4.30 star(s) 185 Votes


Jul 31, 2018
English is a second language for me, so it should be easy for you to see that concerning the censoring of the game, but still being geoblocked is a fail. Not necessarily for Ocean, who was stabbed in the back by Steam, but Steam itself since several rather big markets are blocked!
Pardon me, but your anfractuous posts make the impression you want to foggy up your intentions to harrass members with your superior English skills, not giving leeway for that fact that F95 has quite a bunch of non-native English speakers. Yes, language matters, but you should also take into account that not all people will understand and formulate posts in the way you do. In my native language I could give you a very stylish wall of text, explaining in as much detail as you want what I meant. In English, which I am not good at, I keep it simpler. Sorry if that annoys your sense of style.
You should probably include a version in your first language in like a spoiler or something, if it would be written so well. Poorly written text is illegible in getting any point across - especially when you try to inject flowery language where it is completely unnecessary into a second language you still clearly struggle with - and makes you come off like you just pulled out a thesaurus to look for big words to try to one-up others.

Now to summarize your arguments in a legible manner for everyone else here: "I don't like that Ocean got a 16+ rating for Summer's Gone Season 1 because I can't jerk-off if I can't see vaginas and dicks in the game. I hope Ocean tries for an 18+ rating for Where It All Began."
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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
You should probably include a version in your first language in like a spoiler or something, if it would be written so well. Poorly written text is illegible in getting any point across - especially when you try to inject flowery language where it is completely unnecessary into a second language you still clearly struggle with - and makes you come off like you just pulled out a thesaurus to look for big words to try to one-up others.

Now to summarize your arguments in a legible manner for everyone else here: "I don't like that Ocean got a 16+ rating for Summer's Gone Season 1 because I can't jerk-off if I can't see vaginas and dicks in the game. I hope Ocean tries for an 18+ rating for Where It All Began."
Sorry to tell you, Chummer, but that is NOT my argument at all, your summarisation is closer to calumny than correct! My argument is that SG already was a game without any porn content at start, but to get a lower age rating Ocean bowed to the insatiable, simpleminded woke self-censored at Steam, so that it could be sold anywhere on Steam. But as it is so often the case when you bow to the dogmatic, they will stab you in the back.
Despite making a SG variant that is more or less a "kiddie rating version" in harmlessness, not that the original had much erotic content to begin with, Steam geoblocked the game!
This hurt Ocean and their own sales, since this geoblock includes several major game markets.

This is a fail for both. Ocean for trying to appease (even if it was meant well for the players) those you cannot sate at all and want only more and more censorship, Steam for they hurt their own sales and showing how stupid, dogmatic and arbitrarily their age rating honchos are. Not to begin about how shady on the law side their geoblocking already is.


Jul 31, 2018
Sorry to tell you, Chummer, but that is NOT my argument at all, your summarisation is closer to calumny than correct! My argument is that SG already was a game without any porn content at start, but to get a lower age rating Ocean bowed to the insatiable, simpleminded woke self-censored at Steam, so that it could be sold anywhere on Steam. But as it is so often the case when you bow to the dogmatic, they will stab you in the back.
Despite making a SG variant that is more or less a "kiddie rating version" in harmlessness, not that the original had much erotic content to begin with, Steam geoblocked the game!
This hurt Ocean and their own sales, since this geoblock includes several major game markets.

This is a fail for both. Ocean for trying to appease (even if it was meant well for the players) those you cannot sate at all and want only more and more censorship, Steam for they hurt their own sales and showing how stupid, dogmatic and arbitrarily their age rating honchos are. Not to begin about how shady on the law side their geoblocking already is.

Nope, I summarized it pretty accurately. You are just trying to make it sound more intellectual than it really is.
Well...until you proved you have no credibility at all by crying about "woke" and "dogmatic". That, or you're just self-reporting that you are way too young to be on this site.
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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Nope, I summarized it pretty accurately. You are just trying to make it sound more intellectual than it real is.
Well...until you proved you have no credibility at all by crying about "woke" and "dogmatic". That, or you're just self-reporting that you are way too young to be on this site.
Oh, it hit close, the woke and dogmatic attributes, right? :sneaky: Since going by the way you try to belittle me from the get-go, it is clear you are arguing in bad faith. Not to speak off your blatant tries to turn the words of others in their mouths and your repugnant habit trying to frame your speculations, insults and lies as facts.
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Apr 27, 2017
Almost 6 years of development and the dev is "only" at Chapter 3 ? What happened here ?
Multiple reworks for the sake of milking money out of his patrons. Dude's a grifter. Surprised more people haven't figured that out by now. Tried to point this stuff out a few years back and got vilified for it in the thread.

Sorry to tell you, Chummer, but that is NOT my argument at all, your summarisation is closer to calumny than correct! My argument is that SG already was a game without any porn content at start, but to get a lower age rating Ocean bowed to the insatiable, simpleminded woke self-censored at Steam, so that it could be sold anywhere on Steam. But as it is so often the case when you bow to the dogmatic, they will stab you in the back.
Despite making a SG variant that is more or less a "kiddie rating version" in harmlessness, not that the original had much erotic content to begin with, Steam geoblocked the game!
This hurt Ocean and their own sales, since this geoblock includes several major game markets.

