
Jan 21, 2020
Maybe if someone put a quick start into the game you could avoid most of the redundant scenes. Especially since path exclusivity only really started this Ep.
I think the quick start is an excellent addition, but I'm one of the gamers like the guy who made that other post who won't use it. It's just not my style, doesn't mean it isn't a great feature that helps more people enjoy the game it's just that as a developer no matter what you do someone is going to be unhappy with some choices.

There probably isn't any medium where all the fans are happy with every development decision, here it's just easy for fans to get lippy with the developers (especially those who are active in the community and give feedback). If you didn't split off into multiple branches there'd just as many or more complaints that player's decisions don't matter.

At least on this site your team seems to handle all the criticism well, and to me that looks much more professional than those who lash out and attack fans for not being happy with their decisions.


Active Member
May 28, 2018
I absolved Elaine because she was never cold to other people, even Bella points out how she treated the MC was unusual behaviour and brought on by his dad.

She was never cold to the MC, just stopped interacting with him. It was brought up in this update how they used to enjoy a meal together like an actual family, his dad put a stop to it.

She may have sent the e-mail but as far as anyone else has said, even the MC himself, she was never cold and manipulative just distant and ignorant.
I think what did it for me, with Elaine, even though she did apologize profusely, she did kick the MC out and threatened to throw his stuff in the trash. At that point, I kicked her to the curb and started concentrating on Lily/Debbie.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
I think I figured out what is up with Jolina actually....

I decided to start up a new playthrough and playing through it very slowly and not a rush so prob mostly 30 - 40 min if I have time. I decided to give that prophecy thing another go word.for.word. After what Avaron pointed me out and finding the pics and going word for word.

I think I know a bit of Jolina her secret's think she has more then just one, So looking at both the pics and both were taken in the same kitchen which is in the same house that seems to belong to Jo... And seeing what both was wearing at that time and also looking at the laptop in the background. It is safe to say that Jo and Bella do know one another and from the Fortune Teller when she was talking about the sister and the blonde that whole time she was talking about it, I don't think she was talking about Debbie at all and that the whole fortune about the sister and the blonde was about Bella and Jo. You have on multiple occasions have the chance of asking Jo if she was Lesbian or Bi and she never confirms or denies it she does only confirm that girls somewhere in there life have done their experimenting. From every conversation with her she never actually had a high opinion on men but does not outright talk shit about em either. She does say how she never met good ones. So the part of the fortune telling where she says " She is getting closer to you... but still is closer to the sister " means she is definitely getting feelings and warming up to you but she in truth still at that point of the fortune telling is closer to Bella. They may not be in a serious relationship and Bella has never mentioned anything about being in a relationship so far as I know with anyone. The fact that on asking her the first time she brings you to Dog Boys Mom you can ask her about her sexuality and you can jokingly ask about a threesome and the first girl that pops in her mind is Jenna which means she seemed to have an interest in Jenna from the get go. With all that it means she does have a bigger preference for women but does not make her outright a full on lesbian.

Again, every time you ask her when given the option she does not give you a straight answer she always goes a round about way of it. So two things I can get out of this is, She knows Bella that is for sure and before MC she was more interested in women compared to men even though she is not a full blown lesbian. Still does not make her a suspect for the 3rd will owner and that she is the GD. Why do I still dismiss her on this ? Very simple, The will said or at least made it sound like it was someone that BOTH the MC AND Elaine knew. However Jo is someone that the MC just recently met that goes for Theresa too so those two are still in the clear for the GD/3rd will owner.

So her secrets are, She is Bi and knows Bella and is or has or had a or multiple flings with her.

Now when I get to the point I want to be with the new play through I am going to see if there is a possible way to mention to Bella about other girls ( even if jokingly ) or if mentioning Cup of Jo is possible.

The other thing that is something I am very careful about is that Jo might not be even working with Bella but on the contrary is being USED by Bella. See the USB and the Virus a bit of a weird coincidence and then comes to footage of Ep20, Jo admitted she did pull a Jenna meaning that there has been a hack, however she never said she was the one who did the hacking. She could have simply asked Bella for help on that and Bella would provide her with something to give Bella an edge in her situation.

The lawyer and the fortune teller both said that the Viper/Dizzy is cunning, cold blooded and has plans on top of plans and even more plans.

Will wait and have to see with the next update what happens, but for now I think I got my hands full.

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2018
What kind of corruption does this game have?, Is it moral degeneration were it changes how they dress and act or is just the "fast" path to getting in the women's pants with no actual change to them or their dialogue when compared to the romance?
Can someone answer this question I would like to know before I waste a download trying it.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
Can someone answer this question I would like to know before I waste a download trying it.
Nothing of the level or sort that you would expect in those other corruption games, you don't go out of your way to make anyone a bimbo or whatever. The best I can say in terms of "corruption" is that the game involves around you making suggestions or hints and the girls either are thinking about or open up to it. You can manipulate certain situations from happening but no there is no trainer level corruption or supernatural stuff nor having to dump some pills every sleep cycle in someone's food and tip toe and whisper bullshit in their ears and they all of a sudden are open to crazy suggestions in the next few days. So while it does say corruption it is not one of those type of games.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Can someone answer this question I would like to know before I waste a download trying it.
I wouldn't say there is any corruption to be honest.

