Come on, be serious.I mean, I'm not criticizing but I really don't understand why the blood relationships are important for this story.
For example, there is a game where MC lived in a foster family when he was a teenager. He became very attached to them and considered them his family and thought he was as important to them as they were to him. But as soon as the wife managed to get pregnant (not from MC, damn perverts) and the foster couple began to preparing for the birth of their own child - they threw MC out of house into the cold without regret!
This event from the past became the basis for many problems and conflicts in MC's life. It explains why he can't build serious relationships in the present, why he is obsessed with the idea of reuniting with his possible relatives, although next to him are people who have been with him all his life, always treated him like family and whom he hurts with his neglect.
I can understand why it's important to a plot like this, but WiAB... The only purpose of their relationship is an incest fetish and nothing more. Well, bummer on you, uncle-daddies.
As for the explanation of the changes, this sounds like the simplest thing, to me. Although I am not a much of storyteller, but what prevents even me from coming up with any explanation after the fact.
Who said that Lord Zane isn't Zane now? Who stripped him of his title?
He's not blood-related to Helen Zane, so what? They took the twins from orphanage as their foster children and gave them their name. Maybe Willie and Leia don't even know who their real parents are or what their last name is. So they chose Zane with the consent of the foster family, that sounds better than Doe.
What a plot hole, my ass...
And if its about patreon, any kind of adoption storyline wont be there either or it will still be incest, blood relation or not. Not even discussing the fact that there probably (?) still is incest with Leia? And you cant just "chose" a name without adoption or anything at least not where im from lol
That said if they turn out to be simply adopted, im completly fine with that but wouldnt see the need for the change so i doubt its just that.
But there is a lot of emphasis on the Zane name in both titles and i think a "dynasty" like that with multiple (possible) members who are interesting is great for a story.
So i STRONGLY disagree that the only purpose of the family/relationships is a incest purpose, its the entire foundation of the story imo and at least to me its partially what makes wiab/sg special, the connections (and im not talking only about incest -_-). Even simply things like Ayua being a Zane increase the quality of these avns/universe for me, everything seems more connected and alive.
It would have even worked if William and Leia are the Zane's and Katie, Helen and Dylan are not but apparently its not like that.
Im not even into incest and would for example NEVER play a Helen path (yuck yuck yuck partent/child incest, sorry The enjoyers) and i prefer normal family setups over incest ridden ones.
BUT what i really dislike is storys who entirely disfigure their relationships/familys just to force the incest into it. This story made sense considering the relationships while the story doesnt make any sense anymore without the relationships.
Im just kinda afraid it keeps going as it is (without incest patch) and we get just more "no-explanations" about who these guys all are to each other. It just makes the story kinda dumb in cases like that imo.
It wouldnt have been needed for william to come back to a family in the first place, it could have simply been friends he has a strong bond/connection to who need help or whatever or even his criminal ties pulling him back.