She propositions the MC at 4 separate occasions; first during their date, then after meeting Theresa, then at the coffee shop and finally at her apartment, and you have to turn her down every single time. It doesn't mean much by itself, but it's remarkable that the two most sus women are the ones who most aggressively pursue the MC.
Zarah does the same though, I had the hardest time getting rid of her.... I have to refuse her multiple times! I think this is just the way the game wants go give players a chance to change their minds about pursuing certain characters or not, thus paths are not closed for good after the first rejection (at least with some characters).
And what on earth would Jolina gain from pursuing a relationship with the MC? Unless "Dizzy" refers to more than one person and the dad had a threesome with her and Bella and the will stipulates that they have to make the MC fall in love with them etc (or maybe get one of them pregnant), or they have to make sure the MC is not with Monica, Katie and Jenna, which, in my opinion, sounds a bit far fetched. Not entirely out of this world, but in my opinion still unlikely.
So two options:
Jolina fakes it and is teamed up with Bella. Why? What could she ever hope to gain from pursuing the MC? Also, that may implicate Jenna as well, which I find extremely unlikely, since it's Jenna's idea in the first place to go after Jolina. Unless Jolina and Jenna already know each other and they have a plan. But what kind of plan? Why? Why would Jenna be involved with the will in any way to begin with?
If Jolina doesn't fake it and she does indeed love the MC then, technically speaking, she can't be a lesbian. I know that most VNs use that term very loosely, even Debbie is called a lesbian in this game when she is evidently not, she jumps on the MC at the earliest opportunity. She's bisuexual. NOT a lesbian. Huge difference! If Jolina actually loves the MC she would not be a lesbian and thus the prophecy can't really be about her (the prophecy can't be about either Debbie or Jolina really unless Jolina fakes it, Debbie certainly doesn't fake it when you are on her path).
But it's more likely than not the game refers to merely bisexual women as "lesbians"... So that goes nowhere. Jolina loving the MC would probably still make the game call her a lesbian if she also likes women.
But why reject the MC so harshly at first when there is a plan to get Jolina and the MC close together? Playing hard to get can hardly be the plan? Again, Jenna is the one who tries to pursuade the MC to go after her. But it's more likely that this is just her kink, the voyeurism and sharing, and she has quite some material about Jolina on her computer so maybe it's her dream to be a merry throuple?
To summarize: if Jolina fakes it... I don't see what she has to gain, unless she is Dizzy herself. If she's just teamed up with Dizzy what on earth would be the benefit of the MC getting into a relationship with her when Dizzy herself is already (depending on player choice) jumping the MC's bones? The only real goal they could have with either of them pursuing the MC is to get the MC away from Monica, Katie and Jenna when he chooses Jo or Bella over them. But that would actually make sure the MC DOES get money. Unless Dizzy's conditions are that the MC must sever ties with Monica & co (maybe the dad wanted to make double sure the MC will not keep contact with Monica and her daughters because he hates them with a passion). But why then would Jolina involve Jenna in her punishment scheme resulting in a potential threesome and maybe stirring even more infatuation in Jenna? She would make sure to get Jenna out of the picture as soon as possible and try to lure the MC away from Jenna and everyone else. Because if the MC is still seeing Jenna he (and if their condition is the same or smilar they too) still gets nothing, all three must be avoided. So luring the MC from Monica etc is probably nothing Jolina is doing, unless she's really stupid, which she is not. If the plan is to make the MC fall in love with either Bella and/or Jolina (when they both are Dizzy) then Jolina, once more, does a really bad job, since she harshly rejects the MC when he first asks her out on a date. So that makes no sense either, unless Jolina is stupid, which she is not.
So if the plan is to get the MC away from Monica & co or to make him fall in love with either Jo or Bella, Jolina is doing a really bad job. But what other goal can there be for Bella and Jolina to pursue the MC? Other than their condition is to be in a relationship with the MC or to lure him away from Monica & co... but that I find pretty far fetched.
The ultimate possibility is that we are all overthinking this. Who knows how much was planned in advance. If in a game of 20 questions I pick "yes" or "no" at random we will eventually get a result and the person who asked the questions will think he successfully guessed what I was thinking of... when instead I never thought of anything and just provided random "yes" or "no" answers. Could be the same here
My guess: Jolina has something going on... but she's not Dizzy and not teamed up with Dizzy. Jolina's secret is probably not really about hurting the MC or taking advantage of him. Maybe it's something about Elaine and her plan.
My other guess: we are seriously overthinking everything