At most you take a shy introvert and help her open up a bit, that's the most you'll get from any sort of "transformation". Jenna goes from hermit to ... sort of confident in herself. She acts slightly more confident and dresses more casually.

I guess Wanda could be classed as corruption at a push, bitchy model you abuse and fuck but she doesn't change her body and she loves being abused during sex.

There is absolutely nothing on the level you mentioned.

There is no corruption route if that's what you are looking for.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2018
Nothing of the level or sort that you would expect in those other corruption games, you don't go out of your way to make anyone a bimbo or whatever. The best I can say in terms of "corruption" is that the game involves around you making suggestions or hints and the girls either are thinking about or open up to it. You can manipulate certain situations from happening but no there is no trainer level corruption or supernatural stuff nor having to dump some pills every sleep cycle in someone's food and tip toe and whisper bullshit in their ears and they all of a sudden are open to crazy suggestions in the next few days. So while it does say corruption it is not one of those type of games.
I wouldn't say there is any corruption to be honest.

At most you take a shy introvert and help her open up a bit, that's the most you'll get from any sort of "transformation". Jenna goes from hermit to ... sort of confident in herself. She acts slightly more confident and dresses more casually.

I guess Wanda could be classed as corruption at a push, bitchy model you abuse and fuck but she doesn't change her body and she loves being abused during sex.

There is absolutely nothing on the level you mentioned.
So it's just another dating sim they spammed tagged just to lure people in?


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
So it's just another dating sim they spammed tagged just to lure people in?
Devs didn't set the tags, it's a forum moderator that has control of the thread, it's down to them what tags are added.

Certain things fall under the tag but this is not a corruption game nor does it have a corruption route.

If they were only looking to lure people in they would have gone with incest, it brings in a LOT more than corruption does which is incredibly niche. Devs purposefully avoided incest and what corruption is there isn't a major part of the game.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
So it's just another dating sim they spammed tagged just to lure people in?
No it is not a dating sim, def on not one of those either. The game has a story and plot.
You do have Li's you can pursue and what not but the game has depth and story. It is a story with choices and consequences. It is not a sandbox game either, most dating sim games are sandbox based. This is not.

Best let me ask it this way, what type of games by name here do you dislike or do you think this one falls under and what type of games do you like. That way I can tell you if this game is or is not for you. They have not done any tag spams to lure because if they did they would have added 2 of the most over used tags here. But like Avaron said, the corruption the closest one is with Natasha but that is more of a super far in between deal. And it does it's own job on explaining the cause and effect on it.

And I think the tags are mostly based on the mods/uploader/ whoever edits the OP.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2018
So finally got around to giving this a try.

Not a milf guy, and certainly not one when it's legit older lady model body types. The mom and the neighbor's advances seem to be continually shoved at me over the first few chapters even after picking every single dismissive zero points choice. Sitting here kind of curious, before I sink a bunch of hours into this, if that hopefully ends up not passing a points check at some point and stopping?


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Then someone needs to remove the corruption tag and the about game section on the overview page because it seems those are a straight up lie.
There are elemtns of corruption but it's not a corruption game.

The tags get added regardless of the amount just like the lesbian tag being added to male protag games, there are no lesbians there but it has 2 girls kissing.

Tags seem to be a guideline.

However if you are looking for a full on corruption route then this isn't for you.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Thanks a lot for the detailed feedback. I won't give my opinion on each point but just wanted to make a general statement as I think some people are missing the point.

The game is set up to cater to YOUR choices. If you want to play the man-whore route, then you have to accept girls who are willing to go along with this (i.e. girls will have to agree to potentially fool around behind their friends back). If the girls weren't willing to cheat, then the man-whore route would be pretty boring -(you'd end up dumped by all girls very early) Or of you want to play the completely monogomaus route, then that is also possible (and the girls won't cheat.). And this makes for a sweeter/less deceitful playthru with that particular girl (but you miss out on the other girls). Either option is do-able and the girls will change to accomodate. What you are trying to do here is apply the personality of a girl in your man-whore playthru into your solo-romance playthru which just doesn't make sense. If you want all the girls to be 100% perfect morality angels....then don't play the man-whore route. If you want to FUCK everyone, this only works if a) ALL of the girls are complete morons (not the case) or b) some of them need to be OK with being a little deceitful so we have to go with b for the manwhore rouote. So on the man-whore route, it's hard to throw shade on the girls for these choices, if you yourself (MC) are lying / cheating, etc. You can have it both ways in two different playthrus (or more) but you can't expect to have it ALL ways in a single playthru. You can't have a bunch of angelic girls in a man-whore route and you won't end up dating a cheating whore in a solo romance route: (With the exception of one or two females who are decitful in ALL routes - but you'll need to stick around to find out who)
Thanks for the taking the time to read all that feedback. But don't quite follow what you are saying here. Is the idea that manwhore routes will only be feasible with girls who are okay with the MC sleeping around (and thus would likewise consider themselves in an open relationship)? Or is the idea that when the MC cheats on each girl, that girl will (either through the influence of the MC's behavior or through authorial fiat) gradually grow more inclined towards deceit themselves?

