
Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Day counter and how far away from an in-game event. We are told that we have to wait until the finalization of the will but I don't know when that is in the game. Tomorrow or a week?
Exactly. I think it was about a month or so until the final will reading in total so we're getting there if we're a little more than 3 weeks in. Bare in mind though, an update could consist of just a day, or a couple so I have no idea how or when the final read is at this point, I'd have to replay fully to refresh my memory.
I'd be interested in seeing a dev create a game with time jumps to correspond with the real time going by. Not for a game with a set up like this but maybe a college game or a game where the MC is older and has a job.
Yeah that could be cool.
It would allow the dev to largely ignore the boring parts of life and focus on the fun bits.
Yeah, stupid work and responsibilities! Who needs that shit! :LOL:


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
I'd be interested in seeing a dev create a game with time jumps to correspond with the real time going by. Not for a game with a set up like this but maybe a college game or a game where the MC is older and has a job. It would allow the dev to largely ignore the boring parts of life and focus on the fun bits.
;) ;) ;)
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018

Again agreed, but to be fair it has been set up that Lily is completely blind to Debbie's affections as she doesn't see her that way. Katie is no help in that regard as she doesn't see either that way and it doesn't even come onto her radar (within the story) unless the MC pushes those "Adventurous" buttons. The MC is just our (The players) way of interacting with these characters. Some things will hit, some things will miss.
The catch is that it seems the MC's arrival is what finally pushed Debbie to DO something about her long simmering crush. Now that Debbie is in motion, the MC walking away won't defuse things. The last chance to defuse things was when Katie requested the beach house for the sleepover. Pulling the MC out of the picture now just makes it that much easier for Debbie to work her legendary ninja seduction skills on Lily unimpeded.

If the MC is only interested in Katie, then what happens to Debbie and Lily can be safely left off screen. But if the MC is only interested in Debbie or in Lily, ignoring the issue is a glaring omission.

Yeah, it's the one thing I feel that they miscalculated with this game. At this point, so late in the development, devoting so much time to one sex scene is unnecessary. The MC/player has fucked every single one of these women solo and now the only reason for the scene is so they fuck each other - there is nothing new, sexually, for the MC/player beyond watching the three of them get together. If that isn't the players kink or the player has the MC on a solo route (with one of them or someone else) this update is filler.

Obviously only my opinion (to be clear) but it would be nice to see something advance the actual plot.
I'm largely in agreement with you, but I do think there are two important things to consider here.

First, yes, a big foursome scene is clearly fan service, but not all fan service is bad. In this case, the lingering tension between the MC and Katie's posse has been going on for ages. It was going to have to be brought to a proper boil at some point and this does feel like an appropriate point.

It always sucks to see resources thrown at an option you personally have no interest in, but other people have different tastes. I mean personally, Katie falls extremely flat as a romance option so I'd rather she was sidelined to a supporting character role, but that's hardly fair to all her devout fans (who far outnumber me!). In this particular case I think the interest in the orgy more than justified the time spent on the episode.

The second issue is that, precisely because the MC has been able to fuck each of the girls solo, we eventually need some sort of reckoning to sort out where the four will stand once the MC's liaisons finally out. Given this is a porn game, a big sex scene is a better place to do that than most options.

Unfortunately, it sounds like Episode 19 has not worked out all the resolutions yet, at least for certain paths. The MC has very limited options to prevent Debbie from getting with Lily, and a lot of those efforts are presented in very poor light. On top of that, the episode ends before we actually learn where everyone stands the next day.

