
Engaged Member
Sep 26, 2020
Hi folks,

I know this won't be a popular decision for some of you but I need to pause development of the final two episodes of WTHI for a couple of months so we can focus on a re-do of the earlier episodes. This is not a decision I am taking lightly and I've mulled this over for the past few months. The re-do is not just an upgrade of the early episode art, it will be a full script overhaul of ALL of the earlier episodes (removing some scenes, adding some new ones, editing some scenes and extending some scenes) in addition to re-doing all of the art and adding animations. Why not finish WTHI first and then start on the re-do? (Fair question). Here's why...

As most of you know, I have a real-life job in addition to working on WTHI. For the first four years of working on WTHI, I used to do the equivalent of working two full time jobs where I would work my normal job Mon-Fri and also squeeze in 40-60 hours of WTHI per week ( 4-5 hours Mon-thur evenings, an all-nighter on Friday and then as many hours as possible on Sat-Sun).

But after four years, that was no longer sustainable (was burning me out) so what I have been doing recently is alternating my time between my real-life job and WTHI by taking unpaid leave from my job (either a couple of days a week, a couple of weeks a month or more recently, I have taken a whole month off work to concentrate on WTHI). When I'm working WTHI only, I can easily squeeze in 60 hrs per week. But when I'm working my real-life job, I can only manage about 20-25 hours per week on WTHI. And Cell (our long suffering artist) is continously churning out 50+ hour weeks. I thought we could keep this set-up going until I finish WTHI completely but I cannot. To finish the game properly (without cutting corners and ensuring we give each character the ending they deserve), I estimate there is at least 6 months work left (to complete EP24 and EP25) plus I want to do an epilogue scene for each character (or group of characters), so there's still many months of work needed to complete WTHI fully. I was hoping to get it all done by the end of this year with the current system of alternating between unpaid time-off from my real-life job but I can't.

Currently, WTHI requires over 100 hours per week spread across Cell and I. After Patreon costs, transfer fees and all the other outgoings associated with game development, this means that working on WTHI actually pays Cell and I less than minimum wage per hour (based on where we live). So continously taking unpaid leave from my real-life (decent-paying) job to earn minimum wage is just not sustainable for the rest of this year.

So, the current plan is to increase the audience/income for WTHI by releasing on Steam. If all goes to plan, the extra income from Steam will give me more financial wiggle-room to take more unpaid time-off from work to focus on WTHI. So, although it means a lack of progress on new episodes in the short-term, it is the best decision for the overall completion of the game.

In order to get onto steam, we have to re-do the earlier episodes, because they are just not up to scratch. So the current plan is to spend the next two months working on a re-do of episodes 1-10 (Season 1) and release on Steam. And obviously we will also release the new upgraded game on patreon too. And once Season 1 is complete, we can then switch our focus back to current episodes and complete and release Episode 24.

I know some people have been clamoring for a rework, while many others would prefer that we just finished the game before going back and re-doing but in the long-run (and based on my personal circumstances) this is the best approach for the overall completion of the game and to keep the quality high. So, for any of you that have been asking for a rework of earlier episodes, it is coming. For any of you that have zero interest in a re-do and only want the new episodes, then consider this a two-month postponement of the new episodes. And for those in the zero interest category, I fully understand if you drop/cancel your pledge.

As always, please ask any questions or add any inputs/comments in the comments section below or feel free to DM me directly.


then my question...why reworking what is perfectly working when game was seeing the end line?? why if , as you said, it's so resources demanding do this instead on concentrate resources an works on finish the damn game? i'm really pissed of this reworking mania...expecially if the VN was good as it is..i would understand if u decided to add harem option at least (but i was at peace with no harem..even if i choosed to stay with my old friend both friend mom and her daughter.. i hoped at least to be allowed to be with them..but as i said seems this is not about ading harem or mini harem option. so, sir, i 'm pretty upset andangry atm. regards

truth hurt so much i know

That doesn't matter to some people.........facts are irrelevant to them.
we can make a bet that this will be not even near to be finished in 2 months..if this will be even finished at all.


Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
then my question...why reworking what is perfectly working when game was seeing the end line?? why if , as you said, it's so resources demanding do this instead on concentrate resources an works on finish the damn game? i'm really pissed of this reworking mania...expecially if the VN was good as it is..i would understand if u decided to add harem option at least (but i was at peace with no harem..even if i choosed to stay with my old friend both friend mom and her daughter.. i hoped at least to be allowed to be with them..but as i said seems this is not about ading harem or mini harem option. so, sir, i 'm pretty upset andangry atm. regards
we can make a bet that this will be not even near to be finished in 2 months..if this will be even finished at all.
Look, I know you're a special kind of special but you need to stop, you're just making a fool of yourself. Whatever you're rambling about I'm gonna go with what the Dev has told us since he, unlike you, actually knows what's going on in his life.

And for god sake learn about multi quoting.......

LionHeart 95

Aug 30, 2020
we can make a bet that this will be not even near to be finished in 2 months..if this will be even finished at all.
Well No one knows the future, But Considering that this Dev in the past has stopped taking money when they were not producing updates, we all know Cheeky is not very active in this thread as ACE was, However; Cheeky has been providing information to the Patrons of the game. Which leads me to believe that it will finish.

Maybe you just want the results of the story line. That's easy. the Mc. lives happy ever after. Who he is with is up to you. his heart is in your hands still. Lead him to where your Heart is taken.

I know that there is a mystery or two left to be solved in the game neither you or the MC have been given the answer to. so if you chose right now and the game ended today who are you with? Where is thy heart?

My goal is: a mini Harem Possible the whole family agreeing to be with Mc but both sisters with Lilly and Debbie as casual flings as those two become a couple. is my current choice. The other thought is just Lilly and take all the money the and the house Being a greedy Mc.
However based on the Renderings and sexualized content our little shy computer nerd will be the Queen bee of the MC and all others will be side chicks.


Active Member
Nov 24, 2018
Hi folks,

I know this won't be a popular decision for some of you but I need to pause development of the final two episodes of WTHI for a couple of months so we can focus on a re-do of the earlier episodes. This is not a decision I am taking lightly and I've mulled this over for the past few months. The re-do is not just an upgrade of the early episode art, it will be a full script overhaul of ALL of the earlier episodes (removing some scenes, adding some new ones, editing some scenes and extending some scenes) in addition to re-doing all of the art and adding animations. Why not finish WTHI first and then start on the re-do? (Fair question). Here's why...

As most of you know, I have a real-life job in addition to working on WTHI. For the first four years of working on WTHI, I used to do the equivalent of working two full time jobs where I would work my normal job Mon-Fri and also squeeze in 40-60 hours of WTHI per week ( 4-5 hours Mon-thur evenings, an all-nighter on Friday and then as many hours as possible on Sat-Sun).

But after four years, that was no longer sustainable (was burning me out) so what I have been doing recently is alternating my time between my real-life job and WTHI by taking unpaid leave from my job (either a couple of days a week, a couple of weeks a month or more recently, I have taken a whole month off work to concentrate on WTHI). When I'm working WTHI only, I can easily squeeze in 60 hrs per week. But when I'm working my real-life job, I can only manage about 20-25 hours per week on WTHI. And Cell (our long suffering artist) is continously churning out 50+ hour weeks. I thought we could keep this set-up going until I finish WTHI completely but I cannot. To finish the game properly (without cutting corners and ensuring we give each character the ending they deserve), I estimate there is at least 6 months work left (to complete EP24 and EP25) plus I want to do an epilogue scene for each character (or group of characters), so there's still many months of work needed to complete WTHI fully. I was hoping to get it all done by the end of this year with the current system of alternating between unpaid time-off from my real-life job but I can't.

Currently, WTHI requires over 100 hours per week spread across Cell and I. After Patreon costs, transfer fees and all the other outgoings associated with game development, this means that working on WTHI actually pays Cell and I less than minimum wage per hour (based on where we live). So continously taking unpaid leave from my real-life (decent-paying) job to earn minimum wage is just not sustainable for the rest of this year.

So, the current plan is to increase the audience/income for WTHI by releasing on Steam. If all goes to plan, the extra income from Steam will give me more financial wiggle-room to take more unpaid time-off from work to focus on WTHI. So, although it means a lack of progress on new episodes in the short-term, it is the best decision for the overall completion of the game.

