WiAB Chapter 4 - Dev Log #24
With this Dev Log, we return to the old Bi-weekly Wednesday Dev log schedule.
So... after the last log, some complained that I didn't give as much info regarding the render count, etc.
I heard ya and from now on I will ban everyone who asks me that.
Of course, I'm just kidding and will, from now on, provide a bi-weekly render count + a total.
The reason why I stopped doing it is because a lot of expectations come with them.
The irony is, no matter how many renders I add, it's always too little.
People go ham with the conspiracy theories if there's a discrepancy between two weeks.
I could post the exact render count every week, and people would still find a way to uncover "the truth".
It's exhausting.
However, I like to be transparent, and a render total is a part of it.
The last total render count was mentioned on the 19th of December, just short of Christmas. I took it easier over Christmas and created all the Christmas Treats.
I'm currently at ~3600 WiAB renders.
12 days ago, I said I'd count how many renders I do between Dev Logs to see how much the Workstation improves productivity.
I won't count two of these days because the first day was already over, and I took one day to care for some personal relationships.
Previously, I'd do and render around 20-40 daily renders and zero animations. (Animations would lock down the PC for the entire day.)
So, in 10 days of work with the new Workstation, I created AND rendered out:
641 still renders
7 animations.
It went from:
~300 to 671 images
0 to 7 animations.
I didn't completely reach my goal of 70 renders a day. (Average of 64).
However, new environments and giant scenes make this impossible if you want to maintain quality. Sometimes, I can only set up 20-40 images, while other times, I reach 80-100.
From now on, I aim for 70 renders a day, but I won't beat myself up if it's "only" 40-50. I still have my quality to maintain and improve.
The workstation peaked at 78 images a night the other day, and with that, it outperforms me, which is fantastic.
My old Workstation will render animations until they're all done.
Keep in mind that not all renders are exclusively for WiAB.
Chapter 4.
This is going to be the last log before I start postwork. I still have the last scene to complete, and I have a bunch of animations to do.
But we're almost there.
As always, there won't be a release date until it's 100% confirmed. Steam will also have to test the game before the release, but I'll keep you updated on that front.
Today, I'm including more than one preview because if I enter postwork during the next two weeks, I won't show any more previews until the release.
With the new Season, I'll introduce collectibles.
You can see the leaf on the wall. Clicking it will unlock a thematically fitting extra render.
There's another thingy I will introduce, and I'll talk about it in the next log.
Back to work.