That is a serious problem that does undercut the time and effort spent on the blockbuster. I understand the devs faced real world hurdles and didn't want to stonewall the large majority of the fanbase who weren't going to see the missing branches in the first place, but I think it was a mistake to release the episode in this state. At the very least, put some sort of place-holder dialog explaining that a given version of the scene isn't finished yet rather than figuratively cutting to black and assuming we'll work out why our initial fears might not be justified.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the majority of the fan getting a big, fun payoff for a long running sub-plot. But at the same time, I wish it hadn't treated the minority that opted out of that payoff as a literal afterthought. I know it was never intended that way, but it's hard not to feel that way when we get a high-stakes cliffhanger and everyone else goes home satisfied (or never came to the theater at all). We can't read the devs' minds, after all.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
The catch is that it seem the MC's arrival is what finally pushed Debbie to DO something about her long simmering crush. Now that Debbie is in motion, the MC walking away won't defuse things. The last chance to defuse things was when Katie requested the beach house for the sleepover. Pulling the MC out of the picture now just makes it that much easier for Debbie to work her legendary ninja seduction skills on Lily unimpeded.

If the MC is only interested in Katie, then what happens to Debbie and Lily can be safely left off screen. But if the MC is only interested in Debbie or in Lily, ignoring the issue is a glaring omission.

I'm largely in agreement with you, but I do think there are two important things to consider here.

First, yes, a big foursome scene is clearly fan service, but not all fan service is bad. In this case, the lingering tension between the MC and Katie's posse has been going on for ages. It was going to have to be brought to a proper boil at some point and this does feel like an appropriate point.

It always sucks to see resources thrown at an option you personally have no interest in, but other people have different tastes. I mean personally, Katie falls extremely flat as a romance option so I'd rather she was sidelined to a supporting character role, but that's hardly fair to all her devout fans (who far outnumber me!). In this particular case I think the interest in the orgy more than justified the time spent on the episode.

The second issue is that, precisely because the MC has been able to fuck each of the girls solo, we eventually need some sort of reckoning to sort out where the four will stand once the MC's liaisons finally out. Given this is a porn game, a big sex scene is a better place to do that than most options.

Unfortunately, it sounds like Episode 19 has not worked out all the resolutions yet, at least for certain paths. The MC has very limited options to prevent Debbie from getting with Lily, and a lot of those efforts are presented in very poor light. On top of that, the episode ends before we actually learn where everyone stands the next day.

That is a serious problem that does undercut the time and effort spent on the blockbuster. I understand the devs faced real world hurdles and didn't want to stonewall the large majority of the fanbase who weren't going to see the missing branches in the first place, but I think it was a mistake to release the episode in this state. At the very least, put some sort of place-holder dialog explaining that a given version of the scene isn't finished yet rather than figuratively cutting to black and assuming we'll work out why our initial fears might not be justified.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the majority of the fan getting a big, fun payoff for a long running sub-plot. But at the same time, I wish it hadn't treated the minority that opted out of that payoff as a literal afterthought. I know it was never intended that way, but it's hard not to feel that way when we get a high-stakes cliffhanger and everyone else goe home satisfied (or never came to the theater at all). We can't read the devs' minds, after all.
See, this is why I shouldn't post before my second cup of coffee (or I should stop using Kahlua as my creamer)... You've described it all far better than I was able to muster.

In all honesty this is one game I would prefer was on a longer development cycle, I know some people will hate me for saying that but the turnaround that they have decided on feels too short to allow for a fully fleshed out and working update. I always want more content than less just as long as I am not waiting 6 months or more for it.


Jun 3, 2017
I really don't like how Katie looks like now. I dunno, she's just ugly for some reason.
I know what you mean. Her proportions are somehow messed up, although they are supposed to be exactly the same, somehow she is different. Even the very thing that captivated me in her at the beginning, her eyes (and i really mean actual eyes) aren't the same. The look she has now is different than before. But... well... had no choice and got used to it.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
Can you really avoid being in the threesome - and keep your romance interest out as well?
Yes, you can. You can leave the house (or get thrown out if you sabotage Debbie's confession) before the 3/4some happens, and as per one of the devs words, nothings happens between them, and your route should remain valid. Or if you are just soloing Katie, you can leave Debbie and Lily alone to go at it, and Katie will come with you to your room. But in all of these options, the MC gets no lewd scenes at the beach house with either of the 3. The main purpose of the beach house event is for the 3/4some sex.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
Yes, you can. You can leave the house (or get thrown out if you sabotage Debbie's confession) before the 3/4some happens, and as per one of the devs words, nothings happens between them, and your route should remain valid. Or if you are just soloing Katie, you can leave Debbie and Lily alone to go at it, and Katie will come with you to your room. But in all of these options, the MC gets no lewd scenes at the beach house with either of the 3. The main purpose of the beach house event is for the 3/4some sex.
So there's no alone time fuck with Katie if the MC chooses not to fuck all of them? Man... :rolleyes:


