and also took a considerable amount of time fixing broken scripts of the other game so it would be able to run properly. Not only that, while i have to admit the MTL of the first game was really rough at times the MTL of the second game was suprisingly understandable. And even further i purposely include the original jap data in my thread so that if someone capable wants to make an actual translation he has all the tools to do it. Of course i can understand if you can´t enjoy a game which was MTL but just like in my first point just keep it to yourself and not like this fine gentleman "stop fucking posting MTLs holy fuck next time you feel the urge to machine translate a game just hit yourself in the nuts or something "


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2019
When it comes to tags I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate ... did I mention hate? ... when I get all excited about seeing the lesbian tag then read more tags and see "male protag" ... just fuck off.

Seems lesbian doesn't actually mean lesbian it just means 2 women that happen to do something together before bouncing on a dick. Then someone did some mental gymnastics and came up with the excuse that tags are only a loose guide on what may be in the game.
Unfortunately, there is no way to properly label such content in games (at this moment).

According to the rules, a lesbian tag is relevant to any sexual contact between two or more women.
I understand that there is a big difference between a lesbian oriented game and one lesbian scene, but the developer / uploader has no way of distinguishing between these two types of games using tags.

Tags like a "lesbian protagonist" would definitely come in handy.

But this is a more general problem. The tag system on F95zone does not allow to distinguish between core content, and something that is represented by only one scene.

Then it may be better not to use tags for content that is only a small part of the game, but there are people who complain when they see some content that has not been tagged. I don't know if there are men who complain when they see a lesbian scene without being warned, I'm certainly not one of them, but it's quite possible.:D

The tag system isn't perfect, but I don't know of any adult games platform that has a better system.
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May 5, 2018
The whole "despite this game killing any boner I might've had when I decided to play PORN GAMES I really fell in love with the story and I cried when <insert lame character> died 5/5"-crowd.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
The whole "despite this game killing any boner I might've had when I decided to play PORN GAMES I really fell in love with the story and I cried when <insert lame character> died 5/5"-crowd.
Something to do with estrogen and endocrine disruptors people get from plastic.


pure evil!
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
I don't know if there are men who complain when they see a lesbian scene without being warned, I'm certainly not one of them, but it's quite possible.
Oh yes there are, some even see it as NTR if the male MC is watching :rolleyes:


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2019
Oh yes there are, some even see it as NTR if the male MC is watching :rolleyes:
And how to handle such content properly?
When a game gets a lesbian tag, users like Avaron1974 will be disappointed that it is not a game focused mainly on lesbian content, when the game does not have this tag and contains a lesbian scene, some porn snowflakes will be shocked. :D


pure evil!
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
And how to properly tag such content?
When a game gets a lesbian tag, users like Avaron1974 will be disappointed that it is not a game focused mainly on lesbian content, when the game does not have this tag and contains a lesbian scene, some porn snowflakes will be shocked. :D
Some sites use categories and tags, categories are the main theme of a game, so a game in the lesbian category is just that, a game for lesbians full of lesbian content, while a game not in the lesbian category but with the lesbian tag just has some lesbian scenes.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
And how to properly tag such content?
When a game gets a lesbian tag, users like Avaron1974 will be disappointed that it is not a game focused mainly on lesbian content, when the game does not have this tag and contains a lesbian scene, some porn snowflakes will be shocked. :D
There is no winning some situations. It does need a bisexual tag then lesbian can be used for actual lesbian stuff and I won't get excited seeing the lesbian tag only to then see male protag because fuck that noise....

Apologies for the rant but it winds me up.

As for the complaining about sharing, I see that too much. Bad Teacher recently hinted at some girls sharing and people started whining so I ignored the thread. It didn't used to bother me but since the start of the year i've found my patience wearing really thin with certain groups of people, most notably those that whine about ntr regardless of whether anything in the game resembles ntr.

It hit rock bottom for me in one thread who's title I forget where the mother of the MC gave a handjob to her husband. A woman in a relationship touching the man she's in that relationship with ... and the whines of NTR started. Have you ever looked at someone or a group of people and just sighed to yourself while thinking "just how fucking dumb can you get?" well that was me reading that thread.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2019
There is no winning some situations. It does need a bisexual tag then lesbian can be used for actual lesbian stuff and I won't get excited seeing the lesbian tag only to then see male protag because fuck that noise....

Apologies for the rant but it winds me up.

As for the complaining about sharing, I see that too much. Bad Teacher recently hinted at some girls sharing and people started whining so I ignored the thread. It didn't used to bother me but since the start of the year i've found my patience wearing really thin with certain groups of people, most notably those that whine about ntr regardless of whether anything in the game resembles ntr.

