Whole cloth means false information. Please note that the 'put pressure' does not mean find. It means to let someone know their action is not appreciated. And since the conversation was here in the thread it is not butting in. If you wanted it private you would have used a PM. This is more and more you looking for attention.
""Put pressure" does not mean find." now you are just trolling harder.
The context of the sentence makes it pretty clear, that he wants us to put pressure on whoever leaked it, so the leaker is found.
Enough. You do not understand my position, that I can not understand, that someone comes into a pirate forum, and asks its community to put pressure on another community member so he can identify who leaked his game. It just doesnt matter to me, what state the leak is in, as long as it is playable. And a QC version should be playable, otherwise the whole QC would be pointless.
And in this case, the discussion about state of the leak is irrelevant, as it is an April fools joke of the mods.
Got that in the message where my report for an usable version was rejected
"Unfortunately, your recent report has been rejected: Post in thread '[VN] - Where the Heart Is [Ep. 22 Test] [CheekyGimp]' - Happy April First, Fool!"