I'm glad something like your new game will exist for people that want it- definitely not for me. I don't play games that contain porn, to the best of my ability. I play porn games. It's kinda hard to jerk off doing an RPG grind not porn-related, or be trying to enjoy yourself, and you're like, "Oh, finally, it's getting good!" only to then have the game stall for 5 hours and make you wonder if you need viagra at a young age just to be able to enjoy a "porn game". So long as it hits my fetishes, I usually at least give it a shot, but it sounds like you're going the exact opposite direction (I mean, even Whorelife was just sorta brushing up against my fetishes most of the time, rather than letting me twist their nipples and make them call me daddy), and fuck me, with all the work you put into something that didn't really tickle your own chestnuts, you deserve it, mate. I may check it out anyway, since I do like that style of game as just a game, but that can present the reverse problem where you're trying to grind something out, and kinda be into the story and gameplay, aaaaaand then you suddenly got a boner that you could use as a lethal weapon. Kinda no winning, so I'm on the fence. Either way, julzor, I'm sure your new passion project will kick ass in it's own niche, so definitely a hearty good luck with it. I'm gonna enjoy watching it's development, either way. And if you ever decide to make a game or mod more like Whorelife, and need a writer... well, I lurk in places that make the average person question how much they want to spend on ammo just in case someone like me is lurking in their neighborhood with a cage in their basement and lacks my fiction restriction. I'll be around.