
Active Member
Aug 20, 2018
I think I figured out what is up with Jolina actually....

I decided to start up a new playthrough and playing through it very slowly and not a rush so prob mostly 30 - 40 min if I have time. I decided to give that prophecy thing another go word.for.word. After what Avaron pointed me out and finding the pics and going word for word.

I think I know a bit of Jolina her secret's think she has more then just one, So looking at both the pics and both were taken in the same kitchen which is in the same house that seems to belong to Jo... And seeing what both was wearing at that time and also looking at the laptop in the background. It is safe to say that Jo and Bella do know one another and from the Fortune Teller when she was talking about the sister and the blonde that whole time she was talking about it, I don't think she was talking about Debbie at all and that the whole fortune about the sister and the blonde was about Bella and Jo. You have on multiple occasions have the chance of asking Jo if she was Lesbian or Bi and she never confirms or denies it she does only confirm that girls somewhere in there life have done their experimenting. From every conversation with her she never actually had a high opinion on men but does not outright talk shit about em either. She does say how she never met good ones. So the part of the fortune telling where she says " She is getting closer to you... but still is closer to the sister " means she is definitely getting feelings and warming up to you but she in truth still at that point of the fortune telling is closer to Bella. They may not be in a serious relationship and Bella has never mentioned anything about being in a relationship so far as I know with anyone. The fact that on asking her the first time she brings you to Dog Boys Mom you can ask her about her sexuality and you can jokingly ask about a threesome and the first girl that pops in her mind is Jenna which means she seemed to have an interest in Jenna from the get go. With all that it means she does have a bigger preference for women but does not make her outright a full on lesbian.

Again, every time you ask her when given the option she does not give you a straight answer she always goes a round about way of it. So two things I can get out of this is, She knows Bella that is for sure and before MC she was more interested in women compared to men even though she is not a full blown lesbian. Still does not make her a suspect for the 3rd will owner and that she is the GD. Why do I still dismiss her on this ? Very simple, The will said or at least made it sound like it was someone that BOTH the MC AND Elaine knew. However Jo is someone that the MC just recently met that goes for Theresa two so those too are still in the clear for the GD/3rd will owner.

So her secrets are, She is Bi and knows Bella and is or has or had a or multiple flings with her.

Now when I get to the point I want to be with the new play through I am going to see if there is a possible way to mention to Bella about other girls ( even if jokingly ) or if mentioning Cup of Jo is possible.

The other thing that is something I am very careful about is that Jo might not be even working with Bella but on the contrary is being USED by Bella. See the USB and the Virus a bit of a weird coincidence and then comes to footage of Ep20, Jo admitted she did pull a Jenna meaning that there has been a hack, however she never said she was the one who did the hacking. She could have simply asked Bella for help on that and Bella would provide her with something to give Bella an edge in her situation.

The lawyer and the fortune teller both said that the Viper/Dizzy is cunning, cold blooded and has plans on top of plans and even more plans.

Will wait and have to see with the next update what happens, but for now I think I got my hands full.

Some serious detective work there my man!!

Had Bella pegged as the Gold Digger and beneficiary number 3 in posts quite a while back.

Mainly because of the Dad's words about Elaine killing him - Bella being so close to her.

The supposed 'email sender' revelation at the end of this episode could be genuine, or could be a set up by Bella and Jolina.

The lawyer revelation that the 3rd person / GD knows the conditions would fit with Bella having access to Elaine's computer in the shared house.

We only have Bella's word that Elaine threw out all of the MC's stuff, and so she brought it over to him at Monica's house.

Elaine is quite open with the MC in this update that she wants the house or at least to be able to stay living there, and says she does have some money of her own to maintain the upkeep and herself.

Of course I am sure that any normal MC - even if he is only 19 - would be tempted to ask whether she sent Monica and others the email, and did she throw all his stuff out onto the street?

Oh and whilst on the email, who had access to the email addresses of the MC's "friends" that were also sent it?


(With the exception of one or two females who are deceitful in ALL routes - but you'll need to stick around to find out who)
Surprised no-one has commented on this - a casual suggestion that there may be TWO conniving wenches, which would support the Bella + Jolina theory


Active Member
Dec 22, 2019
With what we have so far I refuse to believe Elaine has bad intentions.

Her sending the email doesn't really mean anything since it has already been established that she did want the MC out of the house, and that fake email is a subtle way to make sure someone takes care of the MC without revealing she cared about him in some way.

If Elaine's conditions are seducing the MC, then we shouldve seen Elaine more active in the seduction, but so far all have been unintentional or the MC initiating it.

The only thing fishy about her is her obsession about the will and her refusal to go to Cup of Jo's.