In order to get onto steam, we have to re-do the earlier episodes, because they are just not up to scratch. So the current plan is to spend the next two months working on a re-do of episodes 1-10 (Season 1) and release on Steam. And obviously we will also release the new upgraded game on patreon too. And once Season 1 is complete, we can then switch our focus back to current episodes and complete and release Episode 24.

I know some people have been clamoring for a rework, while many others would prefer that we just finished the game before going back and re-doing but in the long-run (and based on my personal circumstances) this is the best approach for the overall completion of the game and to keep the quality high. So, for any of you that have been asking for a rework of earlier episodes, it is coming. For any of you that have zero interest in a re-do and only want the new episodes, then consider this a two-month postponement of the new episodes. And for those in the zero interest category, I fully understand if you drop/cancel your pledge.

As always, please ask any questions or add any inputs/comments in the comments section below or feel free to DM me directly.


This is.... disappointing... :(

It's great to hear that the game is coming to Steam, I buy all of these games on Steam when they come out, but I HATE Season 1/Season 2 releases... I hope Season 2 is going to be DLC for Season 1 and not a separate game on Steam...
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
I just happened to check this thread and was surprised to see WTHI "On Hold". My first reaction was "Oh Great", but after reading Cheeky's post, I get it.

Look, there are a huge number of devs who play the rework game, so they don't have to actually release new content, and so their games never end, allowing them to keep the Patreon cash flowing without doing anything other than release a teaser render or two a month. So I completely understand why we are all cynical and jaded now whenever a dev anounces a delay, because we have all, including those like me that have contributed to this game and many others, been burned before. What is the saying, "Fool me once shame on you, fool me 2 dozen times, shame on me?"

But, just because 50 devs have screwed over their fans with fake rework announcements, and a smaller group of devs honestly really intended to rework their games but lost motivation, and their games were eventually abandoned, doesn't mean every single dev should be painted with the same brush.

Cheeky and Ace have been straight with all of us for years, and have been honest about delays here and there. Plus they have a huge amount of content, in WTHI, of exceptional quality, that they have worked on for almost 4 years. They are not some fly-by-night cash grab group that releases something great for a few updates, and then takes the money and runs. I don't for a minute believe that after the labor of love that Cheeky and Ace have worked on for years, they would just drop WTHI right before the finish line. It might take awhile, but they will surely finish it and release eventually.

We all owe it to Cheeky and Ace (hopefully he is back or comes back, I haven't been following), to give them the benefit of the doubt. They have both built up a ton of credibility by hanging around these forums, shooting the shit with all of us, and being straight with us about what is going on. More than most developers, by far.

Plus, everything Cheeky said is completely true regarding development time. Most devs are making less than minimum wage making these games. It takes thousands of hours for a couple of people to storyboard out the next update, find and purchase all the assets, pose and render the images, write pages and pages of dialog, and code everything together so it works. Plus after they think they are done, add in hundreds more hours of debugging because of the effect of some variable created 2 years ago that they have mostly forgotten about.

Unless you are DPC or Mr. Dots with your well oiled team pumping out content, or one of the lucky handful of inexplicably successful devs on Patron like Dark Cookie or the guy behind Wild Life, you are making games for the love of the characters, and the appreciation of all your fans, and the modest extra income, not to get rich and buy yourself a nice boat or vacation home. Even if you are bringing in $5K a month on Patreon, that is for hundreds of hours of work, split between creators. That is well less than they would make in most other modest jobs. But it's more fun and rewarding than a second job working computer support in some office, or working on spreadsheets, so that is why they do it.

Cheeky's explanation is eminently reasonable. If he wants to release on Steam, WTHI's success will be heavily influenced by the initial impression of first time players. We forget because we've all been playing this game all along, but while Jenna and Monica look fantastic now, their original appearance in the first few episodes, let's just say, was a little rough. Jenna's grey skin was a little off putting, though I still found her pretty hot.

