i did that but those numbers didnot appear
(such appeared in other places, like customers happines () etc)
>Item Editor\WMEdit.8.32.exe
yeah i saw that but decided not to touch... looks like easier to edit some existing ones
is it safe to remove certain girls from folders ? (wil it ruin anything in game?)
each girlsx or rgirlsx file and its picture folder can be removed without problems if you start a new game.
If you use an existing game it could lead to problems but it is possible to edit the save file and remove the girl there as well to make the save working again.
remove the <File Filename="....girlsx" /> for the girl
and also the following part
<Girl Name="..."
... (here are all the lines about stats, skills, items, her job and so on)
That makes the girl vanish from your game. For random girls (rgirlsx) you need to remove all girls with this template or change them to use another picture folder
so for example
<Girl Name="Bluehairgirl3" Realname="Sebrina Bufkin" FirstName="Sebrina" MiddleName="" Surname="Bufkin"
The rgirlsx template is Bluehairgirl3 and i would need to remove every girl that has Name="Bluehairgirl3" or change the name setting to use another rgirlsx template (picture folder)
it is possible that the numbers are activated by LogExtraDetails and not ShowNumbers.
The LogAll is for the gamelog.txt file to get an idea what happens if a game crashes.
LogDebug needs to be activated as well to see the calculation of numbers
like this
my own debug settings look like this
LogShowNumbers="true" />