For the will she might genuinely be trying to find a loophole/workaround where both her and MC can benefit from. Because it won't make sense for her to ask assurance about the house otherwise.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
With what we have so far I refuse to believe Elaine has bad intentions.

Her sending the email doesn't really mean anything since it has already been established that she did want the MC out of the house, and that fake email is a subtle way to make sure someone takes care of the MC without revealing she cared about him in some way.

If Elaine's conditions are seducing the MC, then we shouldve seen Elaine more active in the seduction, but so far all have been unintentional or the MC initiating it.

The only thing fishy about her is her obsession about the will and her refusal to go to Cup of Jo's.

For the will she might genuinely be trying to find a loophole/workaround where both her and MC can benefit from. Because it won't make sense for her to ask assurance about the house otherwise.
I quite agree with you, even if it only has a metanarrative value, the fact that there is a guilt path with her is in her favour.

that she was the one who sent the email was the only possible solution unless there was a big twist, Jolina had already discarded Monica and Zarah, so it was either a new character or Elaine.
but the fact that the email was addressed to several possible "safe harbours" for MC is more a merit than a fault (until proven otherwise Elaine doesn't know MC's conditions, and since the lawyer indicates that instead the third heir might know them this leads me to believe that Elaine must be unaware of them)

moreover, always to underline my (probably unfounded) worry about the dilemma if really Elaine has thrown away MC's stuff and Bella has saved them, Elaine at dinner tells us that everything she has done after throwing out MC has been in favour of him, of course it could be a lie, but if she really had thrown out MC's belongings afterwards (after having threatened to do so) it would be really an easy lie to deny, a false step too obvious
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Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
"You're supposed to be my boyfriend. I can't believe you wouldn't stay with me there."
You can't believe I wouldn't let a bitch revenge-rape me in front of you?
Well, that relationship went down the drain fast. One off the list I guess.
Hm, well thats one way to do it.
I enoyed my time with Jo, while Jenna had to watch and got nothing, she was a bit pissed afterwards...meh, i will make a real cuckqueen out of her.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
Some serious detective work there my man!!

Had Bella pegged as the Gold Digger and beneficiary number 3 in posts quite a while back.

Mainly because of the Dad's words about Elaine killing him - Bella being so close to her.

The supposed 'email sender' revelation at the end of this episode could be genuine, or could be a set up by Bella and Jolina.

The lawyer revelation that the 3rd person / GD knows the conditions would fit with Bella having access to Elaine's computer in the shared house.

We only have Bella's word that Elaine threw out all of the MC's stuff, and so she brought it over to him at Monica's house.

Elaine is quite open with the MC in this update that she wants the house or at least to be able to stay living there, and says she does have some money of her own to maintain the upkeep and herself.

Of course I am sure that any normal MC - even if he is only 19 - would be tempted to ask whether she sent Monica and others the email, and did she throw all his stuff out onto the street?

Oh and whilst on the email, who had access to the email addresses of the MC's "friends" that were also sent it?


Surprised no-one has commented on this - a casual suggestion that there may be TWO conniving wenches, which would support the Bella + Jolina theory
Yeah the problem is because of the updates being a bit far in between ( content wise they are more then large enough ) and the fact I play other ones that make me use my head to see where they are going and or how characters works and etc ( WiAB and AML and a few others )

Plus when 19 came out I skipped it and decided I would just wait. I forgot about a lot of stuff and had to go by memory, so I forgot a lot of stuff and because of others mentioning and pointing out a lot of the Jo + Bella thing that got me a bit confused I decided to look all that up to actually think things through because before all I had was mostly pointing to Bella but with everything new....they still point to Bella so that has not changed. But nothing feels obvious at those times because if you play the game till just after the fortune teller. It will legit let you think that the conversation is about Debbie as she does come out too you so it leaves it fresh so it kinda throws you off. This is a Theme I noticed happening, every time the game brings a revelation about a character it gets some sort of curve ball making it look like they are talking about that character.

Two great examples of this are , Debbie coming out to you that she is 99.9% Lesbian and in love with Lily which instantly follows by the fortune teller talking about a sister and a pretty blonde ( Debbie is blond and pretty ) that has preference for women, so in other words must be talking about Debbie, however even though there is a mention of other women there is zero mention or hints about Lily anywhere in there, but because the Debbie coming out what so close the first thing to pop is that is about Debbie and you move on. That goes the same with the Lawyer in this one, He tells you that the other person knows about the will has at least seen it or spoken to Don about it in the past or found it somewhere and that this person is cold deceitful and cunning, So far everything the game has done is throw you in situation where you always and I mean always end up doubting Elaine because of her past but yet nothing matches her from what the MC points out as being a core element of her personality in the far past before Don intervened, even Bella points that out. So where does the Lawyer part come in that again makes it suspect for Elaine ? He mentioned the person knows about the will... guess who told you she had a talk about the will beforehand at a dinner RIGHT after hearing having that talk with the Lawyer... yes Elaine and that followed by the revelation of the sender of the Email.