I wish Cheeky and Ace the best of luck updating WTHI for a successful Steam release so they can be additionally rewarded for their years of passion and hard work. Waiting a while is well worth it if it helps the devs find the time and resources to continue to finish WTHI to a successful conclusion. The worst outcome would be a rushed and unsatisfying ending after so much build up just to say it is done, so I want Cheeky and Ace to take their time and make sure the remaining episodes bring WTHI to a fulfilling and satisfying conclusion.
Last edited:


Jul 22, 2021
In the short time since the announcement of the remake, patreon's patronage has very clearly dropped massively, I remember it was around 1.6K before, now it's only 1.2K, and judging by the results, a very large number of people are disappointed with the remake's demise


Jul 22, 2021
I'm not complaining, I'm just stating my opinion on the matter, I was expecting to play through the last 2 episodes within this year and finally get to see the finale after years of waiting!

But from the moment the remake was announced, meaning that it might be milked or abandoned next, or at the most optimistic view, extended to 2 or 3 years before we see the end, it feels really bad! In fact, I don't have any complaints about the rendering or the models.

I think it'd be more palatable to release the last 2 episodes after they've finished and then announce a remake!

And of course, without a doubt, I'll choose to buy the game on steam because I really like it!


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
In the short time since the announcement of the remake, patreon's patronage has very clearly dropped massively, I remember it was around 1.6K before, now it's only 1.2K, and judging by the results, a very large number of people are disappointed with the remake's demise
There is always a drop at the start of a month, can't talk about raw numbers like that. Though there is a slowly decrease of support on average.
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Mar 8, 2022
When Cheeky made the postponement announcement where they mentioned that their man-hours worked out to less than minimum wage, they had something like 1,600 patrons. So they must have been pulling in, what, $8K a month? I wasn't tracking them closely. My point is, with only two people working on this game, if $4K a month (minus the fees) works out to less than minimum wage, it seems like there are some big inefficiencies in the production process. I wonder what the bottlenecks might be.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2020
When Cheeky made the postponement announcement where they mentioned that their man-hours worked out to less than minimum wage, they had something like 1,600 patrons. So they must have been pulling in, what, $8K a month? I wasn't tracking them closely. My point is, with only two people working on this game, if $4K a month (minus the fees) works out to less than minimum wage, it seems like there are some big inefficiencies in the production process. I wonder what the bottlenecks might be.
You can check this on graphtreon. It was 6.5k, not 8k back then. Now it already dopped to 5.5k. And there where actually three main devs, don't know if ace still get's some of that income. Also don't know about the often mentioned QC team if they get money, too.

The drop of patrons is actually what I feard with setting the game to a "kinda onhold" on Patreon for the steam rework. They will maybe gain some money there when it's done, but also loosing income now on Patreon because there's no new release.


Jul 19, 2018
In the short time since the announcement of the remake, patreon's patronage has very clearly dropped massively, I remember it was around 1.6K before, now it's only 1.2K, and judging by the results, a very large number of people are disappointed with the remake's demise
I am one of the patreons who stopped supporting this game because of the remake. What frustrated me the most was that the remake was announced shortly after there were some post that the episode was almost finished. To stop making the episode and start remaking it all of a sudden (though ace departure might have been a reason) was dissapointing for me.

God I hate remakes in the middle of development. To many games get so much delayed or cancelled because of those actions. Instant cancel for me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
if i were a sub to them, which i am not and never will be since eventually the games show up here. i would have also dropped sub after this announcement. i mean i hope the new remake will be successful but i want to the fuckin story continue. that was such a shitty thing to do your player base ending there then not cotinuing on but starting back at the beginning. unfortunately lots of devs are doing this since their supporters really dont care that much. it seems..


Jul 22, 2021
I am one of the patreons who stopped supporting this game because of the remake. What frustrated me the most was that the remake was announced shortly after there were some post that the episode was almost finished. To stop making the episode and start remaking it all of a sudden (though ace departure might have been a reason) was dissapointing for me.

God I hate remakes in the middle of development. To many games get so much delayed or cancelled because of those actions. Instant cancel for me.

I think it's better to finish the last 2 episodes and remake them while creating a brand new game. I don't doubt their ability to create a story, and this will also keep the appeal to customers

The decision to announce a moratorium on the release of new content in favor of a remastered version is really disappointing
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