- Apr 18, 2018
- 95
- 187
ThisTo my mind, a black character done right is just a character written like any other. Character, not caricature.
That is honestly all devs need to do but we never get it. I just played a game where the mc is some generic white guy and his best friend is a black guy who barely looks it. His friend is around a ton for some reason and i was putting up with it but one time you go in the room and he got a gold grill in his mouth rapping, i had to turn the game off. 90 percent of the time all a dev has to do is make a person and just make him a black guy but 99 percent of the time he's a played out black bull, thug, bully, or cucker. that 9.9 percent is the best friend. The .1 percent is the mc of Alpha Omega.