It hit rock bottom for me in one thread who's title I forget where the mother of the MC gave a handjob to her husband. A woman in a relationship touching the man she's in that relationship with ... and the whines of NTR started. Have you ever looked at someone or a group of people and just sighed to yourself while thinking "just how fucking dumb can you get?" well that was me reading that thread.
Separate tags and categories, as recreation writes, would be a more systematic solution than just a bisexual tag. It would definitely help people find the content they like, at least for people who have brains. However, the existence of a bisexual tag would make sense as well.
But no tags or system of tags and categories are likely to stop the madness around NTR.
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Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
Separate tags and categories, as recreation writes, would be a more systematic solution than just a bisexual tag. It would definitely help people find the content they like, at least for people who have brains. However, the existence of a bisexual tag would make sense as well.
But no tags or system of tags and categories are likely to stop the madness around NTR.
I never knew what NTR was, or that so many people had such a deep and visceral hatred for that content, until I found myself on F95. Do I like to watch people have sex? Yes, that is what I am here for, right? I mean it's not like the MC is actually me, so I don't understand the intensity of feelings that people have for NTR in games. Sure, I would rather watch the sex scene between "my character" and the LI but porn is porn, at least so I thought. I'm not hung like a horse, I am not futa/trans, I am not a woman, and I am not in a special relationships with my landlady and her tenants so why should the fact that the sex scene is between two different characters be the reason I can't enjoy it?

Of course I would like the scene to make sense narratively and take place because of my actions within the game instead of just happening. But the quality of writing in games (as in everything) varies. I thought the NTR was done very well in Where It All Began (I believe that's the name) and I would love to see that quality in other games. The amount of people who feel they need to whine about how it ruins their lives if there is NTR in any game ever makes me wish there was a way to set up a custom search that excludes NTR so that all of those people never have to worry about seeing the acronym again. It has obviously scarred them more than I can understand.

Edited to add: As for what I dislike seeing anywhere: Kink shaming. We all have our fetishes and we shouldn't feel harassed or attacked for having them, especially here as this should be a "safe place". I'm not tolerant of bullying or shaming people IRL or online.
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New Member
May 4, 2020
I've merely been a lurker until recently so I'm not invested enough in the community for anything to make me outright angry, but there are some things that bother me such as:

-People who take plots/storylines super seriously, specifically to the point where they act snobbish about it and try to judge people who don't care so much about plots in their porn.

-People who go and brigade games with premises and fetishes that don't interest them. I dislike incest and cuckoldry/NTR but I won't go around and call any game that has these fetishes shit and demand that people don't play them.

-Watering down/overly liberal application of tags. It can make it harder to find stuff with more obscure fetishes.


May 28, 2017
I quite love it here, but something that does annoy me everytime I see it (which isn't that often) is adding just enough of something to warrant the tag, because more tags seems to suggest more content. Having 2 girls kiss does not really strike me as worthy of a 'lesbian' tag for example.

And yeah, as mentioned by plenty of others, talking trash on a kink that's not yours yet getting annoyed when others don't really understand/feel your kink. Don't think I know someone openly into scat, but if that works for them, I'm happy they've found a game and I will move on to find a game that caters to my own preferences.

And more on the whole, the fact that there's still some stigma attached to this whole world. Sort of related back to the previous point, you're not superior if you abstain or inferior if you parttake in porn consumption/production or vice versa.

I love that a few genres aren't allowed to exist (Underage/crush/snuff/necro/mantis). Don't love that some people are trying to add quite vanilla kinks that aren't harming anybody (like NTR) to that list.

A few words of positivity though, I do believe we are headed in the right direction, a lot of kinks are in fact catered to in some way and the buffet keeps getting bigger, increasing the chance your new favorite dish is at the table. I appreciate the devs that show up here and instead of get mad their game is here, get valuable feedback from people without possible sunken cost bias.
For F95 specifically, I appreciated him on KAT and I appreciate the work he and all the staff do here. Plus the helpful members. I know it's an 18+ forum but it's still nice to see how many respectful, mature conversations can be had.


Best Dev EVUR!
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
I wish that something like that would cut down on the number of times we see posts on game threads asking "is the NTR avoidable" but I'm not a naturally optimistic person.
preaty sure the "is there NTR" is a meme,
Because most people loves NTR and incest and shit like that

We just make fun of NTR because its funny seem people defending it now.


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
what gets me the most , is people trying to tell Dev.s how to make their games ,, i mean if you hate what the Dev.s are making , come up with your own game and watch people bitch to you on what they want and don't want ... see how happy its makes you ...
i don't know shit about making games ,, hell i wish i did... i have a few things i would love to see in some of those games .. but i keep my moth shut and just give my honest opinions to the Dev.s , which i think is what they want ... not people telling them what they should and shouldn't do ....
yeah i know sounds like i'm bitching ,,, well ok i am ... sorry ...
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