Jun 23, 2019
The catch is that it seems the MC's arrival is what finally pushed Debbie to DO something about her long simmering crush. Now that Debbie is in motion, the MC walking away won't defuse things. The last chance to defuse things was when Katie requested the beach house for the sleepover. Pulling the MC out of the picture now just makes it that much easier for Debbie to work her legendary ninja seduction skills on Lily unimpeded.

If the MC is only interested in Katie, then what happens to Debbie and Lily can be safely left off screen. But if the MC is only interested in Debbie or in Lily, ignoring the issue is a glaring omission.

I'm largely in agreement with you, but I do think there are two important things to consider here.

First, yes, a big foursome scene is clearly fan service, but not all fan service is bad. In this case, the lingering tension between the MC and Katie's posse has been going on for ages. It was going to have to be brought to a proper boil at some point and this does feel like an appropriate point.

It always sucks to see resources thrown at an option you personally have no interest in, but other people have different tastes. I mean personally, Katie falls extremely flat as a romance option so I'd rather she was sidelined to a supporting character role, but that's hardly fair to all her devout fans (who far outnumber me!). In this particular case I think the interest in the orgy more than justified the time spent on the episode.

The second issue is that, precisely because the MC has been able to fuck each of the girls solo, we eventually need some sort of reckoning to sort out where the four will stand once the MC's liaisons finally out. Given this is a porn game, a big sex scene is a better place to do that than most options.

Unfortunately, it sounds like Episode 19 has not worked out all the resolutions yet, at least for certain paths. The MC has very limited options to prevent Debbie from getting with Lily, and a lot of those efforts are presented in very poor light. On top of that, the episode ends before we actually learn where everyone stands the next day.

That is a serious problem that does undercut the time and effort spent on the blockbuster. I understand the devs faced real world hurdles and didn't want to stonewall the large majority of the fanbase who weren't going to see the missing branches in the first place, but I think it was a mistake to release the episode in this state. At the very least, put some sort of place-holder dialog explaining that a given version of the scene isn't finished yet rather than figuratively cutting to black and assuming we'll work out why our initial fears might not be justified.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the majority of the fan getting a big, fun payoff for a long running sub-plot. But at the same time, I wish it hadn't treated the minority that opted out of that payoff as a literal afterthought. I know it was never intended that way, but it's hard not to feel that way when we get a high-stakes cliffhanger and everyone else goes home satisfied (or never came to the theater at all). We can't read the devs' minds, after all.
Your ideas are very precious, my dear friend. However, Developers also need to be understood. I think the fans don't know what they want. Establishing a person and also in such a risky sector (All your efforts can be garbage at any time.). It is a very, very difficult task to put this fiction into the game. Congratulations to the developers for bringing us such a great fiction and such hot characters. Have fun.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2020
You know - one inconsistency is Kate is supposed to be a virgin, then why is it so easy to have that first sex with her without her showing any pain?


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2020
Your ideas are very precious, my dear friend. However, Developers also need to be understood. I think the fans don't know what they want. Establishing a person and also in such a risky sector (All your efforts can be garbage at any time.). It is a very, very difficult task to put this fiction into the game. Congratulations to the developers for bringing us such a great fiction and such hot characters. Have fun.
That maybe true but these stories should reflect what any user wants at least as an option - The MC should not be forced to have sex with someone he / she doesn't want @ ant time
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