Actually, I really did something to him.
"Ugly bastard is the boss" is "John33". (You can see him rant about the rework a few pages ago. You can't see the posts anymore but some people quoted him.)
If you go to this post and hover over the name "John33".. You will see who he is now. (You actually got tagged in the same post.)
And if my assumption is correct, then John33 was one of my longest high tier supporters. (Still grateful.)
After I announced that I wanted to drastically change the NTR in my game, he left.
There are countless examples on this site on "How to do NTR wrong" (
imo). I made the same mistake with the earlier WiAB versions because I had the feeling that I had to give the people content.
He did leave because I want to give the NTR routes the build-up and believability they deserve. No retarded "From shy to slut in 2 days." There are enough games that can give him that.
I want to give a reason and a believable build-up. No dumb whores.
Besides that, he just couldn't stop "trolling" on the discord. Did mute the staff there and and and... So he got temporarily banned for 3 days.
He came back to Patreon for the month march and did delete the pledge shortly after. But he then proceeded to shit talk on my Patreon posts with stuff like "Bunch of lies".
So, he did get a permanent ban and he now tries to get back at me.
He will probably read this.. soo.. I am still grateful for the time you supported me but grow the fuck up and accept that you can't bribe every dev into a direction you so desperately want.