jesus so many ocean haters

if you look at episode 1 where it all began and at summer is gone last episode you can see that he made a HUGE jump in quality off story writting and renders so he maybe is not happy with his work so if he would work on episode 7 and would always think about what could I do better and be unhappy with his episodes 1-5 he could never fully focuse on episode 7 and I prefer a artist that is happy with his work and has a free head so I will prefer too wait. It will be worth I trust him in terms off story connections and a lot of new people will come in hope no ntr cry guys

He has high goals I prefer a artist that dreams big and try too improve everyday too make a realistic game than an artist that just sit back and never imrpoves and just deliver the normal porno game that every game on this site has(harem,every girl likes MC dosent matter what you do,other males act weird or dont exist, MC has monster pipi....) his games are special in terms of realistic realtionships, male cheracters, female cheracters, realism kinks and so on.