This is a fail for both. Ocean for trying to appease (even if it was meant well for the players) those you cannot sate at all and want only more and more censorship, Steam for they hurt their own sales and showing how stupid, dogmatic and arbitrarily their age rating honchos are. Not to begin about how shady on the law side their geoblocking already is.
This is referred to as karma. In his vain attempt to find more suckers to throw money at him, it backfired. :ROFLMAO:


Jul 31, 2018
You can't be serious, man has to go see his family if it means he has to abandon a friendship, it is what it is. Life is a bitch sometimes, you got to make your priorities.
Glad, I'm not your friend. If you just straight cut off anyone you develop clearly very close bonds with (a new type of family in a way even) for a "family" that you have every reason for years to believe hates you, I got news...you're a sociopath and will probably have a very lonely life in the end.


May 3, 2021
Glad, I'm not your friend. If you just straight cut off anyone you develop clearly very close bonds with (a new type of family in a way even) for a "family" that you have every reason for years to believe hates you, I got news...you're a sociopath and will probably have a very lonely life in the end.
Well for me family comes first, and yeah I didn't mean abandon but he has to set things straight with them. Daphne will sure find a way to shine. But don't assume you know me personally, this is just a game after all that we are discussing.


Jul 31, 2018
Well for me family comes first, and yeah I didn't mean abandon but he has to set things straight with them. Daphne will sure find a way to shine. But don't assume you know me personally, this is just a game after all that we are discussing.
Being honest, my post was lighthearted at first (yeah, I've had problems with being an "outsider" as a youth - why so many of us youth joined the grunge movement in the early 90s (away from meathead bullies as Willi is the perfect stereotype of, unrelated) - but laughing at me being pathetic is funny to me), but your reply rubbed me the wrong way. And I think I got a little too serious. But, your reply still comes off a bit sociopathic if you would really drop one family you've built for one that you have every reason to believe hates you.
Sure, we don't know what will happen, and Daphne could move down to Wollust too and it'd be hunky-dory. Plus, that it is fiction, but if the fiction isn't making you feel at least something, it's not doing it's job (or there's an inability to find relatability in fiction from the viewer/reader).

Same thing is going to happen again when you talk utter crap. Not Turret's brother are you?
You'll know if they're Turret's brother as soon as they try to lie and cry that you started it even though they did.
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May 31, 2017
I like WIAB more, only because this game will have NTR. SG is so big, it would be great if there were NTR
It would be great if SG didn't blueball us for so long. Because of that lack of actual sex scenes, this VN might end up being better as it starts to get more scenes.


May 3, 2021
Being honest, my post was lighthearted at first (yeah, I've had problems with being an "outsider" as a youth - why so many of us youth joined the grunge movement in the early 90s (away from meathead bullies as Willi is the perfect stereotype of, unrelated) - but laughing at me being pathetic is funny to me), but your reply rubbed me the wrong way. And I think I got a little too serious. But, your reply still comes off a bit sociopathic if you would really drop one family you've built for one that you have every reason to believe hates you.
Sure, we don't know what will happen, and Daphne could move down to Wollust too and it'd be hunky-dory. Plus, that it is fiction, but if the fiction isn't making you feel at least something, it's not doing it's job (or there's an inability to find relatability in fiction from the viewer/reader).
I do feel bad for Daphne, that's for sure. But at the same time I think Willi has to take some time and set things straight with his family. Let me make things clear for you, imagine hearing a parent of yours got into an accident that could've killed them, they could live or die. I would personally rush to them even if our past was bad, it is life or death situation, and it is no joke. A sibling or a parent is far more precious to me than a friend, no matter what, and it's not like Willi has abandoned Daphne. He just has to face his fears and meet his family that by the way don't hate him. And btw, it was William that left not the other way around so he's the one to blame for all this. So, imo he should be the one apologizing. (And no WIAB did make me think on a deeper level than most AVNs, that's why I enjoy it).


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
You keep saying that all the time.

Can you tell why you think that? I'm really curious.

Please don't say something trivial like because it has Katie.

Instead, just say because it has Leia. :sneaky:
It will add more weight to your words.
I can't say...Katie....but...no fair NC! No fair!

Ok, she was a huge draw but then so were the other characters (Miru aside who was the spawn of Satan lol). For me, the story was far more interesting (if not a little disjointed), the dynamic between the siblings was interesting (yes, especially with Leia), the mystery of Helen, what was happening in the background...

This has only been compounded more in the rework, it's just alltogether more fluent and a more interesting story with more interesting characters, in my own opinion. I also prefer mature MC's, I'm quite frankly sick of idiot college kids as MC's, I just, can't identify with them, I wouldn't have been able to identify with them when I was that age, which was a long ass time ago now lol so that's one aspect where it wins hands down for me.

SG only really interests me for the continuity from this, for all its multiple characters, very few actually interest me, where all the characters in WIAB are interesting to me. Ultimately though I guess it's like many things in life, some things just click with you and other more popular stuff doesn't for varying reasons.

Just some reasons without writing a fully fledged thesis, I'd hate to be labelled an Ocean fanboy by certain people who think I don't contribute to these threads(though if idiots going to call me a fanbioy, this is the Ocean VN to accuse me of it lol) :ROFLMAO:
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4.30 star(s) 185 Votes