But again like I said if you followed the wordings of everything closely including the fortune telling, it is made clear that Elaine never knew that there was a will with which there would be 3 holders or that there was any conditions and even that she was being cheated on. If she knew all of these before hand she would have played her role a lot more carefully. While you don't know her exact condition she has so far not lied to you either by making it clear for her to end up with her share or money she must break off all contact with the MC and essentially do something that will end up hating her for real and she wants to refuse doing that. Which all fits with the confirmed personality that MC and Bella have painted of her from how she really is in the past. She also seems to legit want to make things up and has legit seemed only interested in the house. The GD wants it all. And the GD get's whats her not through her actions or what she has to do but more so dependent on the actions of the MC.

For the Jo + Bella working together, while it is possible I don't think she actually is working with her but it is possible she is, She prob is being used. I think that Elaine might be avoiding Jo because of possible beef between them after that visit or just that she legit did not want a cup on that day as you never ask her again to go get a coffee or a drink over there nor do you bring up Jo with her. I personally would have been persistent as fuck and be like we gone get some coffee you in yes or no, she says yes and I be like I know a place and we are going there and would not name the place and if we arrive any excuse that get's thrown at me I would be like fuck no I got the place for ourselves let's go and if it continues I would go instant suspect and be like what is with you and this place that you are against it. Bam question shit then and there. But that never happens.

Bella has thrown many "worries" about her sister and her being there for Elaine through all of this but Elaine is also trying to get her out of the house, not to be malicious but because she legit wants her sister to do something with her life and spread her wings, Yet Bella refuses to do so. She is scared that if she get's kicked out she has nowhere to go. So far I have no implication she has a job, So that again brings me to the point, How did she survive all of this time, where was she all this time, how did she eat drink and sleep before all of this. She arrived the same time Don died and has been sticking around since the will thing has YET to be sorted out.

Jo does have her secrets and she was planning on being honest and open about one of em after the whole Jenna debacle and breakdown that happened but got interrupted. The GD is cold and calculated so is implied she wants the money and is not out to have a soft spot for anyone. Bella so far has shown more concern for her personal situation, Jo has a breakdown about her situation and is genuinely thankful but refuses any monetary help but accepts the bare minimum and wants to put in the work on her own to get on her two feet.... Bella apparently does fuck all to sort her problems out as if she is waiting for something to magically appear and fix everything for her....for example a large sum of cash falling out of the sky...

There is so much more, it is a lot to write down. Ha. Ill just leave it at this for now. But yeah I feel like Jo herself is being used rather than that she is actively working with Bella against the MC.


Developer of "The Call of Darkness"
Game Developer
Oct 15, 2018
"You're supposed to be my boyfriend. I can't believe you wouldn't stay with me there."
You can't believe I wouldn't let a bitch revenge-rape me in front of you?
Well, that relationship went down the drain fast. One off the list I guess.
There are several paths there. You can stay and not get raped... lol


Active Member
Jan 9, 2018
There are several paths there. You can stay and not get raped... lol
No doubt, but I didn't stay to find out. After I refused her kiss, told her that I wouldn't play her game and she still came at me again I left. Your writing department did too good of a job to trigger my inherent paranoia. There are just too many things that don't add up with her. Hats off to the writer for making me suspect half the cast. :ROFLMAO:


Developer of "The Call of Darkness"
Game Developer
Oct 15, 2018
No doubt, but I didn't stay to find out. After I refused her kiss, told her that I wouldn't play her game and she still came at me again I left. Your writing department did too good of a job to trigger my inherent paranoia. There are just too many things that don't add up with her. Hats off to the writer for making me suspect half the cast. :ROFLMAO:
Can that really be a pro? You avoid half the girls because they could be playing you! That is a reversal from the usual AVN. :D


Active Member
Jan 9, 2018
Can that really be a pro? You avoid half the girls because they could be playing you! That is a reversal from the usual AVN. :D
It is when you like to immerse yourself in the games you play. Also, once I finished the game and know who the snakes are, I can always do another run. But I prefer to do my first canonical run more or less the way I would act in the MC's shoes.


Active Member
Sep 30, 2020
There are several paths there. You can stay and not get raped... lol
Can that really be a pro? You avoid half the girls because they could be playing you! That is a reversal from the usual AVN. :D
I agree just go for it. Everyone should be a man whore. Why do you think the devs gave us a quick start option.

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