See here's the thing, if the 3rd person turns out to be a main LI, that is going to leave a LOT of people faced with a bad ending. So be it Monica, Bella, Jolina or one of the others mains, each of those have their own fan base. I don't think Cheeky would play it that way since WTHI is a romance novel based on relationships, first and foremost. Call me optimistic but I think the ultimate goal is for everyone to end up having an enjoyable experience. So with that said, it would make more sense to me if the 3rd turned out to be one of the side LI's (Angel, Zarah, Teresa or Wanda). Of course I could always be wrong, and this could easily turn out to be more in line with something from likes of PinkCake / PhillyGames but somehow I'm just not getting that vibe.