Whichever the case, my main concern wasn't with the rationale for why "harem" runs will end in failure. My concern is purely with the ways in which the game itself conveys that expectation to the player. I agree that, logically and morally, cheaters who demand fidelity from their(numerous) partners are blatant hypocrites. Nonetheless, there is a vast sub-genre of AVNs that more or less live in that hypocritical headspace - and especially early on, WTHI looks like it could be one of them: huge cast of girls, lots of opportunities for steamy sex, and no consequences to maximizing that sex by being a lying weasel.

That does not mean that WTHI is obligated to be part of that genre, much less that it should be part of it. But I do think it would save everyone some headaches if the game itself (without recourse to any external material) gave clearer indications that it is not, in fact, in that genre before we reach the endgame.

And secondly - you are making some assertions on the assumption that all girls are one-dimensional and what -you-see-is-what-you-get and that their motivations are exactly what they are delcaring. But...each of the women have their own motiviations, etc.... And (just like the MC) sometimes they aren't telling the truth. So... taking Natasha for example....How do you know everything she told the MC in the coffee-shop is true? And how do you know that she may not have some plans of her own?
You are correct, Natasha could certainly have a larger agenda of own. That said, my core complaint about her scene in Episode 20 is, at least in my view, it trivializes the very different outcomes of the original Revenge Plan subplot. In one extreme, we make a fool ourselves and she kicks us out of her party. In the other extreme, we completely humiliate her by exposing both her infidelity and dirty secrets to her whole social circle while simultaneously dumping her in favor of her hated rival.

Those are two very different outcomes. And yet in both cases, when Natash returns to the story her next move is to seduce the MC into public sex with her in a coffee shop (just with a little extra yelling in the latter case). I'm not saying that cannot make sense. I'm just saying that by starting sequel subplot in the same place regardless of how the first one ended, it undercuts the narrative distance between the ends of the first. I think that's a shame because it reduces the apparent impact of our choices.

And one other example....If you waited in the car for Jenna...and then she doesn't go into details....Why are some people automatically assuming NTR? Or why are some people demanding she get dumped because she doesn't give MC a detailed account? Maybe she has her own motiviations... OR maybe she's just a annoyed at MC and showing a little bit of petulance (nobody is perfect) so is getting back at MC by keeping him in the dark. Sort of a "If you wanted to know what would happen, you could have stuck around." It's her first relationship, so it might be something as simple as immaturity / being in a huff! Or she could be the Anti-Christ and plotting to murder the MC! You'll find out eventually... :) But never assume they are one-dimensional.
Well, this is the internet, Cheeky. The odds that any action remotely involving a LI doing something without the MC will be accused of being NTR approach 1 as time goes on. But jokes aside, may I suggest this issue is not quite as one-sided as you are making it out to be?

Both the MC and Jenna have an equal right to their own concerns and motivations. Jenna does not need to justify feeling abandoned or annoyed if she thinks that the MC left her holding the bag all by herself. But by the same token, the MC doesn't need to justify feeling hurt or worried if he thinks that Jenna is (for example) more concerned about Jo's feelings than his own.

The important thing here isn't who's right or wrong, it's that this has become a conflict in the relationship between Jenna and the MC. Sometimes conflicts grow out of trivial things. But they do need to be addressed, otherwise they just fester and grow ever larger. If one person insists on dismissing the other's concerns, you shouldn't be shocked if the other person contemplates ending the relationship even if the inciting incident was small.

And yes, that would cut both ways. Jenna has every right to call things off if the MC/player demands she behave as he says and ignores her feelings on the matter; I am categorically not arguing that people who demand to know what happened to Jenna are in the right. But Jenna's actions are directly under your control as developers, whereas the player can only choose from options you add to the game. So I do think it is incumbent on you guys to consider how the player might feel even in cases where you don't agree with them.

So my advice, for whatever it is worth, is this: if you don't want to add branches where the MC and/or Jenna can break up over this, add some dialog that at least attempts to address the concerns players might have over Jenna's actions. If that also allows Jenna to air her own concerns over the MC's actions before the two come to some sort of agreement, so much the better.

You'll never be able to satisfy everyone, of course, but they'll respond a lot better to an imperfect olive branch than they will to a stone wall.


Cheat Or Not
Game Developer
May 18, 2020
Here's my compressed version.
Where the Heart Is [Ep.20] [CheekyGimp] - Original Size: 3.16 GB

Download Win,Linux (822MB)
: - -
Download Mac (806MB): - -
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I don't know how to thank you..... I am very grateful for giving me a mega link for the compressed file. I earlier had planned to download the original 3.4 gb file as someone (nicestgamer ) compressed the game but there was no mega link..... I can't thank you enough......
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