Right, but she also makes sure to tell you to ask Elaine yourself first. So at the end of the day you either believe Elaine or Monica. Bella cleverly sidesteps out of any responsibility despite planting the idea in your head. Naturally she'd assumed that the MC would take Monica's word over Elaine, and why on Earth would he not believe Monica over Elaine and his asshole dad.Bella is the first to mention how Monica had hit on Donald, prompting him to ask Elaine about it, and then constantly tries to come between mc and katie
Also, when you take her to lunch at the French place she asks how it is to reunite with Monica and her daughters after so long, if you tell her it's incredible, she gains love points. But on the other hand, if you tell her that there is some nostalgia but not enough to warrant ...... (sacrificing the money), she takes a big opinion hit.
And I know it's a bit cheap to draw conclusions from the stat page, but the devs decided to give us God's eye, so might as well make use of that.
As for disliking Katie, it could just be because of first impression, and who could blame her for that. Or it could be because of competition. A romanced Katie mentions that Bella looks at the MC the same way she looks at him.
Yeah, I don't think that's her condition. Simply because a guy like Donald probably wouldn't want 'his woman' to be with anyone even after his death, especially with his own son.Seducing mc would not represent any effort for Bella, it would not be an adequate condition
I think she does that partly because she is genuinely interested in him and partly to ingratiate herself with the MC, so she'll have an easier time poisoning his attitude towards Elaine.
If she knocks out Elaine, she increases her share by 50% assuming of course that she fulfills her condition.
Now, even if the MC learns that she is the GD at the will reading, what the hell can he even do about that? Either he takes the money and run, in which case she still gets 7+ million, or he stays and she gets everything.