
Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Anyway, what the MC did to them at the party was pretty bad too.
Yeah, it was pretty extreme. Definitely a step over the line if you take it to it's fullest extent. I can't help myself but do it each time i play though for the way the MC splices the audio for Katie always makes me smile.

I felt really shitty about doing that to her. I know she's a bully but she was dead sweet when she thought she'd met someone better.
Yeah, i'll admit, those pesky feelings did creep back in for a few slim moments with how bad you do her over (And i'm not talking about knocking on the back door) I have a feeling there may be some bad consequences for those of us that went full extreme on them. I'm not trying to justify what he suggested and/or did, but Sammy has a big share of blame here as well, but he jumped ship so it will be us left holding the can for whatever may come. Still, we did have the choice NOT to do any of it. (But come on, we all know we all got them back, it's the power trip fantasy of getting back at the bully. Unfortunately that usually makes you worse) :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Here's a question since it's come up in a few posts above. Suppose you don't go full extreme at the party on Natasha and/or Roger. Is there a way (Since i've only played going to the fullest) of getting back at Natasha and Roger to a point where Katie is satisfied or happy enough that you've fixed things for her? Seemed to me the only way to get that result was to go all in. Suppose it may not matter too much if you aren't chasing Katie. Just curious if it's possible. (There's still so many ways i need to replay this game - Damn you making Katie so lovable! I can't resist getting pulled back down her route each time!)
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Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
Suppose it may not matter too much if you aren't chasing Katie. Just curious if it's possible.
I don't know, like you I can't help but go all the way, all 37 times or so I've played through. :) Doesn't matter if I'm interested in Katie or not, feels like I'd do anything for her.
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Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
Maybe I should have gone with Beethoven's 9th...

doo doo doo dooooooooo, doo doo doo doooooooo. Yeah. :D
Feb 6, 2018
Huh? What's this about September? Did we get an announcement about Episode18? If so, I somehow didn't get the message :eek: other than that, great to hear about older characters returning, I knew her being in the result screen still plays into the plot!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Says the girl that is currently listening to Lindsey Stirling and various other violinists. Marvel at my exciting music.
Nothing wrong with that. You clearly are a woman of taste. Some classical is awesome or even just solo instrumentals. I have to be careful with violins though with volume, well pretty much everything with volume which sucks big honkin' donkey balls (Sorry, not sorry for that imagery) but i do enjoy a lot of different instrumental music over traditional "Chart" music, or shite as it's more commonly known. (y) Saying, that, i did get some pretty cool recommends a few pages back for mostly Japanese Rock stuff i'd never heard of which was pretty cool.
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Jul 29, 2020
I hate Greenday, their music bores me .... like Sting.

Says the girl that is currently listening to Lindsey Stirling and various other violinists. Marvel at my exciting music.
i don't know Lindsey Stirling very well, but i don't think she made a music/song about september... Everyone can't be Earth, Wind and Fire !!!
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