Did they say Dizzy was a gold digger? I honesty dont remember (again lol) if that was the case.
I thought they were not tied together.
Gold Digger
I always assumed it to be Kate.
After the whole wine thing and the MC confusing the price bit.
As proven above my memory isn't the best but I do remember this much lol
That made me wonder why she looked up the prices.
Who really would do that?
I guess yes if your going to be paying for it, you would want to double check the price.
But why was she the one to do it? Everyone else seemed just fine paying regardless.
(FYI , I would never make them pay but I did choose the option to see outcomes then rollback lol)
Maybe shes just smarter with money but
Look how shes acted from get go.
She wanted you to deceive someone from get go at her birthday party and her plan was a bit too far.
Would you remember prices of your dads wine when you aren't even legal age to drink?
His dad only talked about it (I think?) but still age of it is more the point.
At that kinda age I dont think any of us would be listening that closely.
That seemed excessive to do.
Maybe she was just smart but she fits the bill of both Gold Digger and Viper.
(Disclaimer "I am not a fan of Kate" open to idea's of being proven wrong though. I maybe biased in my view due to it but I think its all vaild)
LionHeart 95
Thanks for correcting me on that (and not being rude about it)
I had forgotten about that. Still don't remember it being said lol Maybe I need to go back.
I'm actually more trying to keep her as a LI no hate towards her but I still get a lazy vibe from her still.
There would be no point in it being a lie.
Because like here, fans will flock trying to see new idea's and what might fit the best.
I'd believe it to be well placed and to keep people excited and talking.